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What are the names you like to be called and you don't like to be called?

Tell me what people call you and the reasons why you like it or why you don't like it.



I like “Bugoy”. I like mischievous.


“rachy” sounds much better than “Wanky” as to “Franky”


Don’t let people get to ya. Joke back to them. That’s how I made friends when I moved to Canada.

Update 2:


I don’t like people calling me “sweetie”. These are the things that go through my mind when someone calls me “sweetie” - 'Give me a break! I might look young but I’m about your mom’s age. If you keep looking down on me, you’re gonna pay for it. Because I’m gonna tell you this in front of all these people - Hey, kiddo. Find your sucker and sit down over there. You are getting my nerve. Yeah. You don’t know me well enough if you are calling me that.’

I've always liked my nickname "Bob" simply because it’s funny - I am Japanese and people in this town couldn't pronounce my name when I first moved here. Someone said, ‘can I just call you Bob?’ and since then, I was Bob for a while.

I also like people calling me, “tough b**ch”. It just explains about me well.

7 Answers

  • bugi
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I hate people when they call me "BUGOY". In our native language it means very naughty. That was my nickname given to me by my father. And i really hate it until now. I am 28 now and my dad still call me bugoy!!! i really hate it!!! i think i have move on already from childhood. But i have no choice... everybody call me BUGOY at home!!!!

  • AG
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    As a Muslim, I dont want to be called a terrorist nor a fanatic or be judged for others' mistakes

    I dont like to be called anti-humane, nor a killer that just lives to destroy

    I dont like to be called a retard for what I believe in and love

    I dont like to be called a "religious nutjob" for loving my religion, and always looking for ways to please God

    I dont like to be called a racist just because a person from my community was indeed a racist

    Source(s): If only people gave more thought to what they say to others before saying it, this world would be a much more safer and peaceful place
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't like being called "wop", "guinea", or "dago". Those are all anti-Italian ethnic slurs that I heard far too much of growing up.

    I like it when my girlfriend calls me by my actual name instead of my Americanized nickname. But she's the only one I allow to do it.

  • 1 decade ago

    people call me rachy, and that annoys me because it makes me feel like a 3 year old being annoyed by her grandmother...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like to be called: Butter Puss, my husband calls me that, for obvious reasons, Montana Heaven-Ridge, my porn name, Gorgeous, sometimes men call me that, it makes me feel good. I don't like to be called: whore, b*tch, c unt, psycho hose beast, wet back, poser, or old.

  • 1 decade ago

    i like to be called by my name,alexandra,and i hate when boys call me on the street "baby","doll"or things like that!:)

  • 1 decade ago

    "baby"it makes me feel like im a one year old kid

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