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Can anyone explain this little economic fact?

Ten Richest States:

Massachusetts - Blue

Washington - Blue

California - Blue

Colorado - Red

Maryland - Blue

New Jersey - Blue

Connecticut - Blue

Virginia - Red

Delaware - Blue

New York - Blue

Ten Poorest States:

West Virginia - Red

Mississippi - Red

Arkansas - Red

Alabama - Red

Wyoming - Red

Louisiana - Red

North Dakota - Red

South Dakota - Red

Kentucky - Red

South Carolina - Red

Why are eight of the ten richest states (income of its citizens, not the state government) liberal, and all ten of the poorest conservative?


This is calcualted by average income, so size of state doesn't matter (Delaware, anyone?).

Here's the list:

11 Answers

  • DEEJay
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because there are few true conservatives in office. This is a new breed of Republicans now and they don't care about the same issues their voters care for, they just say they do. They get them to vote by the 3 G's (Gays) (Guns) (God).

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think it has anything to do with being liberal or conservative. The states that you mention as being richest have more people and naturally they are going to have a higher income per capita because there are more of them. The ten poorest states have less people so the income level is not going to be any where close to the rich states. New York and California are huge states with lots of people. It has nothing to do with liberal or conservative...

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer to a question would be very complicated, given that the more urbanized states vote Democratic more and the more urbanized areas within rural states vote Democratic more. Also, the urbanized areas are multicultural. Within those urbanized areas, the whites tend to vote Republican more. The Republicans appeal to the traditional values of whites and agricultural or other rural types of occupations. The Democrats appeal to people of different races, educators, progressive thinkers. There are more of these people in the cities. For example, Las Vegas doesn't vote the same as most of Nevada. Austin doesn't vote the same as most of Texas.

  • Interesting point. Even more interesting that liberals have no educated response to your point, and they're saying poor is synonymous with uneducated. Must be some of the poorest people in the world on here trying to answer questions.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The promise of low wages, cheap housing, bigotry and self determination to believe they live in the greatest country on earth as a pauper. At least they are free to choose where they live.

  • 1 decade ago

    The states you mentioned are highly populated. Blue one's. The red ones especially Wyoming are low in population. Don't get me wrong Wyoming. I love your state,but they do call it the big empty.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure--the people in the red states believe in themselves, and aren't depending upon--or expecting--the government to take care of them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most mentally diminshed people stay in the poor states to vote repuglican. How dumb is it to shoot yourself in the foot every time.

  • 1 decade ago

    becasue the republican propoganda machine uses catchy slogans and one liners like flip flopper and sleazy commercials like swiftboat veterans for truth and the willie horton commercial that offer no substance and you dont have to think about them.

  • 1 decade ago

    because the reason liberals thrive in the north east is BECAUSE they're all rich and can afford to ignore real life.

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