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Hey everyone, has anyone kept up on the "life on Mars" thing? Turns out that...?

... no one but NASA believes it anymore, at least according to this article. What are your thoughts??

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It might have benefited the NASA scientists who examined this alleged Martian fossil to have possibly, just maybe, you know consulted or at least talked to an actual paleontologist before they went public with their findings.

    Instead, these chemists and physicists felt that they were far more qualified to look at fossils than someone who, you know, actually studies fossils for a living.

    I remember watching the original press conference about the Martian 'bacteria', and shaking my head ruefully in their hubris and presumption at what appeared even from the limited data they released at the conference to be pseudo-fossils, and many orders of magnitude smaller than even the smallest micro-organisms on Earth.

    It's even sadder that are apparently still sticking by their claim despite the complete lack of evidence for their world-view. They may not realize it, but these NASA physicists and chemists have put themselves into the exact same position as Bigfoot believers and alien abductees, only their 'physical evidence' is even sketchier.

  • 1 decade ago

    Read the article again very carefully.

    It does *not* say that no one at NASA believes that there is "life on Mars" anymore. It refers only to the evidence presented on Aug. 6, 1996 concerning certain meteorites. And specifically, it says, "Skeptics have found non-biological explanations for every piece of evidence that was presented on Aug. 6, 1996."

    That's why I love science and scientists. It is their job to be relentless skeptics. The claim of life on Mars is indeed a *huge* claim. Therefore the evidence for it must be rock solid. If they can come up with a non-biological explanation for each little piece of evidence, then they have to say that the jury is still out on the issue of life on Mars ... but they do not say that there is conclusively *no* life on Mars. They still do not know.

    That is why, when scientists as a group *do* agree on something, that's probably pretty damn reliable.

    [Aside, that was a shout out to creationists, moon landing hoaxers, global warming skeptics, etc. ... Scientists are *extremely* cautious about confirming each other's theories, and do *not* participate in community-wide conspiracies (although there have been some isolated mistakes and individual hoaxes). So when scientists who study a given field for a living are in general agreement about something, it should take *a lot* ... certainly more than something you read on the Internet, or the word of people with little scientific expertise ... to make you distrust the scientists. They actually are good people ... but regardless of what you feel about them as people, the checks and balances in how scientists reach consensus, makes community-wide conspiracies virtually impossible.]

  • 4 years ago

    First in the event that they are unlawful they dont qualify for any goverment help. lots of the help they get is from the state or rivate institutions. whilst some illigal immirants get 10 funds an hour or greater it os becaouse they do demanding jobs. despite in the event that they qualify for each and all of the flaws you're saying they do does not recommend they declare them. As for the criminal acts there became a statisctic that confirmed that whilst one hispanic may well be in contact with drugs interior the ghetto there are 5 caucasians doing an identical interior the suburbs. they are inexpensive hard artwork becaouse lots of the time they finally end up being soreness minimun salary. They make contributions million in sales taxes as nicely because of fact the unidentified SS folder which has tens of millions in return for non existant SSN.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have the credentials to argue the case one way or the other, so I'll have to go with the majority of scientists who think that the martian rock does not harbor any life form fossils. Hate to admit it though :(

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I just wanted to say your right,absolutely right,definitely 100% about the religion's blending their false truth with truth in it's own self unique way,Christie b,that's my actual name, your welcome,Paul.

  • 1 decade ago

    isnt life on mars a song by david bowie?

  • 1 decade ago

    its just another planet, it would be really beneficial if the earth was explored more throughly to make lives better,

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i read that article too. apparently, all that asteroid bacteria stuff was just speculation.

    Source(s): same as above
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