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Why is racism so insidious? Why can otherwise good people hold such bad views on people of color?

Is it ingraned in human beings to despise the "other" among us, or is it something unique to western society?

11 Answers

  • justme
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    People act like because slavery ended A century ago that racism stop. They don't understand racism got worse when the ppl who hated them had to let them go free and the thought of blacks living on side of them really got to them. Remember in Mississippi they where still fighting for there rights to vote up to 1965 only 50 years ago, King was shot in 1968. They were singing songs like "woke up this morning with my mind set on freedom" and "we shall overcome" and this was in my parents generation. How can you expect it to just stop. they still do racism just in a sneeky way now. Of course those ppl are still living, white and black. You will be a fool to think that racism would just stop by now. I would be a fool to tell you that all blacks will not resent being angry with things that has happen. That's the effects of what centuries of racism does.

    Source(s): phizzy1969 where did you get those stats from, Let look at what whites did, it been estimated that white killed over 100million blacks just on thee trip to the new world. million more died during slavery, then you have hundreds thoudsands of blacks that died when slavery was over. But they kill them by lynching, whipping, shotting, tortured. even by sending dogs after them this just happen in the 1900's. That's only the ones we know about. Blacks where ones consider to not be worth documenting there deaths.
  • Emm
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    I think because it is continuously shoved in our faces. If the media would stop sensationalizing racism, it would not be quite so prominent. It's human nature to fear that which is different. Prejudice exists everywhere. The Black/White issue will probably never be completely resolved. Unfortunately, in the racism basket, one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch, if we are narrow minded and allow it. Sometimes our upbringing has everything to do with it. Some children are raised to hate another group. My cousin was raised by the biggest bigot I've ever know. My uncle despised African-Americans for reasons I have never even heard. But if they were black, they were bad, in his narrow-minded opinion. Today that same cousin is married to a Saudi, converted to Islam, and now despises Americans. And she is an AMERICAN! I wish there was an easy answer to this question. We have all, and I do mean ALL, suffered from some kind of discrimination. I've been turned down for jobs because I was white. I was beaten up in junior high school for no other reason that because I was white (this was back in the days following desegregation). Do I hate African-Americans because of that? Certainly not. I'm mature enough to know the difference that the acts of the few do not represent the total. But until everyone realizes this, which unfortunately will never happen, we will continue to suffer from the fall-out of racism.

  • 2 decades ago

    This is a good question even though many will feel uncomfortable with it. Unfortunately it also is a question that requires an in depth answer of which time and space do not permit for a thorough and complete answer.

    A lot of it comes from the teaching of The Theory of Evolution. The strongest shall survive. If one race or group of people are not considered as strong or pure, then they are looked down upon or condemned. Racism is performed by all ethnic groups, races, ages and countries.

    We have an enemy known as Satan in the Holy Bible, who is the prince of the power of the air and he broadcasts evil thoughts and ideas into mankind's heads. Our human nature is not perfect and most importantly we do not live according to the will of God which is the way of love, peace and harmony. We need the kingdom of God to replace this worlds system of governance. We all are descendants of Adam and Eve and therefore of one blood!!!!

    I recommend Answers in Genesis book or DVD titled One Blood and also literature from and


  • 2 decades ago

    It's not just people of color that people are racist against. Racism is prevalent amoungst all ages groups and people of all colors and creeds, unfortunately.

    I don't think it's "ingrained" in human beings...Afterall, you'll never a black baby and a white baby crawl to opposite sides of the room because they're prejudiced against each other.

    Racism is learned, either through ignorant parents/family/friends of individuals. Society's stereotyping and uneven social standards don't really help the situation.

    People need to remember to everyone is different, and not all people of one color or creed are inherantly bad. If you have beef with someone who let's say is Hispanic, that doesn't mean ALL Hispanic people are bad.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Well first of all you seem pretty well informed, not many people know the technical term of "othering". But I think this happens in all predominately white nations. Any one that is not white is the other, and the other is "not as good as white people". Basically it boils down to having a patriarchal kind of society, white men need to keep the power any way they can, and racism is a very affective way of doing that.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I think it is instilled. For some people it is convenient to invent or emphasise differences among human beings (races, religions, sport clubs support, etc.), so we don't feel each other's brothers or sisters and join together for a common goal.

    Notice that very little children are never racist. That tells you that racism is a learnt conduct.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    There is some instinctive negative response to those who are "not of our tribe," however, that instinctive response can be overcome by experience.

    Many people of all races have little or no experience with people of other races and make assumptions about strangers based on what they read, see or hear in the media, or hear from their parents and peers.

    When people of all races have the opportunity to live with and work with others unlike themselves, they gain a new appreciation for how alike, and how different, people can be.

    As long as people self-segregate, they never have the opportunity to experience what having friends of different races can add to their lives.

    Think about how many friends of different races YOU have, and ask yourself why.

  • AF
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    People of color? White is a color, isn't it? The way you write your question you assume only white people hold bad views on others. It goes both ways.

    I bet you didn't know that, in the US, there are A LOT more black on white crime than white on black crime (including rapes and murders). Why is that? Because black people had bad views of white people?

    FBI Crime Statistics, 1976 - 2002:

    Black murderer, White victim - 21,564 (56% strangers)

    White murderer, Black victim - 7,898 (41% strangers)

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    everytime someone of another "color" asks a question like this.......they end up hitting the "abuse report " key on everyone that answers cuz they can't handle the opinions of real question is "why are YOU racist?...

    Source(s): well...after reading all these answers.........aren't you proud of yourself and happy you asked the question!
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It must be the white mans fault.

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