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For those in favor of illegal immigration...?

If you're one of the people constantly bashing those who are against illegal immigration, tell me this...

1. Do you think it's okay to break the law? If so, should I not have to pay a speeding ticket or a parking ticket if I get one? Should I be able to steal witout fear of repercussion? Should murderers and rapists be allowed to break the law without paying the consequences?

2. Why are you so angry with the Americans who are against the violation of an important law?

3. Can you honestly say that illegal immigration doesn't hurt legal American citizens in any way, shape or form?

4. Can you honestly say that illegal immigration has not contributed to increased rate of identity theft?

5. Do you think compassion should supercede the law?

6. Why do so many in favor of illegal immigration throw the "race card" towards those who oppose it and if you are one of these people, since when did the supporting the law have anything to do with being a racist?

Help us understand.


I notice people rating the question with a thumbs down, yet not having the balls to answer it. If you don't have the guts, the intelligence or the facts to answer the question, you should be ashamed of yourself for even attempting to rate it.

Update 2:

Why am I not surprised I haven't gotten a single answer yet?

Update 3:

David & Malou K - you are the first person of intelligence I have heard from who may not be on the same side of the coin as I am. I truly appreciate your answer and I admire the fact that you can argue your point without having to resort to name calling or idiotic statements. You, my friend, have restored a bit of my faith in the intelligence of society.

Update 4:

buffys0 - Who's the racist here? I never said anything about a specific race or illegal immigrants from a specific country. I said illegal immigration in general. Why do you jump to the assumption that I'm speaking only about one race? The fact is that I'm not. I'm talking about illegal immigration as a whole. Perhaps you are the racist and perhaps people like you should keep your mouth shut and those trying to help illegal immigrants (like the person who answered above you) would stand a better chance of proving their point.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    These seem more like rhetorical questions than ones needing an answer. I am a resident of California and I have been very interested in the illegal immigrant issue. I am quite impressed with David and Malou K for addressing this issue in a mature and logical way and he has a few good points...However, I am very against illegal immigration. I can't really see how anyone could see illegal immigration as a good thing. It may be true that a lot of them do it so that "they can send money back to their families to help them survive". But who in their right mind would bring a child into this world that they couldn't already support? It's barbaric! If you can't afford to feed your wife and children then you shouldn't have a wife and kids! If your mother can't afford to live then she shouldn't have had kids either. I may sound a little heartless, but these illegal immigrants bring a good portion of their worries upon their selves. And as for how they "risk their lives" in coming here, how do they risk their lives? The reason we have border problems is because border patrol is a joke. The only way you are getting stopped at the border is if you do it legally. They are "ILLEGAL" immigrants. The title in itself should say something. And being illegal immigrants they get in while people trying to get in legally don't. They are nothing but cheaters, law breakers and miscreants. They are like children in school cutting in line. I believe that the better life should go to the people waiting patiently in line rather than the people who cut to the front for their own purposes. Illegal immigration is not only legally wrong, but morally wrong as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    As and Arizona resident I've been following the immigration issue on the media and personally , I have a hard time trying to remember someboy with any point of view who would say something like it's OK to be an illegal immigrant, or that it's OK to have illegal immigration, It's the way the problem is approached what raises controversy. I personally think that if a person proves to be capable of doing a service to society, maybe we should give that person a chance, after all we have plenty of 'all american people' who've never been of no use to this country and nobody bugs them. If our laws allow this contradiction to happen, then maybe it's time for a correction.

  • 1 decade ago

    gee, i don't know. why don't you go back in time and ask the indians who greeted the mayflower?

    the issue is not about encouraging people to break any laws. it's about how we need to make immigration into the united states legal to the people who want to come here to work, pay their taxes and be good citizens.

    1. again, it's not about encouraging criminal behavior. however, rosa parks or any civil rights activist can tell you why breaking a bad law is sometimes necessary and important.

    and don't liken an illegal immigrant to a rapist or murderer; one has nothing to do with the other.

    2. anger comes from hearing/reading often uneducated opinions formed without the benefit of research and facts.

    3. the illegal immigrants who are here almost always end up in jobs that lazy americans won't do. how many healthy people on welfare do you think would rather be out picking strawberries in 90 degree heat, or scrubbing toilets at some fancy hotel than just collecting a monthly check? illegal immigrants are not taking high-paid white collar jobs and they're paying taxes (unlike people on unemployment and some large, multi-billion dollar red, white and blue corporations). just who exactly are they hurting by taking such menial labor?

    4.yes, i can honestly say that the people who stole my identity and racked up several thousand $$ in credit card bills were white, greedy, legal US citizens.

    5. compassion has nothing to do with it. it's about economics, living in a global community and common sense.

    6. people will probably stop throwing about the race card when illegal immigration issues also include canadian and british illegals, who often do take white collar and higher paying jobs.

    since you've already made up your mind, why are you asking these questions?

    Source(s): `
  • 1 decade ago

    Friend, I do indeed agree that illegal immigration has it's bad points and something needs to be done. The borders need controls. However, I think we need to also remember that those who are risking their lives doing this are doing it as a matter of survival. These people live in villages with no access to health care, little food, and their family members die from every day ailments that people shouldn't die from. Should we close our eyes and allow people to break the law? Of Course not. Something needs to be done. But, I for one would break the law in a minute if it meant survival for my family. And you probably would to. These people aren't enjoying this or trying to get a free ride. They risk their lives coming here, live in horrid conditions and dire poverty - all so that they can send money back to their families to help them survive. In response to your question 2, I for one don't have a problem with people trying to get a handle on the illegal immigration problem. But, where I have a problem is when we treat these people like money-hungry thiefs who are trying to take advantage of the system. Rather, they are trying to survive. Do we need to figure something out to fix the problem of illegal immigration? yes. But, what I get upset at is the lack of compassion for these victims of a horrendous home society. We have to remember that these people are just fighting for survival of their families - I'm sure most people you know would be doing the same if it's the way to support their family and keep them alive. Also, the data is clear -every study conducted indicate that their net impact to America is better for the economy. But, I recognize it's a broken system and we can't keep allowing the free influx of undocumented foreigners. Nobody is saying that illegal immigration isn't hurting society in some ways. Even if a border was put up, legal immigrants will do things to hurt - as well as help - society. Legal immigrants from all over the world hurt - as well as help - society. Should we then end all legal immigration also so that there's no chance of legal immigrants doing something to hurt society? (your question 3 above). Your question 3 is irrelevant. Should we outlaw teachers since some teachers are bad for society? Should we end unemployement and disability insurance because some people abuse it? With everything, there is good and bad, and you do the best to minimize the bad.

    Also, it's worth pointing out that our government undermines the ability to our neighbors to the south from succeeding economically. Due to the freedom of information act, the data clearly shows all that the CIA does to circumvent the economic development of the Central American countries - it's all because if they grow economically, it hurts the American economy. It's public record. I invite you to read a book called "Bitter Fruit". It's about all that our government has done to keep Guatemala from growing economically and having a true democracy. It's all based on recently declassified public government records. So, let's also remember that our own government (who is trying to act in America's best economic interest) is playing a role in why these folks have to come here.

    Let's lock the borders - and figure out a better system, I agree. The uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants is a big problem. I don't know what the answer is, I just think some people forget other aspects of it.

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