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God? What do you think is up there? I'm 14 and I'm not sure. Please answer my questions. If you belive either

I'm 14 and I've only been to church about three times. I don't think that there is a god, namely the gigantic white man in the sky, but I also don't belive in worshiping one man so much. I do respect people with faith, but do not think that setting my heart to one path is right for me. I've relized, and I'm nto saying all people of god, but thsoe who are devoted to church don;t have a very open mind.

So please tell me if you do or don;t belive directly in god. And what your opinions are on teh following. I'm not trying to prove a point here. Jut break down some straiotypes I have.

Gay people-



Premarrital sex-


People not of your religion-

People dateing out of their religion-

(just so you know. I support/ don't mind anything on that list.)

20 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think your viewpoints are very healthy. What I believe is very similar to you. I think we should question everything and use our God given free will to logically find the truth. Never fall for what someone else tells you to believe simply because they claim to have the one true word of God.

    Gay people- I'm Gay. I have control over my actions, but not my emotions. I've never been romantically attracted to any females, and can't understand how I could be. If there is a God, He/She/it made me this way, just like God made me male, white, brown hair, brown eyes, etc.

    Muslims- I think of Muslims the same way I think of Christians. Most are alright, but when they become extremists no good can come from it.

    Atheists- Well, there is no proof of God, but there is no lack of proof either. You can believe what you want to. I believe in something, but many would not call it God.

    Premarital sex- Well, I can't get "married" so, I'm fine with it, however, I think that there should be some sort of commitment going along with sex. I don't think Promiscuity is a good idea, but those practicing it have their own free will.

    Abortion- I'm divided on this issue. In one respect it's taking a life, but a life in terrible conditions is no life at all. I'm not really sure.

    People not of your religion- I'm fine with it. I have friends of all sorts of persuasions, Wiccan, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian. Never met a Muslim though... I'd like to.

    People dating out of their religion- I'm fine with it. As long as the two are in love, and get along on a basic personal level, religious issues shouldn't become a major part of choosing a partner.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Let me answer your first question. I believe in GOD for two reasons: 1. I grew up in a family that believes strongly in HIM although not all members of my family are the church going type. 2. Personally I do not think science has provided or will ever be able to provide me with all the answers.. to my questions such as how did the world come into being.

    Homosexuality. I don't understand it but I don't have. The decision about where it is right or wrong is not mine to make. That's between gay people, their conscience and GOD, I am not getting involved.

    Muslims. I honestly believe Islam, Judaism and Christianity are fundamentally the same. I have no problem with either of three. I think the problems which have occurred or have been in sighted by people who call themselves Muslims, Jews or Christians does not arise from the doctrines on which each of these religions are based but on the individuals interpretation of these doctrines.

    Atheists. They are another group I just don't get.

    I'd rather believe in GOD and be wrong than not believe at all but that's just me.

    Pre-marital sex. Well, what can I say! That is an issue I am struggling with now more than ever.

    Abortion. Personally, I don't think I could have one b/c of my family history namely what my mother went through to have me. I'm one of those odd balls. I don't see myself having children but adopting quite a few.

    People of other religions your religion is your religion. As long as you don't try to shove it down my throat or make me feel guilty using it then you are okay by me.

    People dating out of their religion. As I said before to each his own.. you can't choose who you love and if you find someone outside your religion. Then all the best to you some people spend their entire life searching for that someone, who cares where you find that person.

    Source(s): me
  • 2 decades ago

    I've abused church four times for their awesome cooking! I'm fifteen and an atheist, so I don't believe in God. I can believe there might have been a person who made all of this, but I can't believe he is as almighty as everyone believes. Names are chosen, and so I think some perosn got full of themselves. I assume he's real, but I believe Satan/devil is a creation of man. He or it was created for the sole purpose to explain the unexplainable, a sort of security blanket for those who cannot believe that humans can be evil all on their own. Besides- Satan is Hebrew for accuser or adversary [one that contends with or opposes another]- is there an instance where someone has never accused someone else? Does that not make us all sinners from the get go?

    Gay people- Being bisexual I sorta dislike the whole religion thing just because of this. God must be pretty selfish if he wants to hold back love just for the sake of reproduction.

    Muslums- I can't say I know many of them, or anything about them, I'm sorry.

    Atheists- This is me again, I don't run around shouting 'Your God doesn't exist' but I do voice my opinion when the need arises.

    Premarrital sex- If I were to believe in God I'd be scared- been there done that, brought the t-shirt and hope to buy more!

    Abortion- Touchy subject; I feel there are relevant reasons for abortion such as children concieved in rape, but then there are people who just abuse it and use it as a form of birth control. I'm against that sort of irresponsibility.

