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Do you think we are ready to have a female President?

If you were to choose between Rice and Clinton, who would you vote for? Is America ready for a Black Female President, or just a Female President. Dont hate me, I'm just polling.


I was flippin' channels yesterday and I heaerd a comment that if Rice was voted President that it would be a continuation of the Bush administration, that she will only be a mere puppet to that campaign. A new face for the same think?

21 Answers

  • Wismom
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I was raised in a super republican family... But myself I look at each candidate and decide based on which one I think will be the lesser of 2 evils.. I gave up a long time ago thinking wed find a good one

    I did vote for Bush.. but am pretty unahppy now

    I was not happy with Bill Clinton,, the slime

    BUT I would Probably Vote for Hillary over Rice.

    Rice has already said she does not want to run.. and I think if she did she would not make a good president as she is just not as authorative or endearing as Hillary is.

    Dont think for a second that Hillary did not have some say in the white house as First Lady or that she was not using that as a stepping stone for HER own career... Im certain she put Billy boy right in line after his events and basically said YOU WILL NOT mess this up for me...

    I really think IF its her verses Rice , she will take it hands down..

    I cant think of another Female the Republicans would have to bring to the table.. and Frankly I think there are ALOT of unhappy Repubs looking for a change so I think ANY repub will do badly in 2008.

    IF Hillary runs... I will vote for her.. even if she does a rotten job.. she will pave the way for the next female president..

    Frankly WHy are we so behind...Many other less progressive countires have had female leaders for a long time!

    Good Luck


  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a resident alien so I can't vote anyways and I can't say that I am pro any one thing, but if a woman ran I think what she has to say during her campaign should be the reason she is voted for or not. I wouldn't vote for a woman (if I could vote) jsut because she is a woman even thought the men running this country have done a not so great job. All things need to be considered, the stuff politicians usually talk about during their campaign doesn't usually happen exactly as they state it anyways. Having a change would be nice but you have to see that most women that would even consider running have had some political agenda tied to what the men around them have been saying so it might not end up being that much different from the men.


  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I don't know about you libs, but us conservatives don't really care about whether she would be black or white. What we care about are issues, and there is no comparison between Condi and Clinton. I do have a problem with Condi's possible pro-choice leanings, but it has been awhile since she has given any public indication on the issue, and GWB's long-time influence may have swayed her more into our camp. But at this point, the global war between us and islamofascism has to take priority over everything else, and with that issue, there is no doubt that Condi will fight our enemy in a way closer to how most of us conservatives want to see it fought. Hillary will just stick her finger in the air every morning, the way her husband taught her (oh I forgot, Bill stuck something else up every day).

  • 1 decade ago

    I think America is ready for a female president! Most definitely. As far between Rice or Clinton. I don't know. Probably Clinton. I agree with political views more than Rice.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sex and race doesn't matter. What matters is policy. If I had to choose between Clinton and Rice, I would choose Rice. I know from watching that Hillary is very liberal (although she behaves like a moderate when an election nears - a tactic that her husband mastered). Rice, although I don't know a whole lot about her personal beliefs, is probably more closely aligned with my beliefs.

    Rice in 2008.

  • besos
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i think this term coming up not be a female but the term after this one yes america is ready. But the two choice we have not I have my disbelieve in both. If were to chose on because she is a female then clinton would be out. She is physical a female but manner and ways are clear that of a man and that is my turn off with her. With rice her race dont matter to me. It just she is so smart that alot of world leader would feel too treaten with her ruin america. He goes to these countries and talk to them with word they have never heard and are so over taking by her they have no choice but to listen and agree to her. Rice would be the better of the choice if you want to pick a real women.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd like more choices than Rice (more Bush years) or Clinton (more Clinton years). We need a fresh face in Washington not someone who's going to walk in with already established agendas.

  • 1 decade ago

    Clinton certainly not Rice and not because she is black. She is simply not up for the job yet maybe in the future but not right now. Clinton is the woman that could handle anything that is sent her way and she is another margaret thatcher and could run this country without any problem. Let her be clintons vice pres maybe she'll learn something.

  • 1 decade ago

    Rice. She would be a better President than Clinton.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, we're not ready. And neither Rice nor Clinton are going to be running in '08. People need to start realizing that and move away from it, and start focusing on other possible candidates.

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