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zharantan asked in HealthGeneral Health Care · 2 decades ago

Why do people start smoking?

Why, when all of the reasons not to smoke and the danger to one's health caused by smoking, are people so foolish as to start smoking anyway (my brother and cousin are classic examples)

22 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    The answer is in your question: foolish.

    I didn't start because my friends pushed it on me...they didn't (hey, more for them, I guess they were thinking), so I really don't know why I did. I bet a lot of people couldn't tell you why, but I can guarantee no-one is glad they did. In four months it will be 20 years that I've smoked. I WILL quit before then....I will never say "I've smoked for over twenty years!" YUCK! BTW, I do agree that it's horrible and it's killing people, but it's really not necessary that non-smokers insult smokers like they do. I am not gross...I'm not like that "Maxine" lady with a cig hanging out of my mouth with a ash a mile long. I'm a very intelligent person, a friend to anyone in need and I love my family very much....I just made a mistake.

    BTW, part of this answer was for any smoker haters that might be reading :o)

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I don't know, I'd never go near them. But from the friends of mine that smoke I think it is a social thing, they all say they could give up in a minute but when people around them are smoking they just fancy one. I even had one friend who pretended to smoke, like just sucked the smoke into her mouth and blew it straight back out again, because she felt that was the only way she could fit in with her friends.

  • 2 decades ago

    I started smoking because my friends did it! Isn't that awful! I was 12 years old, I quit when I was 26, its almost 2 years later and I'm still smoke free! I feel great!

  • 2 decades ago

    Peer pressure? For Adventure? Teenage? Stress?

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  • 2 decades ago

    To keep up with the world. They think it makes them look cool. If they could see what it is doing to the inside of their body they would never want to smoke again!

  • 2 decades ago

    it's really gay, it really seperates people who care what others think about them from people who can really live there own lives and think for them selfs. People who reallycare about themselfs and there bodys know they don't need to start from everyone else. It just makes you pathitic if you feel the need to start and do that to your body espically now in time cause you know what it dose to you.

    Thats why I love NY you can't smoke anywhere but outside (no resturant or bar smoking) plus there soooo expensive

    Source(s): I'm the only one of my friends who dosn't feel the need to smoke
  • It's mainly because of peer pressure why people start smoking. They think it's cool or it gives them a chance to do something their peers are doing also.

  • 2 decades ago

    From what alot of people that smoke have told me, its from influence, peer pressure, wanting to fit in (being cool), and sometimes they can get the habit from family.

  • kez
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    peer pressure mainly its a strong thing. perhaps with the smoking bans currently in place in my country then the tide will turn , and it will be the norm for it to be cool not to smoke that would be ultimate peer pressure.

  • Mom
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    I started smoking 54 years ago .At that time we didn't know it was bad for us.Every one smoked then ,all the movie stars ,politicians eveybody.I don't know why they do today.

  • 2 decades ago

    Most people start as teens. Teens do stupid things. I think at that age it is beyond them to realize that choices they make today can and will effect them for the rest of their lives. They figure, that won't happen to me, or I can always quit.

    Source(s): I'm a smoker. Over 10 years now.
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