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Where are the most friendly people in the USA?

I'm up in Alaska right now and I know that its not around here. This question goes out to anybody who has done a lot of travelling around the country. Where is the best place in the country to find attractive, but sweet women that are single and not completley crazy in the USA?

13 Answers

  • xander
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    san francisco

  • 1 decade ago

    Obviously, you are a "lower 48er."

    We Alaskans are a very friendly bunch of people but we have what is known as "The Alaskan Attitude." We don't care who you are, who you know, how much money you have or make, who you're related to, what kind of car you drive or how much money you wasted on a pair of underwear! If you are more impressed with yourself than anyone else is, you won't fit in here. That is why you will find no "class" distinctions in any real Alaskan circle of friends. It's our way and even though "lower 48ers" keep trying to change us to conform to their ideas of the norm, we will keep fighting and keep winning because this is our way of life and we will hold to that freedom until our dying breath.

    We Alaskans appreciate the freedom of being ourselves and not "plasticizing" our selves, our homes and our relationships to fit in with what everyone else is, thinks or does! We judge people by how they treat others and as long as they treat others with respect and don't try to force their "beliefs and ways of living" onto others, they will be treated with respect and find the best friends they have ever had.

    Alaska women can be crazy to some. Most find them fun, energetic, honest to a fault and hard to keep up with! We aren't whiners, snivellers, weakilings or doormats! We live, laugh, love and play with the same ferocity as a mother bear protects her children.

    We work hard and we have integrity. Most of us believe our real beauty is not as much on the outside as it is on the inside. We are beautiful in more dimensions than your "mans mind" can fathom!

    So, If our Alaskan women are too much "woman" for you, I suggest you settle down with a nice, quiet Amish maid. She won't be near as exciting but I'm sure you might be able to "manage" her!

    Alaska kicks *** and so does her people - especially her women!

    As for the friendliest area? Small towns in the lesser 48 are cliqueish and most don't like outsiders, so unless you are third or fourth generation and have lived there your entire life - I suggest you look elsewhere. Big cities are noxious, noisy and anonymous, so, unless you want to be invisible - I suggest you look elsewhere.

    Actually, there is no place for someone like you. There are friendly people EVERYWHERE. Take your nose out of the air and stop looking down it at people and you just might make a friend!

    Source(s): I was raised an Air Force Brat and proud of it. I was also in the Air Force. I've lived in many places and have traveled extensively. I settled in Alaska because the people were very friendly and treated me and mine like family. I've been here 14 years now and I will never live any place else, even though I left many friends behind in every place I was stationed and have lived, Alaska has still been the best! Though, I will visit other places often, and when I do I know I'll find friendly people everywhere I go!
  • 1 decade ago

    Southern USA. From The City of Miami all the way to Houston, Texas.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of the Southern States, from Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arizona, New Mexico, and California.

    There are sweet women, but we're all crazy, no matter WHERE we're from. DIdn't you know? lol

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  • 1 decade ago

    My experience with nice people is that the farther west you go, the nicer the people..very rude ones on the east coast. Also I have heard Hawaiins are the best but have not been there.

    Source(s): travelor from Michigan but currently living in Carribbean
  • 1 decade ago


  • Pearl
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Without a doubt it is the southern states. When I go home to Tennessee it always makes me smile to see all of the little old people on their porches waving at each car. It doesn't matter if they know you or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would think in the west coast. California, Washington, Oregon!

    The most rude>Arizona, Texas, Georgia

  • 1 decade ago

    Anywhere in didn't matter if you were at McDonalds or the Courthouse...they people were really nice. I'd live there if it wasn't so expensive.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "sweet women that are single and not completely crazy"

    Nowhere, Most women are completely crazy.

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