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Lv 5
Q-burt asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Terrorists Not in Iraq?

So many saying "there are no terrorists in Iraq"

And yet more get caught as explained in the news link. Hell, we caught some when i was there.

Go figure....

I used CNN so as to be unbiased about the news site.


Jim K - I hate CNN, well, I hate most news sites...but if I had used Fox i would have gotten hate spam from most I used the term unbiased loosely.

Update 2:

Bluejacket8j - There were more than a dozen terrorist camps destroyed. Yes, there were terrorists in Iraq...

Update 3:

Phil My Crack in - See my first comment...

Update 4:

darkemoregan - We destroyed more than a dozen terrorist camps in Iraq during the invasion.

Update 5:

andymcj66 - Yet again, there were terrorists in Iraq during the invasion.

It's amazing how much people choose to ignore to create a picture of the situation for their satisfaction....forget the facts huh?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its funny how the Democratic party plays and sways its loyal subjects into believing anything they say... Of course there are terrorist in Iraq . They commit terrorist acts against the Iraqi people on a daily basis. But what does anyone expect from a Democratic bias media .. All we hear from the Democratic Party is how we had no business going into Iraq , Bush lied there are no WMD................. Really , lets see ......

    "We urge you to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." Letter to President Clinton, signed by Sens. Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others Oct. 9, 1998

    "Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." Nancy Pelosi Dec 16, 1998

    "We need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. The threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ..." Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

  • Bryan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You have to remember that in the mind's of the antiwar crowd we created the terrorists. If there are terrorists in Iraq it is only because we created them at the moment we entered that country. The reason they refuse to believe there are terrorist in Iraq now is because many of them have bestowed freedom fighter status on these animals. It doesn't matter that the terrorists are there to discourage any stability in that country. So long as they can continue to blame Mr. Bush for all the world's ills that is sufficient for their agenda. It is unfortunate that they have chosen to side with the enemy, but such is life in a free society. This is not anything new for this crowd, it began with Vietnam. The fact they fail to realize is that this time the majority are not behind their "get out now" cries. The majority whether they agree with the war or not, realize there are terrorists in the world, they are bent on destroying our way of life, and that we must finish the job we have started this time.

  • 1 decade ago

    THIS is what I've been trying to say on here. The problem is, they only hear and see what they want. It's too easy to lay blame on one person or just believe that only they are right.

    I posted a similar link last week in one of my replies to a question that said Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terror. We caught a major figure of al qaeda.

    Baghdad triumphant over arrest of Al-Qaeda deputy

    Compiled by Daily Star staff

    Monday, September 04, 2006

    Baghdad announced the arrest of the deputy leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq Sunday, accusing him of masterminding an attack on a revered Shiite shrine that triggered a brutal wave of sectarian killings. News of the arrest of Hamed Jumaa al-Saeedi, an Iraqi, came as a row erupted over a ban on the national flag in the autonomous Kurdish region in the north of the country.

    Thanks for the post. I doubt you get anyone to admit this shows why we're in Iraq, but I can sure appreciate it. At least there's a few of us who really know what's going on and stay up on events.

    You said when you were there, so I'm assuming you're military or ex. Thanks for all you do!!

    Source(s): Army wife of 18 years and 3 deployments to the desert
  • 1 decade ago

    I think when people say these things, they are actually meaning that there were no terrorists in Iraq BEFORE we invaded. We were fighting them in Afghanistan (which is where we should have stayed) until we invaded Iraq. They followed us there. I know that's what I have always said. Anyone who says that the terrorists are not there NOW are just not paying attention to the news at all.

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  • jack w
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps CNN doesn't define terrorist as people that explode bombs in public places to just kill civilians. Or maybe their definition doesn't include cutting the throat of someone tied to a chair and watching them bleed to death while videotaping the entire ordeal. I can believe that CNN doesn't call such people terrorist. CNN too busy accusing coalition forces of being terrorist.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think there is much dispute that there are terrorists in Iraq. The dispute is over whether we are actually causing more people to become terrorists by our presence there. It's like chopping of the head of a hydra. Whenever you chop off one head, two more grow in its place.

  • 1 decade ago

    They expain them away as being freedom fighters that don't belong to any terror cells. They think all the terrorists live in Afghanistan. Hell the guys from 9/11 lived in Hamburg Germany.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have to get things in the correct order. There were no terrorists in Iraq before the US invaded-now it is a hotbed of Islamic fundamentalism where terrorists rule large areas of the country. I know Americans don't like to face the reality but you lot are the cause of that-you aren't the solution to the problem you are the problem. The Iraqi people have shamed you with their courage and resilience-smell the glove Yankee imperialist dogs.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, God bless you brother for your service. Secondly, I don't know why the media has been spouting these untruths. I have numerous colleagues who have done 120-day tours in Iraq and have seen both WMDs and captured/killed terrorists with their own eyes...

    Source(s): 16+ years in the Air Force and still going strong
  • 1 decade ago

    Whats the question? If the question is "are there terrorists in Iraq?" the answer is yes!! Well Hell, there here in the U.S. too!!!

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