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Is the war really about religion, or us trying to get oil from them?

I know Bush, met him in 1980 before he was famous and he was into the oil business, which got him to be president.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    War isn't about religion or's about pride, arrogance, ego, being self-righteous, manipulation of those weaker than you, power, wealth. If you beheaded Hitler, then things would have been different, if you beheaded Bin Laden, things would be different. It's no good stoking the snake, you need to cut it's head off. George Bush needs a kick up the @rse and to be put back into the "village idiot" box that he escaped from.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many variables to the equation.

    British Imperialism that put many of the leaders in power in the Middle East.World War II and Nazi influence over the social politics in th region and the creation of the Baath Party. The Democratic Governments that do exist in the region (Israel) and how there is no separation of church and state. This caused inequalities amongst citizens of these countries. Poverty level in the Middle East and how the blame for this poverty is always blamed on the west.

    Oil is a issue, but more for Europe than the United States. The U.S. does not receive much oil from the Middle East. This is due to History and such things as the Red Line Agreement.

    Islamic Extremism that uses a religion to authorize the killing of people world wide-not just Christians but all non extremist Muslims.

    The are many reasons. Unfortunately, people only hear what is on the news and nothing else.

    I real problem will be down the road in a few decades. The demand for oil will eventually dwindle. Some say it will decline due to oil depletion and some say technology. Regardless the reason we can all agree that the demand will end- maybe not in our lifetime but probably our children's.

    So think about it. If the demand for oil decreases what will to the Middle East where the majority of all the revenue comes from oil? Will they go back to fishing in the Persian Gulf (Arab Gulf )? What will they do?

    I will tell you this- if the situation now is not dealt with and the extremists are left to thrive and even hold political office the world is in a whole lot of trouble. By this time the perforation of Nuclear Weapons and other WMDs will exist in the Middle East. If extremist governments are in power at the time of the oil decline we will see a war like no other. They will use this technology to extend the Jihad outside the Arab Territories.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion has nothing to do with the war. It isnt Islam we are fighting is the terrorists and extremiest. Islam is actually a great religion, unfortunately it is twisted and some sick individuals are brainwashing their followers into beliveing their Jihad. I think oil had a little do to with it, but I think ego and misinformation has the biggest part in the war.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oil and religion are part of the equation, but not the real reason for the war. Extremism on both sides is the real reason.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Whoever controls the world oil supply also controls world economy

  • 1 decade ago

    The above link should answer most of your question. Cheny, Rummy, Libby, Jeb Bush, Wolfowitz are all part of the organization that released this.

    (names at the bottom)

  • 1 decade ago

    this bush wanted to finish daddys war and chenney saw hugh profit for hallibuton and him self.

    the terrorist are at war cause they like to kill not religion. they say we are not tolerant of muslimns and they are the ones that say anyone not muslimn should die. I doubt they GOD would aprove of their mudering people just for the hell of it.

    The US will never win the war on terrorism, for the simple fact you can only beat terrorist at their own game. Don't kill the terrorist kill their families. bring the wrath of god on their families when they kill in the false war for GOD.

  • 1 decade ago

    no but i heard the reason for war in iraq and others countries is coz of something of bush`s personality....

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    A little from column A and a little from column B.

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