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Why do Christians equate a nonbelief in God with a hatred of God?

I'm curious because there seems to be a lot of Christians out there who think that just because someone disagrees with them, doesn't share their faith, or refuses to listen to proselytizing, they "hate' God. As an atheist who doesn't hate God at all(despite being frequently irritated by overzealous followers), simply doesn't believe in him at all, I simply don't get this line of thought.

Please be serious and respectful in your answers. Don't tell me to go to church, that you're praying for me, that I'm going to Hell, etc. I've heard it before, it's not going to change my mind, nor does it answer my question. Such comments will be ignored.

And for the record, I read the Bible just this summer, so don't tell me to go read one or that I don't know anything about it or God. Bible quotations are fine, I can look them up, but I also expect that if you do some quoting, you also explain your point of view, not just shoot quotes out there.


Wow, I'm very impressed with the responses. I'd like to thank you all first for answering. I've got some very good answers, but not going to choose any just yet. Only been up a couple of hours and I want to see what else I get.

Secondly, I do want to clarify something and apologize for the generalization. Only after you pointed it out to me did I realize the error in the initial question,which I unfortunately can't edit, but I can at least add details and clarify.

I should have said SOME Christians and didn't and I apologize. I did mean some and meant to offend no one. That was my fault. My own mother's Christian and not that sort and I do apologize for making that generalization.

I just meant to ask about those Christians who do equate a nonbelief in God as a hatred of God why that is because I've unfortunately seen it a lot and can't seem to figure it out. You've given me some good answer so keep 'em coming.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was ready to remind you of stereotyping, but, in the first sentence of your post, you cleared up the stereotyping issue.

    I'm a Christian, and while I have a deep and abiding relationship with God, I totally respect the decision of someone such as yourself to decide what you choose to believe or not believe. Certainly, as an atheist, hating God wouldn't be possible, because you don't believe a God exists to hate.

    For the most part, I really enjoy visiting Answers, but the one thing I see quite a bit of here is lack of respect for the opposing viewpoints of others. Too many people who visit Answers seem to feel it is a perfectly normal response to declare verbal open season towards those whose beliefs do not mirror their own. I don't necessarily see this lack of tolerance viewpoint as limited to religious issues, but to just about any subject or issue one could think of.

    I think it takes maturity and a sure sense of who we are and what we believe in to be able to respect the beliefs of others without feeling attacked, insulted or trying to show someone with opposing beliefs how "wrong" and "misguided" they are.

    I just wish more people would approach this issue with the maturity you have. You just asked a question without insults or attacks. Not only this board, but the WORLD would benefit if we practiced more of that.

  • Barbiq
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Because most Christians share the belief (right or wrong) that they are the only ones with "the answer and the way". They refuse to be open to or tolerant of anyone else's belief system. Although they are free to choose, no one else is. Add to that the fact that their religion is really the youngest and I believe has the most varied interpertations of any other religion Everyone knows that the Jewish faith, the Muslim, the Hindu, and many more are far older. Maybe it's like the youngest in a family....they always seem to make the most noise too. There is much to consider with your question....very thought provoking Thanks.

  • Este
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't know a lot about their religion but I heard this. Non-believers will go to hell unless they change their mind and start following this religion. Only the believers can change non-believers' mind and...I guess some of the believers are taking this in real seriously.

    Maybe they think they are saving non-believers by convincing them. Maybe they think they are the holy warriors sent by god. Maybe they are...just narrow minded and childish. Who knows!

    If they can't accept the fact that there are different believes other than theirs', too bad! It's called life, live with it.

    Personally...I'm okay with either if god exist or not. I don't really care...

  • 1 decade ago you are the one who is stereotyping. Not all Christians believe that. If thats what you think, you are just as guilty of being biased, narrow-minded, and prejudice. People are aethists for different reasons. Some in fact do hate God, but this is normally a very small percentage of aethist population. Others have never been exposed to religion or have simply made a choice not to believe in something they cannot see.

    It is unfair to make general comments about all Christians, just as it is unfair to make general comments about aethists, muslims, jews, women, men, homosexuals, etc. People are taught hatred and prejudice normally from childhood. Prejudice - no matter what the subject...religion, sex, race, etc is ignorance and fear. People naturally become hostile when they feel threatened. Don't judge all christians, as they do not all judge you.

    I'm not going to tell you to pray. I'll pray.

    I pray that God assuages the abhorrence that you feel towards Christians. May He make all of us more tolerant...and may we all learn to respect each other for the short time we are here on this earth.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's natural defensiveness resulting from the way that atheists react to Christians faith. I've noticed a lot of insults, ridicule and intolerance from the self-proclaimed atheists on YA hurled at Christians. A lot of narrow-minded atheists out there, too.

    Or it could be that some Christians find it difficult to believe that people could be so flip with something that they hold so close to their hearts, that it's easier for them to feel that their faith is hated, because not believing in God is simply ridiculous.

  • chris
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I am a Christian and don't assume atheists hate God, I assume they do not believe in God at all.....the name atheists sort of gave it away.

    But seriously, so many of the questioning from atheists here, are not questions at all but more a diatribe. We are called sheep, narrow-minded. We are kind of lumped together as zealots and believe me I have never been a zealot. I will share my faith, answer questions, but I do not push it on anyone.

    And some of the atheist here have expressed a deep hatred for our religion....many times belittling and insulting our God. I think if one doesn't believe, that is certainly the atheist's right, but why get insulting? It doesn't help either of us anymore than the zealot that starts ranting about how you should repent. That won't win any souls either.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't assume that all atheists or agnostics hate God. I assume that Atheists don't believe he exists, and agnostics believe that if he does exist, he can't be known. People who hate God (or Christians) just seem to belong to one or the other of those groups (though not always). And they are very vociferous on YA. It's their right, but it's a better thing to try to speak as respectfully as possible. If we do that, we can learn a lot from each other.

    Hoping the best for you...

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it depends upon the Christian and which denomination he/she belongs to. I'm an Episcopalian. I've always presumed that an atheist or agnostic simply doesn't believe. If they're happy, that's fine with me. I think some people see disagreement with their beliefs as a rejection of them. Or they are insecure in their beliefs themselves and constantly have to prove to themselves that they are "good" Christians by putting down or criticizing those who don't agree.

  • Reload
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because they can't accept that fact that people don't believe in god so they assume that an atheists do believe but just don't want to admit it because they hate god.

    As an Atheist I think that's funny because It's impossible to hate something that doesn't exist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If its true what you've said somethings wrong somewhere because Christian belief is not a form dictatorship. Those who chose to follow uses their own free will and individuals have their own intellegence whom they exercise their judgement. No matter how much we convince people their minds are set as it began from their upbringing

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