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If it states in the Bible that Jesus Christ wasa black man why do so many churches depict him as being white.?

Secondly, why do so many racist hate blacks but worship Jesus Christ?


it really amazes me to read how ignorant people are. Jewish is a religion not a color. Have you ever heard of a black Isrealite, black Muslim, black Jew,

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jesus Christ would of been dark skin,I think more people know this ,because of education.Where Jesus was born and the history of the time.I always had a great big smile on my face ,when a racist ,talks about how Jesus is this and that,when I know that Jesus was not white ,It reaffirmed that racist ,are just poorly education ed

  • 1 decade ago

    The bible states that Jesus was Jewish. Once he ascended back into the heavens, he no longer was a earthly being, but rather he became spirit. He is neither black or white-HE JUST IS!

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus was, of course, a Middle Easterner and Christianity is a Middle Eastern religion! Jesus was Jewish -- but certainly not of the blond-haired, blue-eyed kind of guy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) The Bible doesn't say Jesus is Black.

    2) It doesn't say He is White Either.

    3) Why do Racists Hate Blacks, but SAY they Worship Jesus ? There is no accounting for Stupid People,( Even in Church).

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  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus is the white version of Yashua Ha Mashiak.

    Jesus is a Greek word and Yashua is a Galilean.

    So you can give them thier white Jesus back but as long as you know what is meant in REV-1:14 & 15, you'll know that they worship us. In their prayers they end it with Amen (Rev-3:14) and everybody knows who Amen Ra was.

    They can't hid the truth 4ever and they can't hide a Caucasian in Africa- in particular Egypt where Jesus/ Yashua was 'supposed' to be hiding from Herod.

  • 5 years ago

    I'd be very careful using all 4 names in one sentence. 1. Jesus Christ. 2. Atheist 3. Man of steel 4. Church. . . . Remember: the NSA is watching, and they wouldn't approve of this at all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible does not say whether Jesus was black or white. He was Jewish so that gives you a clue. Anyway, it does not matter to me whether he was black or white or yellow. That is not important.

    May the Lord's peace be with you.

  • n9wff
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    "if if states" are three big words, but with no merit.

    Nowhere does it say the "color" of Jesus, so I make no stance.

    Through the eyes of Jesus and true Christians, you should see red, as in the Blood of Jesus. Either there are those under the Blood, or not and should be.

    If anyone is racist, they are not Christians and living under the law, not grace. They can claim whatever but they are not of the church.


  • Serena
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It doesn't say in the Bible that Jesus was black.It also doesn't say in the Bible that He was white.Since He was a middle-eastern Jew,I suppose He would have a dark skin tone.

    That doesn't bother me in the least,as I would worship Him whatever colour he happened to be.

  • 1 decade ago

    the Bible doesnt come out and say Jesus was black. but every one knows in the time of Jesus the hebrew people had very dark olive colored skin almost black. and i do not know why he is always depicted as white. and i cannot speak for those that are racist, because i dont know how they think.

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