    People not of your religion- I have no religion. As for people who do I have nothing against them, simply voice your opinions but don't try to convert me.

    People dateing out of their religion- With no religion it's hard to be so in love with a Catholic. But like I sort of hinted above, it makes for great conversation.

    On a more immature note- isn't incest a sin? What's the deal with Adam and Eve's kids doing it? Is this more proof that if it's to help populate the world it's alright with the big man? I'm not exactly evil, but even if I am...the devil has yet to rise and give me any orders or rules to follow by...

    Source(s): Satan meaning accuser/adversary
  • 2 decades ago

    I am an atheist and do not believe there is a god. I'm fine with gay people as long as they respect my space (I know a few gay guys who don't do that and that's what I don't like about them, not that they are gay) Radical Muslims are a very bad thing to me, but by radical Muslims I mean terrorists. The regular Muslims are perfectly fine, and I actually do know one and she is a sort of distant acquaintance I guess you could say. Atheists, the coolest people you will ever know. Just kidding. Actually, some of them can be extremely irratating, close minded (which I find ironic, since they'll normally claim they're very open minded) and often times make unprovoked and rude comments. Some of them. Premarrital sex, not my thing but I don't think badly of those who engage in such activities. Also, if the two people were engaged, I think it'd be fine. Abortion, I fall between pro-life and pro-choice. I think if it's the woman's fault for just being stupid she shouldn't abort but I think it still comes down to her to make the decission. However, I think it would be perfectly fine to abort if, say, you were raped, or something like that. People not of my religion, I don't have a thing against them. I only have one atheist friend, the rest are all Christian except for one Jew. If I didn't like people because they weren't atheists, I would be a very lonely (and gay) person. I think People dating out of their religion is a very good thing, and strongly encourage it. It helps build open minds.

    Anyway, that's about all I have to say.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Go to the source. Get yourself a good bible and read it. Read it over and over till you get it. Start with John. There are also magazines at Family Christian Store that are new testaments in a magazine format for teens. I have fallen in love with "THE MESSAGE" It is a new translation in everyday language, but is also a very true translation because the translator , Eugene Peterson was a college professor of Greek and Hebrew languages. Don't let someone tell you that God is old fashioned or unreasonable. He loves you so much he'd rather die than go to Heaven without you. He doesn't like religion either. He wants it to be personal, you and Him talking back and forth. Give Him a chance, you'll never be sorry.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I am an atheist, and I feel that faith is intellectual suicide. Homosexuality has been proven to be completely natural and there is no logical reason why they should not be allowed to marry, I think most Muslims are violent and intolerant extremists (much like Christians), I have a high opinion of atheists, I do not see anything wrong with premarital sex (I don't see the point of marriage), abortion should be legal, and as for the last two, whatever they want to do.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    k. i am a born-again christian, yes. i AM open minded, yes. someone who doesn't believe in these things, or rather doesn't believe these things to be right is NOT close minded. a close minded person is someone that says "no. that's not true. it doesnt exist"...THAT is close minded. i am not close minded. let's get that straight right there.

    gay - it's against the bible, therefore i am not for the act, but am against it. i love people and that means whether they are gay or not, i love them. a good friend of mine is gay and he's the sweetest guy in the world

    muslims - not sure except that it's not the truth. i have a friend who is muslim.

    atheist - um. they're people that don't believe in God. a lot of people in my family are atheist.

    premarital sex - of course wrong against the bible. sin is here on this earth though and i know people do mess up. i am one that has.

    abortion - wrong. i'm sure there are some medical reasons for such a thing however.

    people out of my religion - they're people who don't know the truth yet. i love them, i show God's love to them and i don't discriminate. that would be the dumb thing to do.

    dating out of religion - i don't vote in favor of it. too many contraversies. again...i've been there.

    so how's that? it's thorough and i hope that i stand a chance of winning the 10 points. :) take care and God bless. feel free to IM or email if you need to. have a wonderful night/day wherever you are.

    Source(s): experience
  • 2 decades ago

    Well hello again. I answered a writing question you had a while back, and it looks like I am priviledged to answer another. I'm not sure if I would actually be answering one so much as adding yet another opinion, but here goes.

    I do believe in God, but not exactly the way some people do. The GOD that I put my faith in is more evasively ever-present. More of a force of energy which is all-encompassing and aware. Such as the realm of Heaven, which some people invision as a physical place, whereas I imagine it as more of a plane of existence. Where our souls (our mental state of awareness) exists without the physical barriers of a physical form. An existence where our "minds" can be aware and see, even though we don't have the ability to interact with our surroundings. Where all that we've experienced is shared with other souls, the same as theirs are shared with all the other souls in the over-all collection. It's hard to describe in a short paragraph.

