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Why do a lot of people feel like attacking stay at home moms/dads?

We get a lot of nasty remarks behind our backs or in our face: Like " Well that is different you guys have a stay at home mom" or "Your wife can do this mine actually works" Why is it that people feel like attacking stay at home parents. It is not liek they live a life of luxery. They never get a break. I just want to know because it baffles me that there is so much hate towards stay at home parenting.

18 Answers

  • peach
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do not know either. I have been in both worlds. I was in the corporate world for 13 years and am now a stay at home mom. I work harder than I ever did at the office. Now my day starts at 5:30 and doesn't end until I hit the bed at 10:30 or 11:00. I do not get a monetary paycheck, my reward is that I know what my kids are doing and that they are safe. It is much more difficult too because it is personal and my JOB is to raise good kids. Not just make money for someone else. I do get to take a nap every once in a while and wear pajamas all day if I want, there are a lot of perks to staying at home. Both sides have ups and downs.

    I didn't realize that people thought badly about stay at home parents. What greater gift can you give a child if you can afford to do it? But to each his own.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a stay at home mom and would not have it any other way. Besides the fact that I would never find a job to pay me enough to put my 3 kids in childcare, it is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I get to do everything with my kids that my mom never did. Field trips, help in classroom, play dates and always baking treats for their fundraisers or class parties!

    I found a neat website that will tell all of us stay at home parents exactly what we are worth. Check it out and next time someone criticizes your choice, bring that up. My husband said something one day about me getting a job and I had to point out that I did have one. Started naming off everything that I did and that he was seriously behind in payroll and told him what my yearly salary should be for the work that I do! That shut him up real quick!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that stay at home parents are wonderful people. They want to raise their kids rather than a sitter also they save a ton of money on day care. The parents who stay at home have the hardest jobs they are constantly doing things around the house or with a child. They parent is working 24/7 not just 9 to 5. I respect people who stay at home w/ their kids they are amazing people.

  • m c
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would ignore the people. I loved my Mom being at home, Dad worked. Mom's job is just had hard and actually more time consuming than dad. Mom is usually the flower of the family, one who is a maid in totally compacity, but loves caring for her family.Dad works to bring home money to take care of his family. I think people should live their life the way they want, which includes stay home parent or both parents work. If if works for your family, that is good. Do not take insults to heart, as people that do that, if not insulting you will be insulting someone else for some other reasons. Bless you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Think about it, a LOT of parents do what you do AND go to work all day. I've always wondered what a stay at home parent would do all day, because their children are at school. I mean, you can only clean the house so many times. The people who work AND do your 'job' never get a break either. You guys always talk about how 'hard' it is, and don't realize the people who work do twice as much as you, and do your 'jobs' when they have less time.

  • 1 decade ago

    i am a stay at home mom and its coz they have to work and they get jealous over it .so that is why they attack . i believe there should be at less 1 parent at home that is what wrong with a lot of kids today they dont get to see there parents

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's wrong to minimalize the job of parenting. Whoever does this (disparages stay-at-home parenting) has surely never had the job, which when done well, is infinitely more profitable than any salaried position.

  • 1 decade ago

    i hear you i am a stay at home mom of four,but it is because we don't get a pay check at the end of our week,

    and it is because they have trouble being with theirs after only a few min and we can do it 24 hours a day and 7 days a week

  • 1 decade ago

    Generally anyone who attacks someone else's way of life for no reason is clearly unhappy with his or her own lifestyle, and that person feels better in "identifying" people to feel superior to. Don't listen to losers like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's simple really, they are jealous that you can financially pull it off. And if you can't then you're getting the remarks because you need to go to work.

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