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Is this what the Democrats have in store for us?

Is this what we can expect? The same old "tax and spend" ideology? Some things never change....get your wallets out, Mr. & Mrs. America, the Democrats want your money!


A quick note to all: I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent. I vote for whoever I think can do the best job.

And a note to Bert: Don't be so quick to assume and judge. You aren't as smart as you think you are. And real adults, by the way, can carry on a mature conversation - even about politics - without stooping to name-calling and mudslinging.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We the people must decide what type of people we need to serve us in politics. The animosity during election and the low turnout means you get what you get. When only half of able voting Americans vote you are in a sense giving control to the people who do not represent you best. The only answer on taxes that would be fair . is a flat tax to all the same %. No deductions no write offs. no exceptions. That would also mean no IRS. Think of the money that would save just in that. We don't need higher taxes we need fairer taxes.

    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You are 100% correct. It will be the same old same old.. Rob the rich ( who is considered rich?) to give to the poor weather they deserve it or not.Tax big business so they will leave for overseas to escape the taxes & unfair regulations. I bought a ladder today that has 12 safty warnings on it. it cost the manufactor money for those warning & to comply to the regulations. who gets the money. You guessed it. THE GOVERMENT// They are Puting the burden on the very people who supply the jobs then they get upset if a company makes a profit.If you dont like what I am paying you find a job that pays you what you think you are worth. If I make 30% profit or 300% that is my business.The goverment wants ALL my profits. Who put up the money to start the busines, The goverment or me? Who created the jobs the goverment or me?Who shoul;d get the tax breaks? not the employees but the employer// & NO MORE GIVEAWAYS///

  • 1 decade ago

    Liberals are self loathing creatures.

    That explains a lot of what they do that makes no sense.

    Liberals are the new fascist Nazi's.

    They can't tolerate any opinion different than their's.

    Look what they do to college speakers. They throw urine, pies, pull fire alarms, start fights, etc etc, to keep conservative's from speaking.

    They want to pass laws to eliminate talk radio.

    Liberals are intolerant, bigoted fascists, incapable of allowing free speech.

    Islamicfascists have pledged to murder you and me.

    Liberals want to help them.

    Conservatives want to fight them.

    Liberalism is ok when it is practiced.

    But todays America's liberals, are not real liberals.

    They are against change of all types and devoid of new idea's or solutions to problems.

    Conservatives offered many new programs and initiatives the last 6 years, and liberals always fought against them, with never an original idea or solution to offer in return.

    Liberals love it whan a woman murders a child that is unborn but hate it when criminals who rape, murder and commit attrocities get the death penality.

    In reality the liberals of today are Stalinists and Marxists. Their belief that government is the solution to all problems and no wealth should be privately owned is what drives todays liberals.

    They are also anti-American. They believe America is the worlds problem and the world would be better off without America in it.

    Liberals are all for forsaking the poor weak and downtrodden if America's military is involved in keeping them alive, but insist on keeping America's poor weak and downtrodden in their miserable existance because of 'political correctness', (New Orleans and any urban city).

  • 1 decade ago

    Sad thing is that they all just want our money ,because that is how they get their outrageous paycheck,free vacations and even room and board.I still compare today`s "free" World to the old times,where only the established had all the rights.The more money you have the more you can participate in politics today.What ever happened after President Lincoln?He was a regular person,from a hard working Family.Self-Educated himself and was one of the most impression-ate presidents ever.I forgot to mention ,that i am neither Demo. nore Rep.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The security desires of the democrats would cost far more than $21 billion, and they would create unemployment for all the felons working the docks in our coastal cities. (Remember, they want background checks for all of them!)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I guess it would be better if the tax would benefit you in some way rather than major tax cuts for the rich 1%. Unless you are one of the 1% in that case I would hope a Republican is elected president and hopefully one that believes in Reaganomics.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A leopard cannot change its spots. A democrat, like a dog, returns to its own vomit. We are not surprised. It just amazes me that they can fool so many people with their hollow promises.

    Too bad we don't have much of an alternative right now. I am still waiting for the repuglicans to come up with a candidate that I won't have to hold my nose to vote for.

  • amg503
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Wow! I don't know about you, but I like the idea of having all of our incoming cargo checked for bombs. How about you?

    On the other hand, President Bush just asked for another $130 Billion for the Army, so he can continue his lost cause in Iraq.

  • tammer
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well hopefully they will save the waist on war dollars, and aide to foreign countries..................... UNLIKE the *** we have in right now. That just keep getting us in deeper with war costs.TO MAKE THE IRAQ people Have democracy WHO CARES worry about THE US

  • Hunter
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes they like them taxes!

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