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Christ Stated "No man shall enter the kngdm of Hevn except by me" If I die w/out hearng,how do i get to hevn

If someone who has never had the oppertunity to hear about Christ dies, then how does he/she get to heaven? Jesus said that the ONLY way is through me.

26 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

    I hope this answers your question. Even Primitive tribes that still exist on the earth know that there is a Creator. Only the society of a fallen world will tell you otherwise, I hope that someday they will understand that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! Have you ever noticed that most people on here are asking silly questions about Jesus and not about Buddah? Because Jesus is real, and even Jesus said, "Before they hated you they hated me." Peace.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The harsh reality is that many will go to hell because they were never told about Christ; thus the importance of the Great Commission ("Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" -Matthew 28:19). If people were saved by default, the Great Commission would be an act of cruelty (making people who would otherwise go to Heaven accountable for making a decision). Romans 1:20 says, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse"... There is enough God in a thunderstorm, a beautiful day, a starlit night to make people look up and wonder. Those who have found the truth have the awesome responsibility (and should have the awesome passion) to satisfy those wonderings.

  • 2 decades ago

    You may not know Christ, but he knows you. God is omnipotent, all-knowing. So too is Christ, his Son. If you are a good person with no evil in your heart, love for your fellow man, compassionate towards children, there's a chance you would still get to heaven. Many people say" I don't believe in Hell or Heaven". It's not there for you to believe or not, and whether you believe it or not, will not change it's existence in the hearts of Christians. My question to non-believers is, " Do you want to live your entire life not believing, then at judgement day come to find that you were totally wrong, and go to Hell because of it?" If you live in a cave, if you are totally deaf, I can see where you may not have heard about Christ. But you have internet and can read, com'n, who are you kidding, yourself?

  • 2 decades ago

    If someone dies without hearing about salvation only through Jesus Christ they do not enter heaven.

    That is why witnessing and missionary work is very important.

    If we are Christians we hold the keys to heaven and hell. We must speak up and share the truth.

    I also believe heavily in the sovereignty of God. God will get the message of Jesus Christ to those he "Foreknew and chose". God will get the message out.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Good Question,I can understand that the scripture is not yet spread all over the world, may be Jesus talk to each and every living soul on the earth, so if you die in Christ, you will come again

    remember the bible says, the dead in Christ will rise.

  • Utopia
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Well you obviously have heard about Jesus and your not dead. SO IF YOU ACCEPT Jesus then you will not go to hell.

    If you don't except Jesus you don't get into heaven.

    JOHN 3:16

    I believe that everyone on earth will hear about Jesus before they die. Everyone will have a chance to accept Jesus or deny him.

    Some people will more chances then others. But I know that God is just and will give everyone a chance to know who his Son is.

    Thats why Jesus has not come back yet. It states in the bible Jesus will return when everyone has heard who he is-then the end will come.

  • 2 decades ago

    The bible states in Ecclesiastes 9:11 and I returned and saw under the sun that the race is not given to the swift nor the battle to the strong neither yet bread to the wise nor yet riches to men of understanding nor yet favour to men of skill BUT TIME AND CHANCE HAPPENETH TO THEM ALL

    What this verse is saying is that with all these men who through their abilities may be able to gain one thing or the other ..God gives all men 2 things...TIME and OPPORTUNITY

    TIME =.LIFE ...chance =OPPORTUNITY to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ...essentially to get to know God there is not a man who will depart from this earth without ever hearing the gospel preached..remember ..the bible says time and chance happens to them ALL..God bless

    Source(s): the bible and the spirit of God
  • 2 decades ago

    The moment we die, we meet God / Jesus. Those who knew about Him will finally see their Beloved One. Those who didn't know about Him will discover the God that took care of them all their life without their knowing. Jesus will lead us to where we belong. Everybody will thus go to the Kingdom of Heaven through Jesus.

    Jesus will lead us to the place where we belong, no matter if we knew about him or not.

    For those who knew about Jesus, Jesus will look at the way they lived according to their knowledge of Jesus.

    For those who had never heard about Jesus, Jesus will look at the way they lived their life according to the natural law of love that God placed in every human being's heart.

    Heaven is not only for christians. Every human being has the possibility to go there!!!!

  • 2 decades ago

    If you know the Bible well, you will know that God created man in his own image, in doing so, humans know and feel like how God knws and feels. It is upto each individual to be good and nice and don't do things angainst nature. If people have not heard about Christ, they surely know that they have to live a sinless life, and in doing so, they are on their way to heaven. Because they know for sure no matter who they worship, there is only one God. Moreover, if one door is closed another is opened.

  • dph_40
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    He has his ways of making himself known - I had a great-great aunt that was unable to see or hear and yet in a really croaky sound that was only in her head and to God's ears pleasing she would say I love Jesus - where did she learn that? Scripture tells us that none have gone without the opportunity to know of Jesus if they have but seen with their eyes and listened with their ears - and he was speaking of their spirit eyes and ears, which my great-great Aunt Gracie proves must not be deaf or mute or blind - even if it doesn't come out very beautiful! But I sure miss her - I always figured if she could love Jesus the way she was how much more I had to be grateful for.

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