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i dont know how to live?

i am a age is 39...all my life opportunities pass by me and i cant grab any advantage from any opportunity..i am working in government job in my home country...but there is less return from it..i have now come to UAE to find a life here..but here also everyone is ahead of me.even those who were far behind me have gone ahead of other colleagues do private clinics and earn..i didnt start my clinic just for the fear of failure..what if what i invest it get lost.what if patients dont come to me.all my life i have been in the fear of failure...i was a brilliant and intelligent student...but i never attempted the specialization exam coz of this fear of failure..there were my other colleagues who were a lot less better than me but they all are thriving in their lives and i am still in struggle..i dont know whether i will be able to do something in life...have i finished the time of my everything gone from me..when questions like these come in my mind..i wish i die


i am a medical doctor..have done MBBS...12 years of schooling before medical college an d 5years of medical education...which led to the degree MBBS...i am not looking for a tap on my back neither do i need one...what have i done in life for which i deserve a pat on my back

Update 2:

daniel this detailed note i have posted just for you

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    these are clear manifestation of depression and you consult a clinical psychologist immediately

  • 1 decade ago

    You sound very negative at the moment. Maybe you should congratulate yourself for becoming a Doctor - it is not an easy thing to achieve. You must of wanted to become a doctor to help people to undergo so much study and training. Dont worry about other people 'ahead' of you think about what you want to do. If you save only one person then it has all been worth it. It sounds like you are ready for a bit of a social life yourself now and being a doctor you have a great opportunity to meet people. Making others feel better will make you feel better and give you a sense of achievment to make your life great. Maybe after getting this far you should write down some goals for the future and go for it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What are the requirments to become a doctor in your country? I have known people that were "doctors" in countries in south america and the middle east that only went to formal school for 2 or 3 years.

    People that are answering this post and suggesting that you pat yourself on the back for this accomplishment should be more cautious!

    But that aside, clearly you answered your own question. You mentioned "fear of failure" several times in your post. You don't need psychology degrees (though I have them) to assess that your problem is a fear of failure. A fear of failure stems from basic low self-esteem. You should definitely seek out some counseling. Sounds like you are in over your head on this on.

    Regarding your note - so you went K-12 and then 5 years of college. In America, that is equivalent to a Bachelor's degree, "doctor."

  • JD
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Live & let others live. First of all, don't B disheartened, do confidently whatever U do, Forget about the failures, as there's nothing, nothing at all that's sure & guaranted success. U R in a very honest & respectable proffession, hence do not bother about success monetarily as money's not everything. If U R satisfied yourself with whatever U have, U do, is enough for living, B patient & keep performing sincerely, it won't go waste but your hard work's going to fetch U rewards sooner or later. That's it that all I can say. U seem to B a very kind person, a genuine one, honest, but don't ever B over emotional. This world needs more & more people like U, hence, pl. live peacefully, helping others live too their lives. My sincere regards, & wish U all the best.

    Source(s): Own experiences.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I would got a sebatical and go off and do something that makes you happy for 6 months, then when you come back reasses what you are doing with your life.

    Dare I say it but at 39 you might be having a mid life crisis. No harm in that happens to the best of us. So go and embrace life.

    So what if you are not as successful as everyone around you, most of us never are. No one ever laid on their death bed and said " I wish I spent more time at work".

  • 1 decade ago

    You always do what your supposed to even if you can't see it at the time. If you don't have a clinic your not supposed to have one right now. Don't base it on what you don't have but on what you do have.

    If your 39 don't give up, you've got this far so why not stick around and see how it works out/ends.

  • ♦cat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Stop it, how can u finish and practice medicine with that feeling of inferiority....i say bite the bullet and take some risks. if u dont take risks...don't expect that success will come ur way.i'm sure u know how to set goals and achieve being a doctor needs discipline and stop living in aggressive...and stop comparing urself to other doctors.....attend conferences....specialize on something......and u sound tired....try to have a break and relax, regroup......and re-organize ur goals......dont wish for will come naturally.....for now concentrate on living and making use of the knowledge u obtained from long years of studying......

  • 1 decade ago

    Listen. Forget about failing and just try something you find just a little scary or challenging. Do it. It is not as scary as you think, nothing is. Then go on to bigger things. Think about what you really want to do and go after it in little steps. Stop concerning yourself with who is ahead of you because that is why you never move forward. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dear friend,

    aha, now is the time for blooming.

    Have faith in God and in yourself.

    get in touch with me through e mail.

    do not disable your mind.

    God makes our lives rocky not to rock-grind us in to dust BUT-

    to polish us to become a brilliant gem called DIAMOND. Stay precious.

    See mind works like parachutte. It works only when it is open.

    After GOD ( Super Natural Power) the only thing that is faster,stronger,miraculous,most powerful,most flexible is Human Mind. It is unseen truth.It is the most precious blessings mother nature has given us.

    Its our attitude that makes or breaks our lives.

    Dont go the life takes you. Take the life the way you want to go.

    have positive attitude,strong self image,hve faith in GOD & SELF. Dont live just because you are the life so that you can pass on immortal memmorries of your life to the future generations to guide them to live a significant life.

    Dear doctor get in touch with me through e mail.

    I can help you change your thoughts.

    Thoughts are very very powerful facts. change your thoughts ,it will change your world.

    God bless you dear friend.

    hve gr8 day.


    hve gr8 day

  • 1 decade ago

    You have a fear of trying, but you don't have a fear of failing. You have already proven this.

    Now that you know you are a failure, you have nothing to lose by trying.

    So go on and give it your best shot. Don't be afraid to succeed.

    You have nothing to lose but your failing past.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to pray, relax, accept yourself and take small steps forward in your life. Maybe you really don't want to be a doctor.

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