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mymadsky asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

I'll give up my guns if libs will allow the death penalty for every violent crime.?

Don't push your soft on crime legislation down my throat then expect me to cough up my LEGAL guns.


Truth- They are tough on crime when it comes to political gain. SOFT on crime legislation. Liberal judges use federal guildlines in less then 20% of the cases brought before them.

Update 2:

g- duke boys weren't convicted

Update 3:

g- I'm not suggesting we though out or amend the process.

Update 4:

nice typo-------"throw" out the process.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They just need to grow some balls and man up.

  • 4 years ago

    i'm against the death penalty in thought. in spite of the undeniable fact that, i'm able to't mourn a violent criminal who's carried out. and death penalty has been shown to no longer deter crime. each so often stricter outcomes enhance crime- a non-violent criminal will kill somebody earlier they're arrested if the outcomes are ridicuously super. somebody who understand they're or would be sentenced to death does not care. they have a loose card. you may no longer do something worse to them (the fictitious novel- the golf green Mile- illustraits this with the nineteen 12 months previous boy on death row. I forgot his call)

  • 1 decade ago

    Tons of crimes are committed even with legal guns. The Virginia tech massacre was commited by a loony guy with LEGAL guns.

    I'm not up for taking all guns away. Hey, what if I want to go shoot skeet or something?

    And I'm not up for death penalty for every violent crime. Surely that is NOT an equitable trade-off.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow. Can you name the law he broke and show where he broke one?

    Let's see, Bill Clinton doesn't see a BJ as sex. So no, he did not have sexual relations with that woman. But the average citizen would be in jail now for purgery. Right?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you do realize... in your "tough on crime" world... those duke boys would have probably been dead before the smoke cleared enough to notice they were innocent... right?

    or do you just want to be tough on crime for poor people?

    EDIT: so... you want all the "soft on crime" laws before and during the trial... but just not the ones after it... oh OK... I get it now?

    all I'm saying is... in a "tough on crime world"... historically... arrested is as good as convicted...

  • 1 decade ago

    You got yourself a deal. That would be a double edged sword that would cut crime tremendously!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It'll never happen.

    Not when having to find an alternative vein for lethal injection is called cruel and unusual punishment.

    Kind of disgusting when you know the killer made their victims beg for their lives...

  • Truth
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Soft on crime?

    Look at how many laws Bush is breaking, or how many truths he's been hiding. Remember Plame, Foley, Cunningham, Abramhoff and the FBI spying????? On US??

    Bush IS SOFT on crime, and he's leading the nation, that creep!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i consider myself a lib and i don't think guns should be illegal we just need laws with common sense applied to them and the death penalty should apply in murder crimes when appropriate. i am offended when people stereotype libs.

    Source(s): life
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sorry..i dont agree..I will NEVER give up my right to own a gun,no matter the trade off....becuase they can go back and change the law but you will NEVER get your guns back

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