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Why do Lib's want to disarm America?

Terrorism is at an all time high. There are FREAKS everywhere (in case you have not noticed) and the solution from the Lib's is to disarm America as if that will stop the crime. All that will guarantee is that Americans will be going to a gun fight with a water pistol.


Why doesn't the liberal school administration do something to help with the ostrization of children at schools? It seems to me that ever since the big, bad, religious conservatives have been taken out of school - the school system has gone to hell!

Update 2:

People seem to have the "rich elite" confused with the "hard working elite". Let me explain....the rich elite would be people like Al Gore, the Kennedy's, the Clintons, etc. The hard working elite would be (by liberal definition) the middle class in this country who have never spent a dime of the liberals welfare money.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why does Rosie O'Donnell, she's a lib but it's OK for her body guards to carry firearms. Many people fear being responsible for themselves. They believe that if they stick their head in the sand they will be OK. Libs are dreamers and this is a good thing; the world needs dreamers but I wish that they wouldn't try to make me live in their dreams. Can you imagine criminals with firearms (cause no matter what the laws, criminals by the very definition will not heed them) running amok knowing that nobody had any way of protecting themselves in their homes! The tragedy at VT would fail in comparison.

    They can keep dreaming and my friends and I will keep trying to protect them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I remember years ago a woman was all over TV telling her sad story about her young son who was killed at a neighbor's house when the kids were playing with the father's handgun.

    It was only at the end of the hour long story that we learned that the father was a policeman. So even if the proposed handgun ban was made law, her son would still have been killed because the neighbor still would have had a handgun. The story was presented and even featured Sarah Brady and was loaded with anti gun propaganda, it really made me wonder about one thing.

    If private citizens (or civilians if you would rather) have legally possessed handguns that are killing so many people why was it necessary to concoct this story to prove a point? It should not have been difficult to produce many, many grieving mothers to tell their stories.

    In my considerable recollections I can only remember news accounts about children or others being injured or killed by handguns carelessly left lying about by people who did not legally posses them such as drug dealers.

    I must assume that the general public is being deliberately misled by people who know they are misinforming the public. This being the case, one should take the next step and ask why? What is the real agenda of the anti-gun people?

    It obviously isn't really public safety.

  • 1 decade ago

    The second ammendment is all about giving the people the right to protect themselves AND it is a powerful part of the "checks and balances" system of government. If the citizenry were not armed they could not compel the government to behave if they ever needed to.

    Therefore disarming the citizenry is part of the liberals agenda to make the government ever more powerful and controlling.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry I am not buying your talking point. Liberals know that we need guns to get food from the rich elite if the economy tanks or corporations take over the people`s government.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    They reported that because of the fact they assumed, for some unusual reason, that the Commander-in-chief of usa does not supply them bogus intelligence approximately something as significant as invading yet another u . s . a .. They (and their Republican opposite numbers in Congress) believed that the Iraqis had WMDs and that that grew to become into adequate of a reason to pass to war. while they found out that the evidence Pres. Bush provided to them grew to become into unfaithful, they found out that there grew to become into no real, valid reason to pass to war with Iraq at that element. Many Republicans are actually asserting a similar component.

  • Gemini
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Where did you hear liberals want to disarm America? I'm sure a few do, but the Democratic Party has obviously backed off on gun control. It's a no-win position. Dee Dee Dee (Carlos Mencia)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    drug test everybody (and definitely all students, government workers, cops, and judges), you may have a right to carry a gun, but doesn't mean you have a right to carry when under a "drug-crazed" influence, same as to driving on a populated freeway at high speeds under "drug-crazed" influence, need to have a better test for illegal drugs, breathalyzer only tests for alcohol, have more psychedelic and tripping out drugs than alcohol that more dangerous behind the wheel or being armed, harass the politicians, legislature, pres, and law enforcement agencies why don't test for illegal drugs when stop, can pass a breathalyzer and still be tripping, and even if tripping and "drug-crazed" would still probably let go because passed alcohol breathalyzer, come on, i think pres and politicians are getting kickbacks from this drug dealing and drug trade and drug pushers, whatever happened to War on Drugs within the confines of America and all these drug pushers at our schools and elementary schools?

    if more armed could have shot and stopped him like Killeen massacre at Luby's in Tex, we need to arm the good guys more, too many bad guys already amply armed

    and anyways, how did he buy a gun, if he had been psychiatrically treated as being a threat to himself or others, i thought not suppose to sell to such and felons etc. (we need to expand the law to individuals and gun shows selling to people, that's a big loophole for criminals and drug dealers)

    and rosie o'donnell says she hangs upside down to increase blood flow to her brain (because she's depressed), she admits she has lack of blood flow to her brain and mentally slow, she should hang upside down and go MOO MOO, OINK OINK, that should help her depression, some weirdo pedo lez, probably goes to those organized crime nudist camps with naked children, she used to always call young girls and teenage girls on her show, "...they got a cutie pututiies..." weirdo ped, why they heck they put her on that show, no one likes her and she's got no brains or looks, her daddy must got some organized crime criminal connections, pull some strings put her there...she makes me vomit, literally, if causese you to vomit in Tx you can legally claim causing you mental anquish, he he. she goes to those organized crime run nudists camps with adults illegally exposing themselves to children and forcing children (below the age of consent) to go around naked, and then sell their videos on the internet, sicko weirdo peds, therefore she IS a legal definition of a "sex offender"

  • 1 decade ago

    You naturally assume that the criminals will be the only ones with guns if there was a ban.

    But it was not a criminal who shot and killed at Virginia Tech.

    It was not a criminal who killed at Columbine High.

    Two students and one teacher killed, one other wounded when 14-year-old Barry Loukaitis opened fire on his algebra class.

    Pearl, Miss. Two students killed and seven wounded by Luke Woodham, 16, who was also accused of killing his mother. He and his friends were said to be outcasts who worshiped Satan.

    Three students killed, five wounded by Michael Carneal, 14, as they participated in a prayer circle at Heath High School.

    March 24, 1998

    Jonesboro, Ark.

    Four students and one teacher killed, ten others wounded outside as Westside Middle School emptied during a false fire alarm. Mitchell Johnson, 13, and Andrew Golden, 11, shot at their classmates and teachers from the woods.

    There are many more.

    These are not criminals.

    These are "normal" kids who were ostracized in school.

    The Bible Thumping/Conservatives want the guns so that kids can kill themselves in school.

    That way, no one can go to school and be as illiterate and ignorant as they are.

  • netjr
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The private ownership and possession of a firearm is a powerful freedom. It is an individual freedom and one that empowers the individual dramatically. The liberal mind set is one of community, social systems, and not one of individual rights and freedoms. They do not want the individual to "enjoy" this much power in their freedoms - simple.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Who said I wanted to disarm America?

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