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Do I stay or go? Since wife is very cold and rude and really bitchy?

My wife and I have been married for over25 years and things have gone to hell in a hand basket. 20 years ago she was involved with another guy. 18 years ago when I learned that my father was dying from cancer she was at lunch with the other guy. She has spent alot of time with this guy and his wife to a point of severe contention in both families. 16years ago I lost alot of money in my business and all she could say is that it was my problem and she did not want to talk to me about it. 14years ago my health started to fail me and since then it has gotten worse. Sex in our marriage has always been on her terms so it has always been very few and far between, so to compinsate for it I worked long hours to avoid frustration. 10 yearsago i had a heart attack, 7 years ago ruptured 3 disc in lower back,in constant severe pain. 4 years ago told that I have Multiple Scleroisis. Learned that my sister-in-law had breast cancer she was out with her boyfriend again. She is working now


Ther are 5 children from this marrage ages range from24 to 12

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why in the world have you stayed with this woman so long?

  • 1 decade ago

    You have 5 children ranging from ages 24 to 12. Wow, well despite the turmoil in your marriage you do have 5 blessings in your life. Have you actually had a real good heart to heart talk with her? Being married 25 years you go through alot together, some good and some bad. But, if she still is continuing to see this other guy, it's almost like she is flaunting him in your face. You really do need to put your foot down. Have the both of you gone to see a marriage counselor at all? If you know about this affair, then your kids probably know also. That isn't exactly the best role model for a child. What is that teaching them to do when they get married? If they don't like the situation at home with their spouse, then go out and have an affair. As for whether you stay or go, only you can answer that which by the sounds of it you already have by asking the question:

    "Since wife is very cold and rude and really bitchy," so tell me would you want to spend your next 25 years with someone like that? Also your not helping the kids by staying there in that situation. It isn't helping them it is hurting them. Because the kids are not stupid they know what is going on. And it hurts them more seeing you hurt over this and not doing anything about it to resolve it. Your their Dad, they look up to you and for what your wife is doing to you now, she is disrespecting you infront of your children. And soon your children if they haven't already will start the same behavior in disrespecting you. And with her working now that isn't going to change anything. Because if she wanted your marriage to work, she would be working with you on it together. Something to think about though, whether you may or may not have sex, her terms or not, you may want to consider asking her to be tested for any STD's. Because, how do you know she isn't transmitting anything to you. Because you may not know who she sleeps with or who her boyfriend sleeps with. Now this was my 2 cents worth. Here is my husband's:

    You need to get the F#$% out. If she has been cheating that long what the hell are you still doing there!

    Source(s): My husband and I have been married for almost 30 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    The short version to your question is Should I stay with a woman that has rarely shown support, empathy or connection to you?

    I assume your kids (if you have any) are grown up so what you really want to ask yourself is do you want to grow old with this person or do you think that when your on your death bed, instead of being by your side comforting you through your last days, instead she will be reading travel brochures with her man friend?

    Instead of working so much, I suggest you get out and meet some new people. Join some clubs, take up activities, volunteer. Anotherwords, find a fullfilling balanced life and then decide what is best for you. good luck and never settle for second best!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well if she is working now let her take some of the slack on the bills! I'd say it is her turn to take care of you, why let her get off scott free? Sounds like she could use some counseling and maybe good for both of you, sounds like there is something that has been bugging her for a long time in the marriage, and 25 years is a long time to throw down the tubes.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Wasn't that a song? Should I stay or should I go? I think you should COWBOY up and GO MAN GO!!! Show her that you can survive this evil world that we live in. You must get a handle on your personal life. You should have left her *** 20 yrs. ago. If you have to ask that question, then GO MAN GO!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, I'm really sorry for all of your problems. I think it's time to bite the bullet and leave. I don't understand why the two of you stayed together so long. Screw the b**ch, and go find someone who really cares about you.

  • DrSH
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Since she doesn't love you and has not been there to support you in any of your life's to leave her so that she can pursue this other guy at her will and stop hassling you. This relationship is only making you unwell, why stay?

  • 1 decade ago

    Its never to late to start over. She has disrespected you in so many ways. I am truely sorry of how she is treating you. Its time for you to get on with your life. its not to late.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    GO !

    you'll find someone better than she is.

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