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Any opinions? My bf has been acting weird the last two days????

Last night when he got off work he called me and said he would call me in a few mins when he got home...after an hour i texted him and no response so i called and no answer. I tried an hour after that and left a message, still nothing. I tried an hour after that and nothing. I left a msg telling him I was worried if he made it home or not and to give me a call. Finally at 3:45am. he calles me and said he fell asleep. Ok no big deal but i was kinda mad cuz i was worried(but didn't give him crap for it). Today we talked like usual, then he called me when he got off work (at 8:45pm.)and said he was going to eat with his sister and he'd call me when was done. At 10pm i get a txt saying he misses me, i txt back but he didnt answer till like 11. Still no call, so i call him and he said hes with his sister and he'll call me in a few but no call again. I txt him asking if i did something or if he doesnt want to talk to me, no answer.30min later i txt the same and he calls and asks whats wrong!


We have an agreement (choosen by him) that if we say were gonna call each other we do. If we are busy then we don't just not call we call and say call you later i'm busy or whatever. I just feel like he's kinda avoiding me. Am i just trippin or what? I don't bug him alot either i just wanted to make sure he made it home cuz he lives on a dangerous curvy road and after him telling me he'd call in 15min and not hearing from him for 4 and a half hours i think i have a right to worry.

Update 2:

By the way I do trust him. It's just that he's 19 and I'm almost 29 and lately I've been feeling a little insecure. I don't think he cheating. It's just not the norm for him to be like that.

Update 3:

Thank almost all of you for your answers.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Explain that you are nervous that something else besides his falling asleep stopped him from text messaging you. He'll probably just console you and say nope, that was it- he just fell asleep. I would take his word on it for now, because it doesnt seem like you have too much evidence to go on! Its very plausable that's just what happened. Try not to bug him about it too much, or let it bug you too much, though, because you could make a mountain out of a molehill and create a problem for you two. If you are asking this because you have a gut feeling something else is going on, then dont ignore your gut - but don't close the book on him yet either. Stay aware, and gauge what happens from here on out. Make a pre- arranged "crossed the line" point and stick to it - something where you feel that you will really know whats going on - because if you keep confronting him about things, he can always either deny them, OR you could scare him off by accusing him of stuff he isn't doing. Good luck! And don't over think it too much. It really doesn't sound too fishy to me, his excuses sound very plausible.

  • 1 decade ago

    settle down, its probably nothing but be a little on guard and see if you notice anything else. maybe he did fall asleep and maybe he is with his sister. Come on, an agreeement about calling. thats the dumbest thing ever. Way to set your self up for failure. Why are you making everything so difficult relationships are meant to be fun, fulfilling, enjoyable and adventerous. If you cant trust each other over somthing dumb like phone calls, you are doomed. Toss out these stupid rules and just enjoy each others time and company in a more relaxed and open way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ah...I am just spectulating here....... but I am a man who has acted like that....truth is it's nothing to worry about....but the worst thing you could do is push and confront him on will end up in a big me.

    What I think the guy needs is a little space..(NO HE IS NOT CHEATING OR WANTING TO END IT WITH YOU). Sometimes men start feeling like being always asked to stay in touch is just another obgilation and pressure he has in his life... used to be his mother now its his boss AND his girlfriend. Just be sweet, calm, and treat him like a friend...things will be fine. Men do not always express themselves in a way that makes sense to thier just be cool and let it heal it's self.

  • 1 decade ago

    please do not over analyze, that can be your biggest mistake! If he was doing some thing behind your back why would he even care about what you think, why would he text that he missed you. You have to learn to trust him more and be a little more secure with yourself. Best of luck, you remind me of myself. You will grow up, just as I had.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Girl you need to get that guy of yours to come out with whatever that's bugging him. There's no way around this.

  • 1 decade ago

    honey,if he wants to leave u,he could say it without considering ur try to settle down and take it easy,don't make a problem or so much drama for nothing

  • 1 decade ago

    no wonder guys cheat having girls like u as their gf....what ever us guys do...its always suspicious....typical women....what is wrong with u women? he is not doing anything...and even if his sister was another what ....he can bang any women he wants....its not like ur r free to shagg any women they want ...even if they r in a relationship!

    give him a break or else u keep this up and soon he WILL cheat on u and dump ur sorry!

  • 1 decade ago

    Sweetie, just end the relationship to much drama.

  • Brendy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Back off and he will come runnin

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