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shake_um asked in Beauty & StyleSkin & Body · 2 decades ago

My wife has dry, scaly skin, yet insists on taking a "bath" every day... Comments?

It's not Psoriasis, just the kind of skin that a fair skinned redhead might have. Dry and well, scaly in appearance in some areas. I am convinced that her daily bathes are not helping this, even though she uses sea salt and oil scrubs. Would you agree? If so, do I suggest that she use the shower instead of the bath?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are so many costly products that you could buy as suggested in these answers, however, some of them will only make your wife's problems worse. The best solution to her skin problem happens to also be very inexpensive....add approximately 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar to a full bath - it changes the ph of the water. You may get a slight whiff of the vinegar when getting into the tub, but you won't smell like vinegar when getting out. Then when she gets out of the tub before she is completely dry, use Cetaphil cream - it comes in a 16 0z jar for about $10.00. By using it when she is still damp from the bath it helps to seal in that moisture. She should not be using soap. Use any good body wash. I have actually found that I like Victoria Secret products. They are gentle to the skin and have a nice fragrance.

    Source(s): I am a board certified Esthetician (skin care specialist)
  • 2 decades ago

    Bathing is not good for an already dry skin. The water and any other soaps used strips the body of it's natural oils. Also, hot water will even further dry the skin. So yeah, suggest showers and not so hot showers at that and maybe limit the bath to once a week?

    Does she use any lotions at all after the bath? Using a lotion all over the body even twice a day would be very helpful.

  • 2 decades ago

    Sometimes the weather can wreak havoc on skin if its not moisturized! I had this issue but followed these steps to smooth non scaly skin. Even though she bathes daily (be thankful lol) as long as she is using a good moisturizer lotion when she gets out it should reduce if not disappear after a week or too. I found using Aveeno creamy moisturizing oil (its a lotion not oil) worked very well after showering. Also what she uses in the shower can also be a cause, soap especially. I use Johnson and Johnson Softlotion Body wash. Both products are non drying and having little to no smell to them.

    Hope this helps!

  • 2 decades ago

    I have really dry skin also. If it is hot water it especially will dry her out more. I always have to put lotion on my entire body after I take a shower (i dont think it matters if it is a bath or a shower) Scrubs would make it worse, she needs a moisturizer in the water. The best lotion ever is Mary Kay Satin Body. Even after a full day I am still soft (and I've tried EVERYTHING at the store.)

    For more info go to

    you can even try it before you buy it!

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  • I don't think that the bath is the dry-skin culprit. Usually, moisture is good for the skin.

    She probably just needs to find a good moisturizer/moisture lock, drink more water, and take vitamin E capsules.

    Dry, scaly skin is often a symptom/sign of diabetes. Make sure she gets checked.

  • 2 decades ago

    either way..shower or bath...the water is going to dry her skin out... Shower is probably better than actually soaking in the water...I can understand her wanting to be clean... then she probably needs to get something to put on her skin after getting out of the shower... I.E. Baby Oil works really good...however it keeps your body temperature up and makes you really sweaty...

    or she could get some lotion for dry, flaky skin...but same thing it makes you sweat more

    She can use Vaseline.... although same thing

    My suggestion would to do less bathing...but if absolutely necessary take showers...that way her skin is not just soaking...

  • 2 decades ago

    The bath water is probably too hot and it's drying her skin out. Suggest she take one evry other night (at least) and use baby or body oil after she gets out.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    when she takes a bath, give her a shampoo that will get ride of the scaley, dry, skin away. Every time she takes a bath, tell her to put on some lotions.

  • 2 decades ago

    She should try the Aveeno bath products. They work really good for dry skin. The lotion that's made my Aveeno is very good for dry skin too.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    she needs to use a good moisturiser after her bath

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