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for non childish people only?

I am on a very strict diet. I need healthy ways to lose weight with great and fast results. I am really serious about this. What are some healthy food ideas? What are some things that have worked for you. healthy ideas only please and no childish, immature, and wack b u l l s h i t!

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try this

    1) Eat fruits before your meal. It fills you up, and you get better absorption of all the vitamins and minerals than if you were to eat it after your meal.

    2) Stop eating 3 hours before bedtime. This gives time for you to digest your dinners. Never go to bed full, because that's what makes you fat.

    3) Cut down on sodas and sweet drinks, go for water only! Good ol' H2O!

    4) Avoid processed foods like white rice and white bread. Instead go for brown (wholemeal) breads because they make you feel full for longer.

    5) Be more active! Take the stairs instead of the lift and try to walk at least 10 000 steps a day (that's about 20 mins walk)

    I think aiming to lose about 2 lb a week is healthy, anything more might be a shock to the system.

  • 1 decade ago

    YOu say you are on a very strict diet but didn't elaborate....Remember you will ONLY loose weight when you burn MORE calories than you take in.

    I think the Lean Cusine line of meals sold in most grocery stores can be helpful. They are tasty and can help you control calorie intake. You can even find them on sale (like I did this past weekend) and stock up on a variety of meals. Don't try to lose weight too fast since it can be harmful.

    Stick with your diet, and some vigorous aerobic exercise for 30 minutes at least three times a week and you should be pleased with the results.

    Good luck, I hope you reach your goal.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no way that is safe and healthy which allows you to lose more than between one and three pounds per week. The more you push the "fast" component of your goal, the more you hinder the "healthy" part. Start by reducing your caloric intake by about 700 calories a day (but don't consume fewer than 1200 calories a day - that is your minimum). You know what foods to avoid, so I will just tell you that when you crave sweets or a pick-me-up sugarless gum and super cold water work wonders. Make sure to vary your diet so you don't get bored.

    Source(s): Here's a quote I like while dieting: "I believe in giving rewards and positive reinforcement for a job well done, but can we raise ourselves a little higher than the dogs and give rewards that have longer-term benefits? How can a poor food choice be a true reward anyway?" ~Jill Johnson
  • 1 decade ago

    Depending on how much do you have to loose, age and health conditions is advisable to loose weight gradually at the same time you start building up some muscles in order to boost your metabolism and avoid plateaus.

    If you are healthy, not receiving medication and want to loose safely weight, you will notice that at the beginning you will loose much more than what it would be expected - average of max 500 grams per day, about a pound - When loosing more it is likely to be releasing water, sometimes in excess while overweighed.

    I've lost 25 kilos in more or less 8 month without rebounding - once in a while, I go a couple of pounds up and down, but try my best to stay this way.

    My best advice would be: take care of increasing your physical activity without destroying the joints exercising before loosing more than 2/3 of your ideal realistic weight. Not many people pays attention to this issue, and later they pay the consequences of the overload from the hips and legs joints.

    Besides, it is necessary to give time to the skin to adapt to the new weight gradually in order to avoid sagging skin very difficult to correct unless with a plastic surgery.

    If severely overweighed, the best aerobic exercise is walking and swimming. Any exercise under water relieves your joints from the overweight, and then gym under water would be a solution if you were truly anxious.

    Do not weight yourself all the day, certainly not after exercising and do not get obsessed. The best is to keep the habit of doing it once a week.

    Even if you do not like it at the beginning, start setting mirrors everywhere, to get fully aware that the efforts you are doing have indeed a reward. Pamper yourself with some new low priced clothes, since you are planning to keep on loosing weight, but not necessarily looking like a bag or salami.

    Drinking lots of liquid helps indeed, eating more frequently in smaller quantities and using the trick of eating from dessert dishes and NEVER take more than one serving, will help you further.

    Long term diets must be balanced just cut off everything that you know is unnecessary and full of calories. Try to enjoy the natural taste of fruits and vegetables, and if possible eat very little red meat. Poultry and fish are good quality protein resources and less fat rich.

    Use olive oil in your salads; forget the dressings that are not only completely unnecessary but made from a healthy salad a heavy dish. Using a combination of lemon juice and olive oil - one tea spoon serving per day - will provide some of the fat your body needs.

    Moreover, be consequent. Loosing weight is a never ending story. Once achieved the weight loss, the more difficult is to keep on holding on.

    Therefore, patience, self control and honesty will help you to achieve realistic goals.

    Just go ahead and do not pay attention at the people that are not understanding how difficult is to keep focused on a diet and change bad habits.

    I wish you the best,


    Source(s): My own experienced and knowledge as MD.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    those can be very helpfull

    eat plenty of carbs along with lots of fruit, every time you get a craving for fats or sweet eat a piece of fruit, it is the best craving suppresent,

    also drink 8-10 glasses of water, (6-8 normally, but 8-10 will help you lose fat)

    do aerobic exercise everyday, ie jog 1-3 EVERYDAY

    toss in some pushups in between, it is VERY important to do strenght training

    Hope this helps!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    In general...

    Lots and lots of water

    More fruit and veggies

    If you eat only lean meats. Very little beef, mostly poultry and fish.


    Trying to lose weight fast is a bad idea. It is unhealthy and can make you sick. I know...because I tried that once. Never again. Any weight loss beyond 2 pounds per week is unhealthy, even if you are extremely obese. Fast weight loss will also make it harder to keep the weight off in the long run. Good luck to you!

    Source(s): Personal experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    Eat only whole, non-processed foods. If you eat ONLY these foods you will find that you are eating twice as much as normal and still losing weight. Plus you are not cutting out any one food group or limiting the amount you eat so it is easy to stick to.

    Whole foods

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Whole foods are foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined as little as possible before being consumed.

    Often confused with organic food, whole foods aren't necessarily organic, nor are organic foods necessarily whole, although they do share a number of traits, such as an avoidance of chemically-assisted agricultural techniques. Because of the lack of even basic, organically-acceptable processing, many whole foods have a very short shelf life and are not easily sold outside of farmers' markets.

    Examples of whole foods include unpolished grains; organically garden-grown fruits and vegetables; and non-homogenized milk.

  • 1 decade ago

    hehe b u l l s h i t.. uhh whenever i want to lose weight i only eat 2 meals a day. i usually replace breakfast with a glass of milk or some oatmeal bar. then the 2 other meals u should try eating salads. if u dont like just green veggies u can add chicken. if u dont like either of those just eat cereal for all of ur meals. after about a week u should start noticing ur slimming down. good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    For one, cut out all sodas. Drink water instead. Even diet sodas make you gain weight because they still have sugar. Once, I stopped drinking sodas, and I lost 10 pounds in a little over a week. Stay away from processed foods and the normal "junk" food. Eat more veggies!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you are greatly overweight and cannot take it off and keep it off, you might consider a stomach band. The Atkins diet is sick. There is no healthy way to lose a lot of weight fast.

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