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Where do Atheists go when they die?

Atheists do not believe in God. They have no Religion. Oh course , they will say that there is no Heaven or Hell , but for us Christians who know better ; we know that some day they will make their Maker.


Some day they will meet their MAKER.I mistakenly typed MAKE ; should be : ...MEET their MAKER.

63 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Their spirit still exists just like anyone Else's because their spirit is part of god.

    its up to god to decide whether that spirit of his keeps its human conscience of that human individual character that it once dwelled in, so be good and don't be too harsh when judging others

  • 1 decade ago

    Come on! Don't say you know for sure there is God......there may be there may be not!

    Frankly, the world would be a better place if everyone was atheist wouldn't it?? UNLESS people accept that their religions are beliefs and based on faith, not fact (yet at least).

    Faith is about believing without seeing, without a scientist, I would call it science fiction despite having a strict Christian upbringing.

    Say there is a God and if I die believing that there is no God, then what? That is the question you ask and my answer would be, we just do not know and never will do until we die.....meeting my maker, what maker? If intelligence did 'make' us then the 'maker' made the first amino acid by striking the Earths primeval soup with a bolt of lightening, so we were not 'made' according to science fact.

    Science can be related to the bible though, for example:-

    Genesis 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3....scientifically the big bang.

    1:4....The calm after the big bang

    1:5....The formation of our solar system, when planets formed.

    1:6, 1:7, 1:8....could this be a parallel universe? A wild guess. There is nothing scientific to explain these verses.

    1:9, 1:10....After the violent beginning of the planet, the seas and land appear.


  • 1 decade ago

    While it might be nice to see our long dead relatives or to live an eternal life of bliss, without proof, its just fanciful thinking.

    To quote Lewis Black, "We have the fossils. We win."

    Here's the thing... there's support for the theory of evolution, whereas there is not even the tiniest scrap of support for "Creationism".

    So let's all embrace the Scientific Method and reality and put creationism where it belongs... in the idiot bucket. "There are many hypotheses in science which are wrong. That's perfectly all right; they're the aperture to finding out what's right. Science is a self-correcting process. To be accepted, new ideas must survive the most rigorous standards of evidence and scrutiny If some good evidence for life after death were announced, I'd be eager to examine it; but it would have to be real scientific data, not mere anecdote. As with the face on Mars and alien abductions, better the hard truth, I say, than the comforting fantasy" Carl Sagan

  • 1 decade ago

    Atheists go to the same place as everyone else. The only difference is that they know death is final, while Christians pay thousands of dollars to hear wild tales that promise an afterlife. My sister gives her church $50 a month. If she saved that much for 39.2 years, she could buy a Piaget "Polo" watch like mine. She may've bought her preacher one. You Christians don't "know better". You mistakenly and blindly believe some naive myths. I won't meet my Maker, I'm certain. Believing is NOT the same as knowing!

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  • You claim to "know better," but how is that? Have you ever actually been to either place? How do you reconcile the xtian version of the afterlife with different, conflicting versions of other religions? I suppose you believe your religion is the only real, True Religion. Sure. Just like all the others do too.

    Fact: the human race has been around for hundreds of thousands of years.

    Fact: the concepts of an afterlife, of gods, spirits, etc. have only been around for a few millenia.

    Fact: these concepts were invented and promulgated by ignorant barbarians as an attempt to explain the world around them, before there was a such thing as science or epistemology.

    Fact: the xtian religion is only a couple millenia old, one of many religions that came before it and have come since.

    Fact: most of the books of the bible were written by people who were never there, as second- or third-hand accounts decades or even centuries after the events they claim to tell about.

    Fact: the books of the bible have been heavily edited over the centuries, with passages or even whole books being re-written or omitted to fit the theological and political climates of the time.

    Fact: the books of the bible have also been subject to extensive errors, misinterpretations, and differences of opinion in interpretation as they are translated from one language to another and from that to yet another language.

    Knowing all this, how can yours or ANY religion be viewed as anything BUT the invention of men? I know this may not be what you want to hear, and I doubt I'll do much harm to your faith; faith is remarkably impervious to reason. But we atheists are nothing like what the church leaders are fond of charicaturing us as. We are freethinking individuals who are able to see the Big Picture without the blinders of religion. We do not live in despair, quite the contrary; freethought is incredibly refreshing, liberating, and empowering. We are not nihilists, but lovers of life who see it as all the more precious _because_ there's no eternal afterlife. We do not need the bribe of heaven or the threat of hell to be good people, we believe in being good for its own sake. Through science and reason, we know more about the true nature of the world we live in than your religion could ever hope to offer.

    I'd ask you to give freethought a try, but I realize that's probably asking too much for a True Believer. So I'll only ask that you consider learning more about atheists and atheism, and setting aside any preconceived notions you may have about them--because those notions are almost certainly wrong. We are not your enemy. Our quarrel is with irrationality, wishful thinking, superstitions, intellectual dishonesty, and all other forms of thinking that keep mankind mired in darkness, ignorance and hate.

  • jazi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If you think that everyone will meet their maker someday I think that if Atheists die they will have the same rights as any one who practices his/her long as you are a good person it does not matter what any religious person only matters that while you were living you made the best of your life..........a good person is a good you really think that God would refuse these individuals just because they did not believe in him? The most important factor while we are here on earth is to make something of ourselves (not selfishly) and to improve ourselves and to have a positive influence on those around make the world a better place if we can. God is within all of us whether we realize it or's who we are. The afterlife (if there is one) will be for all.

  • 1 decade ago

    i have met my maker, my parents. if you intended this question to be offensive you have succeeded. in saying you know better you insinuate that you are all knowing, that yours is the only religion with any validity. you are ignorant. also the atheist does not believe in god however they can believe in something. because someone is not christian you assume they have no belief. this is not necessarily the case. i hate to break it to you but your god is a myth as is heaven. it is a fairytale like santa clause or the tooth fairy. if it makes your holier than though bible thumping self feel better about your mortality to believe this dribble that is your right, but how dare you force your beliefs on other people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Silly girl. The same place all things go in the end: to the ground, then the earth, then a blackhole, only to be respun out into a different part of the universe.

  • Eryc
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i believe in god, and i also believe heaven and hell are here already. some peoples' lives are good and some are tragic. when my time comes (i believe) the worst punishment would be repetition. i accept god's anomalies such as homosexuality and what not, and i also believe god gave us life to make a positive difference somewhere in the vast universe, it is why i don't understand this "controversy" about gay marriages. who cares? let them live, is it sin to do what our hearts and minds tell us? wars are are fought because of religion. i believe in god, i do not call myself a christian, or catholic or any other name. i know god is my maker.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Athiest is a religion , it is a bielief in non. So where do they go. Well they go where everyone else goes. DEAD. rotting in the ground or burnt in crematoruim. finito gone finale, sorte, salida. end of story. except the people who loved them keep them forever in thier heart until it is their time to be DEAD...... shall I go on or have you got the message..... maker, what are you taling about, my mum fucked my dad and i was made. that is the truth. I fucked my husband and my son was made freak. get a grip. a thousand lives only one it.....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They're sent out to clean the grounds, mow the grass, turn on and off the sprinklers, trim the hedges.

    Or, their souls are composted in the great dung-heap of the universe. Maybe sent to recycle in a black hole.

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