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Attention are you an only child...What are the perks of being an only child?

Growing up the oldest of 8 girls, I often wondered what it would be like to be an only child. Do only children WANT siblings or is it cool being the only one?


Karma - NoSunHere is reference to where I live. I came from sunny Florida and now live in Cleveland - land of no sunshine! Hence NoSunHere. :D

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i am only child and am 13 years old the up side of being an only child is that I've never had to share my room or anything like that i never have fights because there's no-one to fight with which leaves the vibe around my room the way i create it. the down side is that i get bored really easy and there's nothing to do especially in a country town where your friends are ages and ages away.

  • 1 decade ago

    i am an only child and what people dont seem to understand is that i feel very lonely. im the oldest in the family (im 22) and there is no one near my age group. yes you get spoilt but i never was with materialistic things but with love. i always wished i had a brother or sister to hang out with. i feel like im not the best at social situations becouse of being an only child i would keep to myself. i feel like i would be more outgoing if i wasnt the only one. i like not being compared to anyone though but i have high expectations of myself to be a good person and be something that my parents would be proud of since im the only one they've got. Hope that helps. Take care.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am an only child. So I got undivided attention of my parents, what even I wanted, and if they though it proper to give me, was mine. Never had to share anything with anyone.

    But the choice of your alias "No Sun Here" is sad. Its neither a plus nor a minus to have siblings. I always wanted brothers or sisters. Only child is a lonely child.

    Cheer up. Its better to have siblings. U have to adjsut from an early age. Sets u up better in society.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm the oldest of 7 and I can not imagine my life without my siblings. My husband is an only child (sort of, his dad has kids from another marriage that he doesn't know) and he doesn't want to know them. He is VERY selfish. I think it must be really sad and lonely to be an only child. Who do you fight with if you don't have siblings?

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  • Pichi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The advantages are obvious ... more resources, you get to go more places and do more things, you get your own room, don't have to share, and there is no one to fight with (kids).

    Disadvantages while growing up are ... not learning how to share, not learning peer level communication skills, not learning how to negotiate, and being lonely.

    But when you REALLY notice the lack when you have no siblings is an an adult ... and the older you get (I am 48 now), the more you feel alone and wish you had siblings to interact with, be around, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think they do but once they get them they sometimes regret it.. I know a lot of only child's that love it due to the fact there so spoiled to the point that NOONE will take that away from them.. ESP a baby who "shouldnt even take there place" piti if you ask me what some kids will do just to "have it all"

  • 1 decade ago

    To the first part of the your question: no.Basically, one of the main advantage of being an only child is that all of the resources are at your disposal

  • 1 decade ago

    hey your parents love is your perk, be a good child dont expect any perks except love from parents, and return them the more love than they give you.

  • 1 decade ago



  • 1 decade ago

    u r then the only dog at home. u should do all works.

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