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Why do so many African Americans resent Caucasians?

Why is it that so many African Americans resent Caucasians? During the course of my life, I have heard many African American people making racist remarks against white people and I have seen a lot of animosity towards Caucasians from African Americans. Some people have said it has to do with slavery. The fact of the matter is -- I never owned a slave, my parents never owned a slave, my grandparents never owned a slave and I don't think my great grandparents did either. In fact, not a single African American alive today was ever a slave. That being said, why do African Americans still use slavery as an excuse to feel hatred towards white people? Is it possible that African Americans have more of a tendency to be racist than Caucasians do in today's day and age?


martin l and jkltdd - Your ignorance astounds me. No, I'm not a racist. The problem (regardless of what your little delusional brain tells you) is that many African Americans DO resent Caucasians and although Caucasians seem to get the brunt of the blame for the race problem, I really don't think that's where the brunt of the blame belongs nowadays. I am not stereotyping and saying they all do, because that's not true. I know quite a few intelligent and educated African Americans who don't feel that way. But many of the uneducated ones DO feel that way. I guess I should have clarified my thoughts without fear of hurting someone's feelings, so let me restate my question -- why is it that low class African Americans tend to resent white people? By the way, I'm not going to apologize for stating a fact. You may not like the truth, but you've got to swallow it!

Update 2:

You know, I've been thinking and I should really have mentioned this in my original post. I really don't think this problem applies to African American men. I know a lot of African American men and very few have ever given me this impression. It's mostly the females.

Update 3:

Wilbur, your lying nature, low I.Q. and ugly face are showing again...

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are trained to think that way from birth. They have been brainwashed so far back and so bad that it will take a lot of work to stop the insanity.

    I have had racist statements directed towards me from blacks. ONLY because I am white. Heck, I was with my best friend who just happened to be black.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a multi-racial young women...and dont believe that. Everyone has the same potential to be equally "racist" Caucasians,African Americans,Mexicans, Arabic's, Belgium's.......Everyone. I suppose it is just a matter of where you go in the world.

    Hatred is a sad, and dose not belong on this world. Hate is a human other creature on this planet has it. Perhaps one day, humans will look past this irrational feelings and truly make progress for the future.

  • 1 decade ago

    So I guess you don't know any Caucasians that do not like African Americans. I'm sure there were lots of Caucasians that did not own slaves. Did these Caucasians help to end slavery?? I don't have any resentment towards any Race of people. My resentment goes to people are are mean or rude to me because of my race.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Speak for yourself. Many "African Americans" may resent you, but not me. "African Americans" don’t resent "Caucasians" any more than "Caucasians" resent "African Americans". And from the way many of you speak of "them" and "the way they are" maybe they should resent you. As "POSTURE" stated earlier, all of the questions that mention slavery are not asked by "African Americans" (as your question mentions slavery). I'm ashamed of the way some of you people on Yahoo! Answers spout hate/ stereotypes and ask bigoted questions. We are all human. Do something to solve the worlds problems, not make them worse.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe if we stopped referring to people as "CAUCASIANS" and "AFRICAN AMERICANS" as if everything relating to people was an anthropological study, we would get a lot further with this subject. I know people such as the ones you are talking about exist and I suspect you have some issues of you own with Black people, but they aren't the majority, most people Black and White just want to be treated with respect. I for one could not care less about the race of the people I surround myself with and I have found this to be true by the overwhelming majority of human beings on this earth. Assholes come in all colors, I choose to surroud myself with people that treat others with respect, not with people who are pre-occupied with the color of ones skin whether they are Black or White.

    Source(s): Life experiences.
  • You benefited from slavery. This country was built on the backs of slaves providing cheap labor. Just like you benefit when Mexican migrant workers are underpaid and mistreated, because your produce is cheaper. Just like I benefit from the genocide of the Native Americans, because I live in California.

    And you know what? Black people are still harmed from hundreds of years of abject poverty and forced labor, not to mention the decades of explicitly discriminatory legislation following the formal end of slavery. It's not like Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation and suddenly everything was equal. Just for a more concrete example of this concept, consider the fact that it was illegal to teach slaves to swim, and then segregation kept Black people out of beaches and swimming pools, and today, Black children are five times more likely to die of drowning than White children.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why do many women hate men for the history of male violence, suppression, and cruelty towards women?

    I think African Americans are largely reacting towards white americans, who are often a rather racist bunch. I don't know. It's all incredibly complicated. In Australia, we are just gently allowing our indigenous blacks to die out after we decimated their culture without helping them adjust to ours. None of it's right. Just be a good person and treat people as people instead of as colours.

  • 1 decade ago

    first of all not all African Americans are racist, and for you to claim there are, shame on u. your not African American so you wouldn't understand. I'm African American and I'm not racist, but yet I live though racism everyday. You make it seem like Caucasians are not racist, open your eyes. but like I say be4 your not African American so you wouldn't understand what we go though everyday.

  • junior
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Slavery is a thing of the past.

    Let's put it this way, today: Who would want to see stranger in ones backyard.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe people are born racist. People feel comfortable with their own kind and for good reason. All this "we are all human" nonsense is just politically correct delusion.

    Black people hate white people because that is how they are raised from birth by society. It is good and just to hate white people and it is bad and racist to hate black people. It gives black people self-righteous indignation (who doesn't love that?) plus tons of social and political power. It is working like a charm for them.

    It would be better to ask: Why wouldn't black people hate white people?

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