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Is this the way to solve the immigration problem?

I got this chain email this AM. Not realistic, but clever nonetheless. Wouldn't it be great if this did happen?

"Win-Win-Win Situation"

Everyone concentrates on the problems we're having in this country lately; illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, wild animals attacking humans in Florida.

Not me. I concentrate on solutions to problems. The result is a win-win-win situation:

+ Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border

+ Use the dirt to raise the levies in New Orleans

+ Put the Florida alligators in the moat.

Any other problems you would like for me to solve today?!

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Put a 500 yard wide minefield along the entire length of your moat and you'll really have the problem solved!

  • 1 decade ago

    Condemning the frightened working-class white guys organizing citizens' militias along our southern border, or vilifying those who listen to Limbaugh and are convinced that "liberals" are in some sort of collective plot to undermine America may feel good, but it doesn't address the real problem. Progressives will be most effective when we reach across the divides created by Bush, Specter, et al, and point out how this is really all about corporate conservative efforts to replace the American middle class with a workforce of "working poor" Americans and powerless illegal immigrants (or powerless "amnestied" workers) - all so CEOs can fatten their paychecks and further reward the "conservative" investor class.

    Only then will Mexico and other countries to our south have an incentive to get their own houses in order, and will our middle class begin to recover decent bargaining power and the living wages that accompany it.

  • Yakuza
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The alligators couldn't survive the heat in Arizona,they would be cooked in the moat.

    `Gater tastes just like chicken

    Yes tell me how to stop answering questions by world problem solvers lol I'm addicted it seems.

  • Dizney
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I like it! Hungry gators ready to bite the butts of the illegal alien criminals - interesting visual. Talk about a deterrent!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Thats a good one

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow!!!!....i guess everybody here must be native americans if they agree with all of that nonsense...remember that your ancestors were the first "illegal immigrants" in america.....have some consideration for all of those who are trying to get here to better themselves.....because your grandparents came here looking for the samething.......the question is even rascist in a way since you don't mention the Canadian border are just referring to the southern border where hispanic immagrants come in......

  • 1 decade ago

    Nice Im gonna pass that one at work today. :)

  • Avaria
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    LETS DO IT HIP HIP HORAYY!! totally agree with that!

  • 1 decade ago

    Lets do it!

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