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Do you rhink it is right for our returning military to be spit on?

Let's face it they are coming home from an extremely hard job and protecting the rest of us at the same time and we thank them by spitting on them. Would you want someone to wait outside your job and spit on you when you were just going home?


I want to thank everyone who reponded to my question. It is giid to know so many people feel the same as mt family does. Thank you all it is going ti be hard to choose the best answer. I would like to choose about 4 of them,

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely not. I also think it is in poor taste for protesters to protest the war at a soldiers funeral (it happens).

    OK....we get dont like the war. Too bad so sad...we are already there. We OWE it to our soldiers and president(whether we agree with him or not) to be supportive. The time to back bite and point fingers is AFTER the deed is DONE.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am one of the biggest opposers of this war. Yet, why would you say our military would be spit on?

    I cannot stand this war and do not support it yet I would cheer when they came home because that would mean the end to killing. And they ARE just doing a job, I support them, not the war.

    I don't believe you'll find any democrats that would spit on them and I really wish people would stop getting the wrong idea about those opposed to the war.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thank Jane Fonda? History's repeating itself.

    That's what happens when UR Boss wants 2 go 2 war & the rest of the US R kept in the Dark about it's aims & intentions.

    Remind me again Y did the US attack Iraq?

    Was it Regime Change, WMD or plain & simply OIL?

    Lots of lovely Oil 4 Bush & his crones, a few Halliburton Contracts 2 re-build what they Knock down by Bombing the Fcuk out of the infrastructure.

    Or backlash 4 Israel & payback 4 a failed assassination attempt by Saddams henchmen in the First Gulf War on Bush Sn.

    Coz I guess the Backlash is beginning!

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, the soldiers are NOT protecting us.

    But I would like to point out that they do not deserve to be treated like horrible people. They do not deserve to be spit on.

    I recommend everyone protesting at the soldiers and making horrible remarks towards them re-examine their view of our government.

    They HAVE to do what they are told. You need to start spitting on congress and the president. Not only for this war, but for all the laws that are unconstitutional and plain wrong.

    Vietnam,Desert storm and now the middle eastern war have nothing to do with our freedom. I am seeing nothing but our freedom going down the drain from this war.

    People need to stop listening to politicians and start reading the constitution.

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  • bfrank
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Spit on our brave, loyal troops? Of course not. Where is your evidence that this is actually happening, or are you just imagining it? Or making it up to "swift-boat" your opponents?

    Of course, our troops deserve our support. Our president and the neoconservatives who got us into the invasion and occupation of Iraq do NOT deserve our support. Let's keep one thing clear: to support our troops in Iraq and elsewhere and admire their courage and competence is NOT to support or respect their commander-in-chief or the incompetent Secretary of Defense of the former head and current benefactor of Halliburton, which has profited immensely and unfairly from this occupation.

    And, by the way, if we support our troops in Iraq, we should make sure they are being well compensated for what they do. They should be returning to benefits that are at least not being cut by the current administration's budget. They should have adequate treatment for their wounds and the post-traumatic stress syndrome many of them are suffering. They should be honored and respected in word and deed -- and in the rewards they deserve for a job well done.

    Does the current administration provide this kind of support? No. Does the current administration honor the families of the dead and the needs of the living. Hardly. But then George II and his neoconservative buddies never served in the active military (as both Gore and Kerry did, in Vietnam). He himself was a draft dodger who went AWOL from his protected, in-state reserve status. So how do we expect him and Rove and Rumsfeld and Cheney and Wolfowitz really to understand the meaning of war.

    Support our returning military? Absolutely. Genuinely. Support George II and his cronies. Absolutely not!

  • nick m
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think people that spit on returning military should be sent to jail for a minimum of 90 days. I think it is the most disrespecting thing anyone could ever do. It wasn't enough that they had to dodge bullets and road side bombs, now, in there own country mind you, they have to dodge spit?!?! NO it is not right at all!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think anybody who spits on a soldier should be sent to prison for a year and they should pay a $10,000.00 fine. This needs to be treated as a very serious crime. How could anybody spit on a soldier? After all they've been through? I can't imagine living in a hot desert and fighting the enemy and you don't even know who the enemy is. They are fighting for us! This war was NOT their idea.

  • 1 decade ago

    If anyone disagrees with the way the government runs things they have the right to peaceful protest. To spit on someone who was willing to give their life in the defense and best interests of his/her country should be arrested and charged with felony assault. Will you spit on them when they protect you from an enemy shooting at your house just because you don't like the war? I didn't think so.....Stew

  • 1 decade ago

    Well what most people don't remember or are too ignorant to find out that the troops are in Iraq on the President's orders not because some general felt like going there. So what most people don't conclude either is that the presiden is the one to blame for troop activity in Iraq.

  • 1 decade ago

    i have seen no spitting on returning troops. i wholeheartedly disagree with the war in Iraq, however, these guys dont make the policy. My brother is currently serving in Baghdad. I don't blame him, or any other soldiers. Given their mission, they are doing their best. I blame the policy makers. They are the ones I reserve my spit for.

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