    As to the individual questions you mentioned, let's take a look at them one by one shall we?

    Gay people- As all that have read the bible agree, same sex relationships are spoken against there. However, free will is also given as a means of determining what we as "children" of GOD will do with OUR lives. GOD gives us the freedoms to make our own choices, much as we give our own children the same rights in many ways. HE is our guiding light, but doesn't put us on a leash to blindly obey, unless we willingly do so.

    Muslums- Just another religion that has it's own beliefs and ways of viewing the world. Not that it's the RIGHT way.... any more than Catholics, Baptists, Prodestants, etc. A stricter way, and in many ways more regulated and punishable for what is considered violations in the belief... but that is their choice.

    Atheists- These are much sadder cases, as you have to believe in something, and to choose to NOT believe in anything, is to deny dreams.

    Premarrital sex- Saddly, what was once a subject of pride and a goal to achieve has become something which is scroned more often than not. Peer pressure, and the acceptance levels of society today make abstinence a matter of scorn, rather than respect and admirable. It makes me wonder sadly, where is the world of today going to be in another 20 years, if it even exists.

    Abortion-Some people say that it may be a matter of life and death that leads to many abortions. Well I for one would gladly die if it would insure my child's life. That is part of being a parent, is the willingness to put our children's life before our own. Sometimes, even against their wishes.

    People not of your religion- Couples of different religion make it work by simply respecting their partner's right to believe what hey choose, and giving each other the right to worship their HIGHER POWER, their own way. So long as they are not satanic, in a relationship with a christian, it can work.

    People dateing out of their religion-Same as above. lol

    I can understand your desire to explore the different options, as life at this age can be confusing enough without the deeper thoughts associated with religion and romance. I wish you luck in figuring it all out. Feel free to contact me if you would like a more detailed response, or have more questions about the writing adventure. Good luck!

    Source(s): Years of seeking my own answers
  • 5 years ago

    For me, this can be a subject of possibility. For a begin we all know lifestyles exists on the earth. The constructing blocks for lifestyles are scattered across the universe. If stipulations are suitable, I see no motive why a few kind of lifestyles would no longer increase among the numerous galaxies, superstar procedures and planets. The equal can not be stated of an imaginary being, no longer certainly one of that's there any proof for. Therefore I am atheistic toward gods however agnostic toward alien lifestyles.

  • 2 decades ago

    God?...Well, of course god exists is creating him every day. Of course his version of God only probably exists for him or her because everyone sees a god in terms of what they want to believe.

    But does god really exist...a real God and a creator of all things?...No one knows this... AT ALL..

    Even of the commandments supposedly given to Moses, It is commanded that you shall make no "image" of the Lord your God...This means mental image...It means to have...-as a command- no 'idea' WHATSOEVER...of any God...for surely whatever you or I might conceive of will fall short by a trillion light years.

    We live in a vast universe, and it is really not important to 'know' if any God exists or not, or weather there is a heaven or a hell. We must do what we believe to be right by others because it is the minimum requirement of being a Human Being.

    If you want to delve into something of real substance, then contemplate what is MAN....that is deep... a four letter word these days...It is whatever anyone wants to make of it,

    As to Gays?...I am not gay, but I find them often to be wonderful people. They are just like anyone else and have their purpose under the sun.

    As to Muslims?...A true one of the most beautiful beings on this great planet...To truly understand what is a good Muslim will take much work on your part...You should read all of the works by the SUFI...Idries Shah....All you questions will be answered.

    As to Atheists?... They have true courage, because they can say...I don't know....Many people do not really understand what an Atheist really is. They are in truth perhaps the most spiritual among us.

    as to pre-maritial sex?...Marriage is only a "contract' instituted thousands of years ago between families and tribes. The Romans considered marriage Passe' more than 2000 years ago. For me all sex is premaritial because it is the only kind I have ever known. It has always been loving and beautiful for me and I could care less about making a legal contract with one I love.

    As to abortion? This is a womans business. If the issue in question were mine, I would prefer probably to have the child.

    Abortion is always very damaging to the persons who are involved with it, BUT...Sometimes it is the only choice a woman has...It is her call and is none of the business of society at all.

    As to people not of my religion?...I have no religion. I speak to each person according to their capacity.

    As to people dating out of their religion... Good for them...they are indeed more enlightened to the 'truth' than those that do not.

    And finally ...what is "truth"?....The light of science....Good Science...hold up any of your holy books to the light of Science and see how far you get...

    Thank you

    Source(s): A lifetime of introspection and searching
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