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Atheists, prove to me Darwin' theory?

Please prove (preferably using math and logic) Darwin’s Theory. Extra credit if you can tell me what his theory was and double credit if you can tell me what leader used the theory in his attempt at world domination.

21 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Common sense says that what which works survives, that which works best survives best. Things that don't work don 't work don't survive. Those 'things' are the natural genetic variations and mutations that occur in all living things all the time. We force evolution and change all the time, in selective breeding of animals and combating disease.

    Please read the page link below for very simple intuitive explanations of natural selection, which is the basic principle of Darwin's theories. If you are going to ask scientific questions, I hope that it is because you are actually interested in understanding what science has to say. It's up to the individual if he wants to believe or not, although it seems to me that it would take a heavy dose of willful ignorance to deny anything so obvious.

    Hitler tried to breed his super-race, and there's no reason to think that it wouldn't have worked.

    Whether or not you choose my answer as the best answer, I hope that you will not ignore those that refute your beliefs in favor of one that simply agrees with your preconceived notions with no attempted substantiation. I doubt anyone would deny such simple logic if it dealt with a subject that was not contrary to the Bible.

  • 5 years ago

    Oh expensive lord which you're saying you suspect in please flick the swap on your strategies from "Off" to "On" First, Darwin DID coach his thought to the better of scientific ability for his time, which in comparison to the flexibility that Thompson had in the 1900s replaced into stone age procedures, and that he replaced into open to the thought he would desire to ok be incorrect so did not write his e book in absolutes 2nd, technological expertise has on account that Darwin come a lengthy way in filling in the gaps left via Darwin third, you quote a guy who died in 1972 and so are ignoring the 37 years of scientific progression collectively with the discover of many transitional fossils Fourth, it is not correct what some lifeless guy or Darwin himself had to assert....what concerns are the info and the info validate Evolution so regardless of if it began out as a Monty Python skit it does not in any way conceivable in this area-time fact impression Evolution's validity

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Prove a biological mechanism using maths and logic? I wouldn't even try. Natural selection is the mechanism whereby species adapt and evolve- if there's a competing theory of any worth I've yet to hear about it. Darwinism isn't really a matter of any conjecture- it's regarded as fact by the vast majority of biologists.

  • 1 decade ago

    Darwin had numerous theories: common descent, natural selection, artificial selection, sexual selection. There are extensive mathematics ranging from Hardy-Weinberg to the neutral mutation drift. It was never used for world domination. Hitler used the military for world domination, and used eugenics as a side measure to express personal hatreds and build patriotism.

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  • 1 decade ago

    its a theory - not a proof

    here i should point out thats its a scientific theory - not something just made up

    a scientific theory being an idea which can be re-produced and modified according to new data

    if you want proof of evolution - loo at the different type of dogs - everything from great dains to things which look like rats - most of them have 'evolved' over the past 500 years so we have a clear history. - ok so it is not proof - next time we breed two dogs together they could have a cat. but its highly unlikely.

  • murnip
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Darwin's theory is that all life is related, descended from a common ancestor by means of genetic mutation and adaptation. As for proof, it's been done, look up any website or book on evolution. And why exactly do you want an atheist to prove it to you?

  • 1 decade ago

    Sir, I am not a scientist, but I am capable of visiting a library.

    Our ape-like predecessors kept their stout figures for 2 million years because having short legs ironically gave them the upper hand in male-to-male combat for access to mates, finds a new study.

    Early hominins in the genus Australopithecus, which lived from 4 million to 2 million years ago, are considered immediate predecessors of the human genus Homo, and had heights of around 3 feet 9 inches for females and 4 feet 6 inches for males.

    Until now, the squat physiques of australopiths and other human predecessors were considered an adaptation for climbing in tree canopies.,2933,258521,00.html...

    Fox News no less, the Republicans best friend.

    Source(s): By the way, Hitler was just another christian nutjob.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    May I suggest that , if you are really interested, you study biology. Also epistemology in order to understand how science works and what a scientific theory is.

    Of course with increased knowledge and scientific education, you risk becoming an atheist. The good thing is that the number of stupid questions you ask will go down.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not an atheist, but this is info that I got after reading part of the Scopes trial. One of the witness that was questioned was asked 'Do you really think the world was made in 6 days?' and his response was 'not 6 days of 24 hours' which made evolution legal basically because, using logic, anyone can see that if they weren't days of 24 hours, that left a lot of time for things to adapt and such.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm taking a guess here, but I believe that the one who used his theory was Hitler, but it might have been Stalin or maybe even Pol Pot.

    Darwin's theory - natural selection.

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