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If God is omniscient, did he he know Adam and Eve would eat of the tree?

If so, then he set up the situation knowing that Adam and Eve would fail that test. Meaning that he set up the entire situation of "original sin" from the beginning, knowing what it would result in. How is God good if he, from the beginning, created a system in which millions of souls would end up being tortured for eternity for a mistake their forebears made? Free will does not adequately answer this question, so please do not simply answer with "because he wanted us to love him by choice." That does not adequately address the question of the system of setting up Adam and Eve, knowing that the result would be original sin that he would claim all their descendents to be equally responsible for.


I am not bitter, I am pointing out a flaw in the "sense" that your religion supposedly makes. Why are you so threatened by actually thinking about Christianity's claims? You still did not answer my question.

Update 2:

Shadowdog, so far your answer shows the most actual knowledge of the question, which is great. It shows that you are aware of these questions, and I think that awareness rather than denial should be the key to faith. I would like to point out, though, that I can ask questions simply to make points - you will see many Christians here asking questions specifically geared towards making a point to atheists or other non-Christians. Why should we not do the same?

Update 3:

RedDogLuke, thank you for your detailed answer, but it still implies that God set up the system from the start planning/hoping to send people to Hell. He created Adam and Eve, and knew what they would do, so he created them knowing they would sin. Knowing they would sin, he then decided that their sin would apply to all their children as well. Knowing this, he also created Hell to punish this sin. So, if he knew from the start what they would do, and created the Hell system to punish them and their children for it, he did in fact set them up for eternal torment in advance. When we're children, we misbehave, and our parents punish us. They do not (if they are good parents) punish us by locking us in the basement for the rest of our lives, or beating us senseless, etc. Why is this good when God does the eternal equivalent?

10 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    First off, to the above poster, you're wrong. Before the fruit of the tree was eaten, death did not exist. After they ate it, death did. When God said 'if you eat the fruit of the tree, you will surely die', He was not lying; you simply assume He meant die immediately, an assumption that is completely unsubstantiated.

    As for the true answer to your question, you can't expect to get the answer to a question that has been debated for hundreds of years on a place as simple as the Yahoo! Answers forum. The thing is, there are a number of theories that back the story, but without being able to prove any of them, you're going to be unsatisfied.

    I'd give you an answer, but the truth is I don't know. The earliest reference to God's great plan for the human race (the eventual coming of Jesus for redemption) is first mentioned in the same chapter as the fall of man, only a few verses afterwards.

    But here's the theory that might appeal to you. The stories tell of Satan (then Lucifer) leading a great rebellion against God in Heaven; God, being, you know, all-powerful, cast Satan out of heaven and into the lake of fire. Unable to get back at God, Satan did the next best thing: entered God's creation, God's child, and corrupted it. How this fits into God knowing everything I don't know, but if you read up on Felix Culpa you might find a satisfactory answer.

    Like I said, you can't expect to find an answer to a question that's been pondered for generations on a forum like this. If you want to find the answer to a question of life, you have to be ready to do the necessary research, you can't just ask the question to make a point about something. If you're really interested in the answer and aren't just out to poke a hole in the theory, there's plenty of material out there that will enlighten you.

  • 2 decades ago

    God is omniscient. He did know Adam and Eve would eat from the tree.

    Did he set them up? No.

    He set them in a beautiful garden...gave them work to do and said, "Have a great time here, eat all you want, but watch out for that tree over there, that food isn't good. ..As soon as they thought they were on their own, they went straight for the tree.

    They had the capability to do the right thing. We can't understand that because we don't have that same capability. Any person that watches babies for any lenght of time knows we are born ready to fight, bite, steal, and ignore our wise parents.

    We were with Adam in the his loins. Once Adam sinned and then had children, the sin passed to all of us.

  • 2 decades ago

    Our parents knew by having sex a little life could be the end result. They wanted to give a little life the chance to live. They know the little life will have problems growing up, but they also knew they could teach and train the little life to love people and to help make the world a better place.

    God knew us before the world was made before the fall of Lucifer.

    God wanted there to be lives to make their own choices and stumble and then get up.

    All God wanted was a chance for our lives to happen.

    Especially true today, IF we were born, we were blessed that God knew us and wanted to give us life.

    God has so much love to give and He had no one to share His love with.

    Angels already love God, they can't change their minds anymore.

    God made a place for Himself to Love and to receive that love back, but by choice not by a mechanical love.

    Well, I think that's enough. I start confusing myself if I go further.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    it truly is genuine that many experience God is omniscient - understanding genuinely each and every thing. in reality, he can if he so needs. He does no longer continually favor. He makes use of this means selectively. in element of truth, there's no favor for him to draw close each and every thing beforehand. The Bible actually shows that usually God does no longer pick to draw close beforehand, yet in truth, facilitates issues to reinforce. for instance: Abraham and his faithfulness. The account mainly comments that God did not comprehend till AFTER the try that Abraham does no longer withhold his son Isaac. certainly, God examined Abraham for this purpose – to verify such tips. Hannah J Paul

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  • 2 decades ago

    There is no God except as a comforting figment of the imagination of those who can't or won't think for themselves. The question is irrelevant because believers will deny the basis of your contention (because God is pretty much anything they claim "him" to be, capable of anything...even the most ridiculous contradictions...that of course make sense to believers) and atheists already know it's a pile of ****.

  • Seerin
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    exactly, my adam questions point to this as well. If he was all knowing why give us the chance, or better yet why add eve when he knew it would be her to say cumon adam, its good!

    Guys are such suckers when it comes to women. I understand God wanted to communicat the way to us and had to use a book and in it he had ideas to get across. I am sure that was not easy, and I am sure he had to dumb it down for us. but cumon.

  • 2 decades ago

    God new i would exist, He knows theend. how then would He not know what would happen first? want faith to beleive in what God tells us in His word? ask Jesus into your life and be born again by the power of the Gospel (an actual real life event in your real life) if you do this in a prayer sincerely God will answer you!

  • 2 decades ago

    I'm not Christian and don't care to try and defend god's position in this, I would just like to point out that 'God' is the one who lied, not the snake. 'God' told them that if they ate of it, they would surely die. The snake told them that if they ate they would gain all the knowledge of good and evil and become like gods. God lied, not the snake.

  • 2 decades ago

    If millions of souls go to hell and are tortured it is their choice.Why are you so bitter.

  • Maggz
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    What a great post!

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