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Perfect face and ugly body or ugly face and perfect body!?!?

what would u choose?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Perfect face and ugly body because you canfix the body but never the face.I have always asked that question to guys & they respong ugly faces are to bang..Pretty faces for the rest of my life!Everyone knows that!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would also go for perfect body and ugly face.

  • 1 decade ago

    perfect face and ugly body. if u had an ugly body, atleast u can find clothes that would hide/flatter what u have. but there is no way to hide a face. and a face is the first thing ppl look at

  • 1 decade ago

    perfect face and ugly body

  • suzieq
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You can fix an ugly body - but an ugly face is for life!

  • 1 decade ago

    perfect face and ugly body, becuase u can always go on a diet and work out or something, but u should never do anything to ur face like plastic surgery.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think within the bounds of normalcy, a body feels like a body when you're having sex. and since men don't need to look at their sex partner to want sex, her body being lovely by today's commercial standards is not necessary to stimulate sexual desire. therefore, with good face/ugly body, you've got that attractive face to look at and pass on to kids.

    as a woman, thinking of arnold schwarzenegger or lou ferrigno, say. i don't find their faces attractive, and so their bodies are of zero interest to me. johnny depp, onthe other hand, conveys it all through his face and the way he holds himself. i think he might be a skinny little guy, but i really don't know. can't get past the face.

    i think a caveat to all of the above is that in choosing which ugly one prefers, whether in face or body, the 'ugly' feature would need to be within the bounds of "normal" or "average." i think once there's a serious 'deformity,' that is, a significant deviation from the average, then only people who are actually capable to get to know 'ugly' people will get close enough to that person to choose them at all. And they might miss out on an incredible being, rather than one about a millimeter deep, but very lovely.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    pretty face ugly body....working out and skin creams could change the ugly body, but an ugly face even with surgery you're left w/ scars.

  • 1 decade ago

    perfect body with an ugly face. you could always put a jessica simpson mask on her(or whoever you fancy)

  • 1 decade ago

    ugly face and perfect boby. You can always put a bag over the face when you bang.

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