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What do you think of the name Hazel? What's one that you like better?

I'm writing a story and that's my main character's name. WHat does she make you think of?

Also I'm stuck on something to put in to make it different from all other stories. Any ideas?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think of Hazel in the British TV series Upstairs Downstairs - intelligent, composed, considerate, self-confident, caring, slender, red fin de siècle or art nouveau curls, pale complexion, died of influenza....

  • 1 decade ago

    I usually think of someone older when I think of the name Hazel. I like the name Amy or Anne. These are good names for characters too because they don't suggest any particular age (at least to me). Or you could name a character after me. No one ever names anything after me. (waaaaaaaa)

    The best of luck on your story.

  • 1 decade ago

    Either a grandma or one of Julia Roberts' twins. Of course, if your character IS a grandma or has been cursed with a grandma name by her parent, then Hazel's great. It's hard to suggest a character name when you're not specific about what kind of character you're naming.

  • 1 decade ago

    What I think the name Hazel sugests:

    If she's attractive, it is in a sexy-intellectual sort of way. (I think making her plain would be too much of a cliche -- surprise people.) She's not brash, or cheap, or silly, or little-girl perky. She's not loud or pushy, but she speaks her mind with confidence. She could be a somewhat-bohemian artist type, or a historian working for a museum, or the owner of a business. Maybe she has a boyfriend who works with his hands -- farmer or cabinetmaker or car mechanic -- who is proud of his smart and witty lady.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hazel makes me think of a 60's tv sitcom in which a middle aged woman (shirley booth) plays the subserviant role of housekeeper and maid.

    i love the name JERUSHA----taken from the book, Hawaii, by james mitchner

    an unusual story would be about a person who is stalked and decides to reverse roles and stalk the stalker.

  • 1 decade ago

    It makes me think of the maid Hazel in the old cartoons. If you don't have a plot you don't have much of a story.

  • 1 decade ago

    regan and hazel ???? hazel makes me think of sensuous eyes and plz remember to send me ur story after u finish it or if u want any ideas u can send me msgs

  • 1 decade ago

    it reminds me one of my Turkish friends who has brown eyes and brown hair. as a main character i think she would be different coz we are accustomed to the other names like Anne,Sue, Jane, etc...

    if you want to be different, it is a good name to start...

    good luck to you....

  • 1 decade ago

    It makes me think of her having exotic brown eyes and long flowing brown hair.

  • 1 decade ago

    when i hear Hazel i always think of the astrigent Whitch Hazel, you probably won't like it, but i always liked the name EVA

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