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Please help! Do all men look at porn and want to act that stuff out in the bedroom?

It started out as every now and then and now it is all the time. He also has started looking at more hardcore porn like the other stuff isn't getting him off.

30 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    SOME LIKE TO WATCH PORN, Y... because it turns them on.

    and they just want to make you "happy". and some just watch it for fun. all you gotta do is tell him to get off. he's becoming addicted to it, HE GOT IT BAD!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont know if ALL men do look at porn, probably most, haha... as for wanting to act the stuff out, let him know porn is NOT realistic and sex will never be as it is in porn because they're ACTING.

    If he's looking at porn all the time, you probably should sit down and talk to him about it. Communication is key in a relationship. If it bothers you, let him know, tell him why.

    It's fine to act out things sometimes, but dont overdo it. Using your own imagination for ideas in the sack is good too! He shouldnt have to constantly be getting idea from porns or getting bored with anything of that circumstance too easily. If he is, you may be just better off without him as he may just see sex without it's values, and that's not a good type of thought to have.

  • Ms. G.
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No, all men do not look at porn and want to act the stuff out in the bedroom!! There are still lots of decent, respectable men. I wouldn't have anything to do with a man like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Men are visually stimulated, sexually. Being sexually stimulated is enjoyable. This is why porn appeals to guys, much more than women. It is natural.

    Being obsessed with porn is a bad thing, just like being obsessed with alcohol, food, sex, or collecting stamps.

    Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's wrong. An obsession with almost anything is unhealthy.

    This sounds a bit like the beginnings of a sex addiction. You might wanna read up on it.

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  • April
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    All your responses are interesting. Porn addiction like most any addiction is about not curable -- even an AA alcoholic will tell you he is still an alcoholic, he just hasn't taken a drink in 20 years. Mine was addicted to the stuff --- watched it every minute he wasn't working, and preferred it to anything...socializing with friends, parties, vacations, weekends away --- anything. NOw that is an addiction......just like alcohol, gambling, sex, cigarettes, etc.

    Addicts just aren't available hon.... they are already in a relationship -- you're just not part of it. Mine was in counseling (so he said) and even once announced to me that he had dumped thousands of files.... but it wasn't very long before he had his computer secretly filled up with the stuff again. All guys will look at the stuff, but none of us can compete with a 15 year old bimbo airbrushed in a studio. Mine called his computer room "fantasyland". And truly he preferred it to me, and I am drop dead gorgeous, and was a willing partner..... It got so bad, he's fall out of his chair when we were with friends at the beach as he oooooogled a 13 year old pre-pubescent girl in a bikini.... embarrassed all of us in his presence.

    If you stay, sweetie, this is what you are facing.... unavailability.......

  • 1 decade ago

    Not all men, but it'll never be considered abnormal.

    As with all issues in a relationship (and this sounds like an issue), talking it out is the best advice anyone can give. Maybe a more intense sexual relationship is in your future.

    Don't worry about him getting into too hardcore of stuff. Men's taste change often. One day Hustler isn't graphic enough and another Playboy is just right.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. There are some guys that like to watch porn while acting it out, and also some guys who like to make their own porn.

    Oh, and there are the ones that like all 3.

    I think that pretty much covers it...

  • 1 decade ago

    People can become desensatised by porn- BE CAREFUL!!! he will see the same thing over and over and then the hardcore porn may not be enough. It's very bazar, men see it enough and then- they don't want it for the real thing. PORN OVERLOAD.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    men love porn. so u should join the fun. i look at the porn myself. some things i would act out some things. sometimes he would catch me when i'm sleep and it wakes me completely up. so try not to be boring and keep ur man if u want him

  • 1 decade ago

    MANY MEN ARE Opportunitist!

    And MANY WOMEN not having self esteem to stand in front of men for actions that they do not like.

    IN fact many women encouraging directly or indirectly to more hardcore for their own pleasure. BUT, women are in such, that afterward they get regret that why they did that!

    This is nothing to do with men.

    SO, at least you have to be honest with yourself.

    Do you like it,or not?

    Just give a brave and honest answer!

    IF your answer in YES, then enjoy it and do NOT make life diffivult for him;

    If your answer in NO! Be brave and tell him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do women stereotype so frequently on this site! Do you also stereotype Blacks, Jews, and Orientals? Just because you have one problem male,doesn't mean we are all like that! I hate porn! I hate what it does to the individuals who participate in it. I hate that it destroys marriages on both sides! Lose it or it will destroy your marriage!!!!! Don't accept no for an answer! If you waver even a little you will lose your husband forever.

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