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Hypothetical Question....What if Bush...?

Given the history of this adminstartion and its stances, its hardliner policies, and the decisions already made, and the preemptive strike policy...

What if Bush had been president during the Cuban Missle crisis?

Remember how much diplomacy and patience Kenndy had in opening the lines of communication with Krushiv.



Don't be afraid to answer, the question isn't that hard. I find that dodgeing the question isn't a real responce.

Update 2:

Remember that Castro already had the Missles on the island, as sourced in the documentary Fog of War...the Macnemera doc.

the warheads were already in cuba.

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If Bush were President during Kennedy's time, the world would still be smoking and not worried about global warming because we would all be cooked already.

    Oh, I guess you neocons forgot that the Russian Officers on the ground in Cuba had control over their tactical nuclear weapons and would have started WW III if Bush had been President in 1962-63.

    Great point and question. Of course, the Neocon's well just cough up another hair ball on this one.

    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1. There never would have been a Cuban missile crisis because the Bay of Pigs would have been the start of freeing Cuban from Communism.

    2. Castro would be an insignificant footnote in history.

    3. The Cuban people would be enjoying freedom and a higher standard of living.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good question. Using Bush's shoot-from-the-hip way of thinking and his use of such slogans as "bring it on" and other goodies, I'd have to think World War III would have started with an attack upon Cuba by US troops. This in turn would have been followed by a nuclear (pronounced nuke-you-lar) attack from Cuba on parts of the East Coast - and the US would have had to have followed with an attack of their own. If not WWIII, a nuclear holocaust which would have left much of the Eastern part of this country as an irradiated wasteland for the next 300 or so years. Thank God, he wasn't around and we had a great leader like Kennedy in charge.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those were not the same kind of people we're up

    against now. These terrorists use children as shields

    for themselves. They blow up themselves and other

    regular non-army people just because they want to.

    They put bombs in schools, libraries, restaurants,

    roads, playgrounds because they don't give a care

    who dies. They want to blow up airplanes full of non-

    violent, innocent people. They are the worst of the

    worst kind. You can't diplomatically deal with them like

    one could with Krusheff. They want to be the only ones

    left on planet Earth. I also remember Kennedy's famous

    line "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what

    you can do for your country". Our all-volunteer army is

    doing what they can for their country.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The place would look like Hiroshima after the bomb and we'd still be there trying to maintain peace.....and Castro would be hiding (and not caught) someplace in Argentina.

  • MEL T
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Kennedy was a hawkish Democrat. Don't watch a Kevin Costner movie and think you know what happened. He would have blown them out of the water and so would Bush, had they not turned around on their own.

  • 1 decade ago

    John Kennedy would be a republican in today's policy times and you democrats are so proud of him because of the party he was in in the 60's. Maybe you prejudice fogheads would want to reconsider your party affiliation and vote republican to take care of the stability of USA instead of siding with pedophiles, murderers, rapists and terrorists.

  • wise
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    wow so i see where you are going with this with Iran and n Korea huh? yes i do i could not conceive this one !

    bushes need to be hard is for him knowing we can well get hit and who knows one or all of the countries with wmd don't care for the USA anyway and who's to say countries aren't setting up against the USA ......think about it!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am old enough to remember that. I remember how frightened I was. With GW we would be sitting in Cuba already smoking cigars and wondering why someone is shooting at us.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush has little choice. Most people in his place would have to think of SOME way to cope with modern threats

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