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iam poor iam ugly iam uneducated iam not respected ...why shouldnt i give up ......i have nothing to lose?

33 Answers

  • Luvmt
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds to me like you don't respect yourself. If you don't respect yourself then no one else will either. Get an education to get a better job that pays more. Ugly is in the eye of the beholder.

  • 2 decades ago

    Good for you. Consider the story, Beauty and the Beast. Do you think its a real story, or perhaps a metaphor. Of course this only works if you consider yourself as ugly, which is the result of some pretty unfortunate brain washing, ie someone else tells you, your ugly. know what, we are all ugly from the point of view of the Lepard or Polar Bear, or Ostrich, or Ant,,,we probably appear monstrously ugly, not sleek, or beautiful fur, or glistening feathers, SO what shall we do...? Obvously you can take the short course of jumping off a bridge, and get five seconds of sympathy from the morning newspaper. OR, you can Stop feeling sorry for yourself, start grooming yourself, wash your hair and clean your body. THEN go back to school and educate yourself. You are not going to get a lot of sympathy from most people because there are thousands in as bad a situation as yourself every day all over the world, but here, in most countries in this world of ours, SELF is what you have to work with. You get up off your selfpity trip and DO some good for someone else, and thats the beginning of earning respect. Every good deed you do, also, earns you Credit to your account in the world of public opinion,,,to say nothing about the distinct possiblility that God will also give you a reward for your good actions. SO good buddy, take it from one who used to be a ugly duckling...handsome is both an inner attitude and a exterior appearance..enhanced by good grooming and clean personal hygiene. Try it. you may just discover you like yourself a whole lot better because of it.

  • 2 decades ago

    If you're in your early 40's were a match made in heaven (figuratively speaking). The point here is not matchmaking - but lightening up on yourself.

    You're being way to hard on yourself. So you're under educated. You're not alone. So you're poor. You're not alone. You say you're ugly but I doubt that seriously. How do I know you're not ugly? I'M UGLY! Every time I look in the mirror I scream bloody murder till I realize it's just me.

    And you know what? Jesus loves you. If he can love an ugly, poor, uneducated dude like myself, he can love anybody. We don't have smooth sailing all the way through, but Jesus is there for his children even though we don't see him or think he's around.

    When we think he wasn't there when we were sick as dogs - he was there holding death back in a choke hold any WWE wrestler would envy. You just don't see all the action going on in the background on our behalf.

    And finally - no matter how bad we think we got it.., there is someone who has it worse. Of that you can be sure. If you have a bed to sleep in and food to eat - there are people who don't have that much. Count your blessings and pray for those who seem to have less than we do.

    Possessions are nothing. We our selfs are of more value. Jesus said so.

  • 2 decades ago

    You can get educated, which can help you get un-poor. And I doubt that you are so ugly that you should just give up! Your avatar is cute. Your looks don't matter in the online world, and really, they do not matter in the real world.

    I think you are probably just depressed right now. Sometimes we look at our lives and feel we've accomplished so little and it seems overwhelming, so we just want to give up. If you are like me, you are not motivated by failure, but by success. So all you need to get you going is just a tiny bit of success.

    You say you are uneducated. I don't know your age. Do you have a high school diploma or GED? If not, you know you can get one. Set that as a goal for yourself. If you have this, you can go to college or even just take an online class. Or sign up for one of those little classes that are sometimes offered locally. For example, when I was feeling really down on myself one time, I signed up for a French class that was offered once a week to adults. It gave me something to strive for and I met nice people, and we even got a French dinner at the end! You will feel better about yourself, and you will gain respect.

    Or, perhaps you could join a yoga class or aerobics or something.

    Please don't give up. I've felt like giving up too many times, but then I'm always glad that I didn't.

    It's ok to give yourself a rest. You don't always have to be accomplishing something. Try to enjoy the outdoors or something. I hope you will feel better. I don't know what else to say. But I care, and you deserve respect.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Lets say one thing at a time.

    Poor? Who cares? Do you think every millionaire starts off rich? Poor is no reason to give up, in fact you should be striving harder, cos u need the cash. Don't make that excuse please.

