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Question for hubby blows up over sleeping areas???

My hubby blows his top if I sleep in our second bedroom......I dont get what the problem with that is, Ive been up late this week because my poodle died, I didnt want to disturbe him so I decided to watch tv and sleep in the other bedroom (past, he get up at 5am)...........Well, you would have thought I had a date in there.

He never complains about anything.....and I mean NOTHING, but if I fall asleep somewhere other than the bedroom....he reverts back to eight.........whats that about?????


It was one night......not a week, keep up people.....

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We all have our hot buttons, that when pressed send us off like a rocket with the fire rushing to our heads.

    Some things that are our hot spots make sense because other people have the same one's - disrespect, dishonesty, lazyness in others. Some are unique to each of us.

    My wife has a few hot spots that make no sense to me, but as her spouse I need to respect them (if only for self preservation!).

    If this is his "hot spot" there is probably more to his being that ties to why this is a big deal to him, either talk to him about WHY it bothers him so much or just respect that it's one of your hubby's "quirks".

  • 1 decade ago

    i am sorry about your poodle. That is heartbreaking enough and now your husband is upset. Yet he probably wouldnt want you to turn on the lights and tv in the room where he is sleeping right? I just saw a piece in the paper about how new construction is designing homes with two master suites, one for the man and one for the woman. I cant remember where I read it but it stated what you are saying, that there is a need for separate space due to many factors, not the least of which is snoring. If you 'start out' in 'his' room I feel he should allow you to leave if you cannot sleep for whatever reason! Maybe you can go out to a nice dinner for the purpose of discussing it rationally? Best of luck to you!

  • Amy L
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Maybe he thinks sleeping in separate bedrooms means the marriage is going down. Like a symthom of something else. He's feeling insecure. Or he just misses you next to him. It feels pretty safe to have your partner there. And "empty" or there's a big hole there if they're gone. Maybe he won't have a good night sleep unless ur beside him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds pretty immature. I would tell him how ridiculous he is being over the situation and explain to him that this is not a permanent thing. When I can't sleep I go into our living room and watch TV so as not to disturb my wife. If she complains I explain the situation and that usually solves the problem.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe he feels like you should be with him, and he wants to be there for you. Loosing an animal can be hard for all involved.

    It may be harder for a Man to talk about it, but holding you and consoling you could be a release for him too.

    I know it may seem silly for him to react this way, but this could be his only way to express his feelings over the dog.

    and...I know if I don't sleep in the same room with my hubby he can't get peaceful sleep, he continues to wake up because he truly enjoys having me there and is concerned if I am not....not about another Man....but just being there for another.

    best wishes

  • 1 decade ago

    if you are truelly doing it to not wake him up, then stop. He obviously doesn't care about being woke up. But if you are sleeping in the other room because he snores or he has boxing matches in his dream, then he can prolly sense that and he feels like the love is less. if you are not physically close then you are not emotionally close.

    try being touchy feely all day and when it's time to sleep in seperate rooms he might not see it as a sign of distance

    guys are insecure. we got feelings too. just take care of him

  • 1 decade ago

    He probably likes having you there. I can't sleep well when my gal is out of town or I am. You get very used to having your partner next to you at night and it can really throw off your sleep. Be glad he wants you in there. There will be a time in your life when he may not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So your dog died and now you're ignoring your husband and you can't figure out why he's upset?

    Come on; you weren't married to the dog, but you're almost acting like you were.

    Grow up, lady. We all get attached to our pets, but seperating yourself from your husband for over a week is not the way to grieve. I'd be a little angry too (and wondering exactly what is going on in your head.)

  • 1 decade ago

    to alot of people sleeping apart is the first sign something is wrong, maybe he is thinking that you dont want to sleep with him, i would far rather my guy disturbed my sleep, 10 times a night than him sleep elsewhere, besides if there were something wrong with him, like him being upset, i would want to be there for him, i think hes getting the wrong idea, nothin more

  • 1 decade ago

    Women are more sensitive than men. He just don't understand how you feel.

    At least you are being considerate by sleeping in another room than bother are so crazy!!

    Tell him to get over and you will be back once your recooperate!!

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