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Do you have any home cures for Carpal Tunnel?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Soak your hands/wrists in Apple Cider Vinigar.

    It is an old fashioned remedy that works great!

  • 1 decade ago

    Carpal tunnel syndrome has multiple causes. It can stem from overuse of the hand and wrist, pregnancy, edema, and others. If you believe that yours is caused by overuse then the first thing I would say would be to stop the activity. Rest the wrist as much as possible and see what effect that has. If you feel an improvement then you may be able to beat this with continued rest. If there is no improvement and it is really bad when you wake-up then other measures must be taken. You can try the chiropractic route and see if that works or if not then the final option is surgery. I would do as much as possible to avoid the knife, try the other things first.

    Source(s): I am a good chiropractor
  • 1 decade ago

    Hey I can answer this!! It's probably hard to explain over this forum, but first of all get 1# weights - do 10 reps each in different positions w/your hand. Elbows in, arm straight from elbow owt, palm up w/wgt in hand (holding w/fingers) and just move towards you at the wrist. Turn your hand palm down, repeat. Then thurn your hand/arm to the side, like you were holding a hammer, and bend at wrist up and down. Repeat this 3 times a day. I have carpal tunnell - 10 years now and don't do them every day anymore, but haven't had to have the surgery. You can gradually work up to no more than 5# weights, also.

    Source(s): My chiropractor
  • 1 decade ago

    my dad has a problem with carpal tunnel...he used to wear the wrist braces a lot, he still does when working with his hands. A couple years ago he found some herbal supplement that was a "joint formula" that is supposed to help with the movement of your joints. But it ended up really helping his carpal tunnel syndrome, and now he takes it every day like it was a vitamin...I don't know what exactly it is, or who makes it, but if you are interested email me and I will try to find out.

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  • Blue
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It may depend on what brought your condition about. Regardless, I have found in my work as a massage therapist, which causes Carpal Tunnel-like conditions in my own wrists, that massaging the muscles of the back and upper arms relieved the pressure in my wrists. Specifically, start with the latissimus dorsi - 'lats' - then the trapezius - 'traps' - then the muscles around the outside of the shoulder blade, called terres major and minor, the muscles above and below the 'spine' of the shoulder blade - supra spinatus and infra spinatus, then the shoulder muscles - deltoids, then the triceps and finally the muscles of the forearm.

    You might also try therapeutic grade magnets. I have used both massage and magnets to help relieve pain and tightness in my body and hopefully this will give you some relief as well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i wear wrist braces at night. they seem to help me & I have had carpal tunnel well over 15 years.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have carpol tunnel in my left hand, and i wear a thin brace for my hand. it almost looks like a glove but open fingers. can't really explain it. but they sell them at walgreens . they have alot to choose from, well anyways that helps me. I had it about a year and i don't take it off unless to wash them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes...try wearing "magnets"...try the cheap ones off the fridge or craft store..tape them to your arm or wrist...or buy the medical works! I have it really bad..couldnt sleep and was going thru a lot of pain pills...I placed the magnets on...and within more pain....I will not ever take the bracelets off...some look real nice and are water proff. Magnets help with circulation.

    Hope this helps you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, ignore it and hope that it goes away. Then sue your doctor when you have completely killed off your median nerve and no longer have use of your thumb muscles.

    Home remidies do not work and often make problems worse!

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