    Ugly? Haha everyone I know says they're ugly. So what? We all think we're ugly. So do I. I'm not sure how you really look like, but you should not use that as an excuse either. Ugly people have made the fullest of their lives.( No names here cos I dun want 2 offend ppl)

    Respect, girl, is not given. It is earned. If you are going to whine like that I can see why you are not respected. Go out and make a name for yourself! Be a star! Be a Mother Theresa! Be anything you want to be! If you give up the hyenas are going to come for you, tear open your abdominal section and eat your intestines while you watch. Not very pretty, is it? No...its not.

    What could you lose? Lets see... you could lose your family? You could lose any respect or dignity you have left? You could lose your money? After all, you are poor, but not pennyless. You could lose your life, your health, your possesions, your sanity, your Yahoo! account.... everything. you. own. and. are. And please don't forget the scavengers who will take your possesions, your life, maybe even your body.

    Don't give up on anything, not your life, not your goals... and if you do give up, don't give up on yourself, or on everything. Some things can never be pursued, but there are always opportunities for you to go for. Go find them!

    If you are still heading for the abyss, please message me.

    I'll meet you there.

    (PS: thatgirl, the friend she was talking about so happens to be my friend too. I don't know about how God will help her or anything, but even people in the same rut can help each other.... even if we can't save ourselves, we can still take out the splinter from our brother's eye. In that sense, what she said was viable)

  • 2 decades ago

    There are two ways to looking at your "problem":

    1. At first blush, you sound like you want to give up your life entirely --maybe even suicidal at that [but I certainly HOPE NOT!]-- and you sound desperate enough and seem ready to cash in. DON'T!

    While you may think that you don't have the attributes of being a "regular" person, you will be giving up the most precious gift of all: LIFE! Cherish it and begin to LIVE A FULL LIFE. Who knows, you could help thousands of other lives down the road? Help the sick, the paraplegic, the elderly, the wounded; help feed the hungry; become a VOLUNTEER for many good causes. It's a matter of shifting your focus to the right direction...

    2. A deeper meaning to what you describe yourself to be [presuming you are being honest about what you say] makes you more fortunate than most. For you have known what it's like to be lowly and humble... and you are much closer to God than the rest of us!

    Peace be with you!

  • 2 decades ago

    Well, I used to be ugly, poor, uneducated (to a point) and without respect BUT living for God turned my life around completely. Now...yes, I'm told that I'm "hot" (lol), smart (I just completed college at the age of 45), and I'm highly respected. I say that humbly!

    So sweetheart, you need to look at who you are and realize that you do NOT have the right to condemn yourself but you need to understand that there isn't ANYONE like you and God does NOT make junk! He gives us all the "choice" to do right or wrong.

    He believes in you! I know too that if you honestly didn't feel that you weren't worth anything, you wouldn't have written the question. So that's a positive! I'm proud of you for admitting "how" you feel. I honestly believe that other people don't see you that way.

    LET GO AND LET GOD!!!!!! :)

  • 2 decades ago

    It's all about attitude...people give you the feedback according to what you put out. You are down on yourself, you are down on your look. You keep telling yourself these horrible things and when you tell yourself something enough truly start to believe it.

    Change the things you don't like about yourself. You said that you are ugly..Well..if you truly believe that you are ugly..think about the things that you do not like about yourself and do your best to improve it. Maybe try a new hairdo, maybe try a little bit of make up. You don't need a lot, you just need enough to compliment your features

    As far as education. It is never too late to finish up . You can go back and get your GED.

    Stop being so hard on yourself and show yourself a little respect. We all deserve to pat ourselves on the back and even pamper ourselves.

  • Then you have the perfect excuse to go illegal. Start with small time stuff like selling drugs or robbing. Then you'll slowly start climbing up if you are lucky. Hell you might become the next kingpin. You'll be respected, rich and educated in your field of work, even feared. Not to mention your ability to get any woman you so desire. And if you get killed then hey you didn't have anything to lose, or if you get put in jail then you won't worry about the necessities and you'll have plenty of time to make new friends and get a reputation.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    come on girlfriend why are you hating on your so it sounds like you need to invite Jesus into your life.I bet you are not as poor as you think you are.As for you being ugly i've always been tough ugly is as ugly does also it's in the eye of the beholder. Education is one quick fixer upper if that's what you want that is up to you and only you.I've always in order to receive respect one must give respect.Honey giving up is the easy way out,you really need Jesus in your life because he is love and by learning him you will learn to love yourself and make the turn around that you really need in your life my heart really goes out to you and i hope you take it for what it is worth and invite Jesus into your life so that all of the above things will leave my mind good luck bettywitdabi and my God bless you

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