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why if you do not believe in bush and his administration lies you are called a liberal?

some people can look farther than whats shown on fox and cnn and hear more than the spouting the bush administration does. I thought everyone was entitled to his/her own opinion but, the republicans get angry and ugly if you do not believe what their party and president is saying.


tegidfol ..he invaded the wrong country in the war on terrorism.

12 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    .... liberal means you want a change... which means you want someone else in office and don't agree with him..

    liberal = you want change...

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Your question is a pathetic and uninformed tyrad, In my lifetime only three presidents cut taxes on the working class, J.F.K., Reagan and now this Bush. J.F.K. ended the Soviets intrusion in the Caribbean; Reagan broke Russia and was personally responsible for the Berlin Wall to fall down.

    Tax cuts under this Bush have both interest and unemployment rates lower than they ever where under the tax the masses Clinton! He is addressing the attacks on this country that Clinton did not! He took a declaration of war against America seriously, took the correct action that his predecessor did not have the manhood to do! Had Clinton nipped it in the bud some 15 years ago America might not be in Iraq now? Isn’t it damned how many Americans suffer from the cowardice of that pathetic leader Clinton

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    People who believe in right wing ideology for generations have been proved to be sheep following the flock. I have never heard of a Liberal Racist or democratic fascist, however we hear of Hitler's Right Wing policies, Mussolini's fascist government etc. These are the same people that have allowed a President to kill his own people 'ala' New Orleans, Iraq etc but do not utter a peep. Best thing to do is not to watch Fox or CNN. They will soon go broke and cease to exist.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    An Animal like DUSH would answer your question better. Some Dude is right


    ops!!! THE ASKER is maniacally right and I guess he will be the winner of this competition. God bless him............

    5 minutes ago

    Coprestics & Manchuria

    I guess you should talk to a monkey in order to better understand BUsH's real answer to your question...

    2 minutes ago


    THE MONKEY woulnd't tell it

    1 minute ago

    Herbert99 answers

    Bush is either merely a puppet in the hands of transnational companies or a collaborator

    38 seconds ago

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  • 2 decades ago

    Because some Republicans think that it's either their way or no way. They don't want to share resources.

    When Democrats step into office, normally their plans get messed up big time and they are forced to give up a lot of things that they don't want to and also what they feel as though they shouldn't have to.

    Source(s): Thought!
  • 2 decades ago

    The keywords in your statement is "some people". I think some people just tend to bash a lot and use labels. I don't agree with everything Bush does, but I certainly think he's better than the alternative he was up agains. And I actually agree with a lot of what he's done. If you don't agree, that's you're perogative, but it doesn't make you a bad person in my mind. ;-)

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It is because most of them that voted for him have realized what a fool they were, it is hard to admit ones mistakes. Heck the 29% that still support him must be mentally diminished. They cannot think for themselves or reason that his and the repuglican congresses tax cut to the very rich didn't effect them. Most of them still think they got $300 when he first came into office, for these there is little hope.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Because the Repukes think the word Liberal is

    a 'bad' word...just like that 'bad man' who tried

    to kill Monkey Boys Daddy...

  • 2 decades ago

    and the other side doesn't........The truth is there are not a lot of people that appreciate being disagreed with.

    .....and like the bush administration is the only one that "spouts".

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Liberal is not a bad word anymore.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    In our culture we use labels as if they were currency, ammo, or other form of power that we desperately desire as we are increasingly imposed each year.

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