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How do you.......?

treat people who adhere to different religious, philosophical, spiritual, and theological beliefs than yours in your daily life? Examples: How do you treat them at work or school? How do you treat them at public social events? Et cetera.

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Basically all people are just that...people. What someone elses religious, philosophical or theological position is makes no difference. At work we should be there to complete the assigned task only. In school we should be there to learn only. In public events we should be there for the reason that event is being held only. I treat all people as simply another valuable human being.

  • 2 decades ago

    I personally keep my religion out of the workplace, school, and general public life. I would say that 90% of the people that I interact with on a daily basis have no idea what religion I am at all, while of the 10% that do half of those only have a general idea that I'm some kind of pagan. Interstingly enough, I find that I have a far better idea about the religions of those around me than they do me. Most people are more apt to talk about their own religion than ask about yours, I find. With that in mind, I tend to treat everyone pretty much the same regardless.

    Despite not being one to bring it up myself, I highly enjoy both theological and philosophical conversations. I love learning about what other people believe, even if I don't share those beliefs. With that in mind, I'll willingly talk to people about these things if they bring it up. As long as they can conduct themselves respectfully and intelligently, and don't treat me differently for what I believe, I won't treat them any differently either. However, if someone is disrespectful or patronizing, or convinced that they know more about my beliefs than I do, I'm not going to sit there and take it.

    As a side note, I find that I am more apt to judge people's religious ideas the closer their religion is to mine. I don't think this is a bad thing, I actually wish that more religions cleaned up their own members rather than going around criticizing people whose beliefs are vastly different than their own. Put the smackdown on the people of one's own religion that are being stupid and crazy and the world would be a better place.

  • 2 decades ago

    Well, I'm usually the person that just has to duck and run. I avoid talking about religion most of the time. I mean, what do you do when it seems everyone around you 1)can't tell the difference between "satanic," "pagan," and "witchcraft" and 2)tries to convert you if you don't adhere to their beliefs? So generally in public, I just smile, nod, and try to move to some other subject. I have no problems otherwise, I was raised to believe that all paths lead to the same ending. I accommodate vegetarian and kosher diets, lenten rules, ramadan, and everything else in my job as well, which is unusual in this area of the country and inevitably leads people to ask "are you [fill in blank with religion] yourself?" I mean, most people are just trying to live righteously, so why bother arguing about the details?

  • 2 decades ago

    No two people have the exact same beliefs, so technically everone is different. I don't mind intelligent theological debates, but as soon as someone tries to convert me I simply politely point out that I'm happy with my own beliefs and walk away. People can believe what they want, and if they're my coworkers or friends, that's just part of who they are.

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  • 2 decades ago

    I treat them all the same I think. I usually do not know what religion a person belongs to in my day to day life. Sometimes at my school, I see women wearing a scarf so I know they are Muslims. When I talk to them, I make sure I am tolerant and nice, as I would be to anyone else, because I really do respect all of them.

  • 2 decades ago

    I would like to think that I treat every religion I come across the same, but I don't.

    Christians: If they are going to talk civily I like to discuss the implications of their beliefs with them.

    Muslims: I don't know, I have never been treated politely by one. Eventually I would like to meet an open minded one and discuss religion with them.

    Jews: These are by far the most easy group of religious people to debate philosophy with. They tend to know their religion and understand why they practice the way that they do. Not only that, but they seem genuinely interested in learning about other people's religions.

    Budhists: great people to discuss spirituality with, but few and far between arround me.

    Wiccans: Educated ones are great, uneducated ones are just as bad as uneducated christians.

    Pagan Recons: To be a pagan recon you need to have a good deal of research and understanding of religion. As such they are some of the most educated and easy people to talk to.

    Atheists: In my experience there are two kinds of atheists, the first are the ones you would never know are atheist these are polite and educated, and the second attempt to convert you to their religion by yelling at you and telling you how stupid you are for being christian (I'm not christian) and how they hate god and want to kill him.

  • 2 decades ago

    I dint let a person beliefs effect the way i treat them. It never cross my mind.

    BUT.. remember tolerance for all not just the people u argue with. The same right that gives you the right to be who u are gives the racist the right to be what they are. As long as everyone is being polite and civil,their personal belief es should be tolerated. EVEN IF IT HAPPENS TO BE VERY UNPOPULAR

  • 2 decades ago

    I think tthat all ppl should be treated equally,no matter what they believe in or what views they have on various topics. I find myself a tolerant person and I always try to not judge ppl this way and treat them as everyone else. if someone has different beliefs, etc. it doesnt mean he's someone who's to be treated differently. everyone is differen,t each of us and each of us should treat the others the same wayt as he/she would like to be treated.

  • 2 decades ago

    I will always treat them well and respectfully unless they insist in converting others, ride a high horse, constantly pass judgments harshly based on their sets of values, copy-paste long winded answers in YA et cetera.

  • 2 decades ago

    I treat everyone with the same respect they treat me with, regardless of religion, race, gender, orientation, what have you.

    That is not to say that if someone talks down my religion that I talk down theirs; but if someone disregards my religion as "false" or "fake" or as something that it's not, like "devil worship" or a "cult," I certainly won't regard their faith as anything more legitimate than what they accuse mine of being, while maintaining a constant state of civility. If they want me to take them seriously, they need to take me seriously.

    Giving people the benefit of the doubt, however, I will automatically treat everyone with the sincerest of kindness, dignity and respect, until they show me otherwise.

    Regardless of how I TREAT anyone with any particular religion, however, I remain of the opinion that every religion is equally true, accurate and valid, and that every deity of every faith DOES exist.

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