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Today is our 29th wedding annsiversary. How many of you still believe in marriage?

Has it all been great? Of course not. Some days are better than others, but when the times get rough, we stick together, uphold one another. When we took vows for better or worse, we meant it. I love him more than I love myself. He loves me more than he loves himself. Therefore, we have a mutual respect for one another. I still believe in the sanctity of marriage. It's about being selfless and forgiving. God is the center of it all and has greatly blessed us. How many years have you been married?


Teenie, I am sad for you. Obviously you've trust issues. How do I know he loves me more than himself?? Because the days and nights & endless hours he sat beside me holding my hand while disease took its ugly toll. All the while letting his own needs pass by. I know because I've seen the tears and have heard him pray to God to keep me here a while longer while offering up his own life in exchange for mine. I know dear. I know.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Catie, Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. What a wonderful occasion to celebrate. I have been married nearly 27 years. I love my husband the same way. He's my air, my breath, and my life. There of course times, I would love to strangle him, but I wouldn't know how to live without him.

    You and your husband share something rare now days. True love, and it's a shame that not everyone is as lucky as we are. Of course, I think we have sticking power too, you can't give up at the first sign of trouble. If you have too, use super glue. I do believe in the sanctity of marrige also. You don't give up without a fight. Respect I think a lot of times is more important than the love. Without that-how can you truly love someone.

    My prayers will be with you and husband that you have 29 more years of happiness together. Your illness, I hope is under control. I will pray so. God is the center, and he has blesses us each everyday. It is up to us, to enjoy those blessings, and to cherish the time He has allowed us. Taking not a moment of time for granted. True love-lasting love-is yours...many many more years of it for a wonderful God loving couple.

    God bless us all......

    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm not married yet, its scheduled the the end of November nothing fancy we want to take our vows infront of god since were living as a married couple in spirit anyways and get to the material aspect of it later I dont know if thats a mistake or not but we'll try to make it as nice as possible with what we have to work with, sorry YES I still beleive in marriage I was beginning to think it was prehistoric and because of that image its hard to even believe or enjoy it happening kind of like it a mind trick or something anyways I truly believe its the sole problem of society today as a whole all the broken families hell the other guys question was why do women come w/so much extra baggage well thats why, anyways your right God has blessed you and also me finally as far as marriage goes enjoy enjoy enjoy and thanks for spreading some of your joy KIMBUR

  • 1 decade ago

    Married 14, together 18... I knew I could marry him on the very first date.

    You are right, marriage is for better or worse, and I can't imagine anyone else who would have been as amazingly supportive and stable throughout some of our most stressful times. For us, the good times have been numerous, the joys of our children, pets, adventures keep us going strong.

    Marriage is a chance to choose your partner in crime. You don't get that choice when you are born into a family... but that family you have come from can shape who you are when you start your own family. Its a chance to do things differently...

    Of course, the world creeps in... that's life, right? But there's something about knowing that you chose this person to be yours that makes you protective about your spouse, protective about your life together.

    I think the hardest part about marriage is that you have to hang tight through times when you don't feel happy. Not every day is perfect -- and yet, I think those down times make you stronger for living through them and somehow or another you come out of them appreciating your spouse, your love, even more.

  • 1 decade ago

    I still believe in marriage and happy to hear about one that has been so successful. With all the negativity circling marriage, it's wonderful to hear some reassurance from couple who are going strong.

    I've been with my fiancee for five years, engaged for one, and am marrying this May. We're on the same page, communicate well with one another, and have a special bond. Our feelings are mutual which makes me realize that our marriage will work just as well.

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  • 1 decade ago


    You have achieved what many have not, including myself.

    Unfortunately, I have had more than one marriage. I do, however still believe in marraige.

    Marriage is often misuderstood and too often we confuse infatuation with love. On the other hand we often make choices that are based on things that have little to do with allowing God to bring our life mate to us.

    It is my opinion that when a relationship is of God it can stand the test of time.

    Regardless of the many failed marriages, I still believe in marriage and so does God.

  • Debbk
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Congratulations! I have been happily married 26 years, I have 2 great kids 18 and soon to be 21 and my husband and I are looking forward to an empty nest next year as our youngest plans to go off to college fall of 2007. Family life is wonderful.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been married 10 years and I love him but it has been hell I can not lie. I love him it is just very hard congrats on your anniversary and yes I still beleive in marriage but alot of people today have no idea what for better or for worse till death do u s part means I come on you got teens ashamed to be virgins

  • 1 decade ago

    I am glad to see your marriage is going so strong...only if you could put it in a bottle and sell t...we would save alot of broken families. Well I am getting married next spring...and far it has been great. We share everything...respect each others oponions, and give needed space. We communicate on every level, and thank each other for the things that we do to help it work..or house work. Good is special...and you deserve it...give hubby a hug from us girls...that thank him for understanding the thoughts of a women...cause we are thinkers...that most men don't understand. You are a lucky am I

  • 1 decade ago

    Marriage is hard and can suck, but when all is said and done, if you find someone that you are truly meant to share your life with, at the end of the day it's nice to know that there is someone always there to support you. But yes I still believe in marriage.

    It's always good to hear of marriages like yours.

    Congratulations & Happy Anniversary!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that is so great i was only thinking the other day that you dont get marriages like that any more. We have just celebrated our 3rd Year Anniversary. We are so great together with our ups and downs of course but just terrific seriously believe in marriage it works so great with God being the center.

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