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If you can vote for yourself ...?

what's the point of points?

Are they intended to be a measure of reliable information imparted, an indication of how many hours you spend on Answers, or competitive person's dream?

Do you feel the point system encourages a "What's in it for me?" attitude (people answering questions just to get points)?

If the points are so valuable, why deduct points for asking questions? Hard to believe there would be an Answers without questions!

Do you see any similarities between the points on Answers and academic atmosphere in some schools (i.e., points deducted for asking questions [challenging authority and status quo]; points given no matter what the answer [gold star for participation])?


(I would have split this up into several questions if it wouldn't have cost so many points :-o)


China Doll ... you're just too cute!

Update 2:

Great A, V!

Update 3:

I think you're wiser than you give yourself credit for, Feathereafter.

Update 4:

Yeah, it was funny, S.S.S.

Update 5:

Thanks for the thumb's up -- but I'd rather have the points :-)

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    lol. I almost think that there should be no pt system. But b/f that could happen I'd wanna get to the last lev !!! Ha ha ha... :$ I'd be on here for hrs b/f... I'd be happy to see that no one voted & that if I voted maybe I'd get 10 pts... even if it wasn't da best A... (I figure that the asker would be intelligent enough not to just take da advice of the "best answer" even if it only got 1 vote... Yeah I kinda think that the pt system encourages that attitude... I think that the peeps who really wanna ask & answer would be the ones to stay if they took away the system (but not b/f I get to da last lev !!! lool) I've even quit asking Qs for a while. I haven't really asked many Qs in a long time so I can "save" them ha ha. When I ask a Q (or b/f I'm bout to) I'll A & choose BAs to get @ least 5 pts to make up for it :P. I agree w/ the gold star comment. I try to answer the Qs that I figure are gonna be da easiest to A. If I'm sure that I know the A or have been in that person's shoes b/f, then I'll A cuz I have da knowledge to A it. Why should pts be DEDUCTED for asking Qs ? Ohhh "challenging authorities"... ha ha. Only once or twice I've voted for an A that wasn't my own... :$ Once I coulda got da 10 pts cuz I was the only one who A'd & if I woulda A'd my own I woulda got da 10 pts !!! But, sometimes when I check my e-mail I get surprised wit even 3 BAs :) Sometimes they're cheap As too... & make me feel kinda guilty cuz I coulda given a better A... K well there's a nice long A for you to read ha ha :P

    Source(s): me
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know why we all feel so good about having points, maybe we figure the more we have, the wiser we are? I have to say, far more than the points, or pride of being picked as best answer is the gratification of really having helped someone. I am so happy to see that I've been able to make someone just a tiny bit happier or helped them figure something out. I haven't asked many questions, actually I've only asked one, and I think it may be in part because I'm a little bit scared. I don't take insults very well and some people on here can be so mean. I still haven't figured out quite why we're deducted for asking... I guess that wisom comes at a higher level than!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hahahaha!!... Uhh! *Deep breath* I'm sorry, but I came THAT close to copying down TheChinaDoll's answer!

    Anyway, I guess I'm obligated to answer your question now, huh? I think the points are primarily there to make people feel important, so they feel like they've accomplished something when they reach level 5 or whatever meet's their fancy. If points were not awarded, than it would almost feel... Well, empty isn't the right word, but it's that extra 10 points that feels almost like a pat on the back when you get the best answer.

    Hehehe... you know it was funny;-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Points are valuable because if questions were for free, people would ask all kinds of nonsense and what fun would it be if all you did was get points?

    Sometimes, you can have the best answer. Or sometimes you could have written an answer but some asshole just copied you to get the 2 points and maybe the 10. That's happened to me and it pisses me off beyond belief that someone can just look at your answer, copy it, and get all the points.

    Or those people who like save a spot as first answerer so they can take their time answering the question to gain the points.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't stop people from asking stupid questions though...I have no idea why it costs points to ask a question. I think it just should not give you points to ask.

  • Savage
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    wow we get points too - thats great when did this happen. oh man I was only here to help others so yeah i am happy i get points too how awesome is that cool heres a thumbs up to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah points system sucks. So many stupid questions and answers.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't get the point system either.

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