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Lv 4
Lizzy asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsSTDs · 1 decade ago

Female problems! Only females and doctors answer!!!!!?

I am a female who has been happily married or so I thought for 1.5 years. I just recently been getting syptoms of a STD. I am itching and my vulva is swollen and hard. It also stings to the touch. I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow at 10am but I just wanted to know if anyone else has had this. I have never had an STD before. I have had yeast infections, but nothing like this. I have not been with any other man so I know if I have contracted something it is from my husband. Please Help. I am afraid.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, needless to say your husband is busted! Sorry...i hope you call him out on this! Don't get yourself worked up into a frenzy! You 're going to the DR. just calm down! You didn't really give too many symptoms...not enough for people on here to diagnose you...! Good luck!

  • bess
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Wait and see what the doctor has to say. Women can get bacterial infections that aren't always sexually transmitted. Wait and see what the doctor says before you panic.

    If it does turn out to be an STD you should get the HPV test and HIV test as well just to make sure. Also now they have the HPV vaccine available.

    I'm sorry you are going through this and hope it turns out alright for you and you are very smart to already have a doctor appointment.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Nothing Can Show You masterbate. Part Of Growing Up Anyway You Should Talk To The Doctor, Something COuld Be Up With Yourr Body x

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds more like a yeast infection and irritation of the vulva. I'm sure the doctor will start you on a vaginal cream designed to cure fungal infections. I wouldn't show hubby to the door just yet. :o)

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    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like a bad yeast infection.. Don't start counting chicken's & giving yourself a STD. Go to the Dr.

    Source(s): Do you think Doctors are hanging out on yahoo answers to answer your questions?
  • 1 decade ago

    The swelling sounds much more like a yeast or fungal infection than an STD. Maybe gardenella...not sure if that is how it is spelled.Do not blame hubby just yet...

  • 1 decade ago

    i started having those problems also..then i asked my mother in law..she told me it was just from me being dry...while having scared me too..and when i washed it too it burned...i just didnt sleep with my husband for like 2-3 days and i put a little baby oil around the helped..sorry if this didnt help..but i never had an my best advice is get it checked out..and have ur husband get a check up..and i dont think you should have signs of std's after 1.5 years of marriage,,ive been married about the same time..well take care bye

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't panic. You may have tricomonasis (I think that is how you spell it). It's a minor infection. I used to get them ALL the time, and they are easily treated. You will get meds right away. They can be confused for a yeast infection, but their symptoms are slightly different. Don't panic one bit. It will be OK.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds alot like a bacterial infection. Your doctor will check you out & most likely give you med's to get rid of it. You can get it from not wiping properly, if his "thing" wasnt very clean before you had sex...many ways to get it. It is very common. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    it is most likely either a yeast infection = hubby was probably not unfaithful, or trichomonis = he HAS cheated. Good luck at the doc.

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