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Should I fake emotion?

When people around me have problems and they want a shoulder to cry on, I will listen but I don't bother faking emotion for their needs as I don't really feel either way about their dilemma, be it they have lost their dog or that they are a nationalist.

Should I care, as I'm not sure whether being cold-hearted is a good thing or not seeing that people think I'm a mean person just because I don't care whether their dog has gone missing (me personally am scared of dogs anyhow and don't believe they should be pets and rather they should only be guard dogs, not meaning to offend all the weird dog lovers it's just my opinion).


Thanks for the responses so far however I would like to point out that if I was feeling like tosh and someone didn't know what I was going through I wouldn't want them to fake emotion for me, I can usually see through it and it actually disgusts me on the few occasions I have seen people who say they care but don't.

Yes I am being blunt, this is online and I don't know any of you in real life for all those that think I'm a selfish being don't answer with a lame comment just leave the page?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You do not have to have an emotional reaction to a situation to be there for somebody. If you are not feeling something, you are simplyl not feeling it, and that's okay. Never fake an emotion, just be you. It is nice that you have the patience to listen.

    If a friend lost a beloved pet spider, I would be there for them, but personally I would not miss the spider.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes a good person would say that, Hide your emotions, Bull Sh*it! Be honest, you can't go through life telling lies and that is what your doing if you just agree with everyone! I tell people, friends and family, don't ask me how that dress looks or how you look, unless you want my honest opinion, if it is good I will tell you, but on the other hand if it is Butt ugly, your going to hear that too,, but it will be my honest opinion! Of course if we have a friend who has lost their mother or father or what ever, your feel sorry for them, but what can you do, it is their problem, and they have to deal with it!

    Now in business that is a diffrent story, little white lies get you ahead, but never lie to family or friends! That way you have nothing to remember, because everything is the truth!

  • 1 decade ago

    it can be hard to fake emotion to something or someone you don't really care about. it's just how you feel and you're just being honest about your feelings. it makes the difference though if you are concerned about the person (but not so much on his/her issue) that you have to sometimes show sensitivity, empathy and compassion so that they will know that even if you can't be on the same wavelength on a particular issue or topic, you still care and try to understand how they feel because they're your friends and that they are important to you. that's just how relationship works.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do what ever floats your boat but remember this one day you'll be in their shoes and you will ask yourself why does'nt anyone care for me then you can reflect on your past and reallize that you brought it on yourself.Ever heard the storie of the boy who cried wolf.Well as you live it one day you can understand it.Sorry to be so blunt.But if you ask a blunt question you get a blunt answer or ask a stupid question and get astupid answer.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes people want someone who has their own views and someone that doesn't judge. Don't fake emotion!!!

    Sometimes lack of emotion is ideal in the job area like nurses cos then you won't let that get in the way of your job. Just as longs you've got morality and ethics, it's fine.

    I wish I was like you, I get emotional really easily =(


  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. It's a good skill to have at the work place. One of the top skills of highly successful corporate people.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no need to fake anything. But compassion for the hurt your friend is feeling is all that a good friend can give anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    You may not feel their problems but do you respect how they feel? Cos if you do I am sure they already appreciate, that's why they are still coming to you with their problems. There is no need to fake your emotion but don't fake your respect too...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't fake it. It will only make you unhappy. In the end, it probably won't make much of a difference to the other person anyways

  • Mary*
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, fake it.

    Why not? Everyone else does.

    You want to be a good friend,

    so even if you don't feel like it,

    you should act like you care.

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