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Melanie P asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

I'm losing inches but not losing weight? HELP!?

For 3 weeks now, I've been religously working out for at least one hour, five days a week. Having a diet of less than 1500 calories and have only lost 2 pounds, but have lost at least an inch at each of the major areas, waist, glute, legs and arms. So my question is, I want to lose weight as well as get toned. Can anyone suggest anything else that I can do to lose weight? I am 145 and want to lose 20 pounds. Thanks.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No worries, the measure of a good healthy lifestyle is not in weight but in inches, many diets concentrate on inches lost not weight. So the fact that you are loosing inches is a great sign. I would keep on doing what you are doing, maybe add another 100 calories as I think 1500 Calories is not enough with your current work out schedule.

    Just eat healthy with lots of fresh fruit and veggies, whole wheat grains and cereals, Lean meats and salads, you do need to eat some carbs. But don't over do potato, rice or pasta and you will be fine.

    I am a big loser at 95lbs. and have kept it off for two years.


  • 5 years ago

    Well most ways I know to loose inches involve loosing weight at the same time. Adding excersice to your daily rutine is a good way. Things like weight lifting, sit-ups, morning jogs etc. Avoid junk food like pop and ice cream. I dont eat either of those anymore and now I snack on things like apples and oranges. But I am no way a professional, just know from some small experience. This probably wont get you down in 2 weeks like you want though..

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are losing inches on your exercise program but the scale is not budging, this suggests that your body composition is improving - that you are losing fat while gaining muscle. That’s the best possible effect that you could experience in a gym.

    In most cases this doesn’t happen because pepole can't gain so much muscle tissue in a short period of loosing fat.

    Muscle is denser than fat, in other words, a pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat. So, this is just a sign that you are doing everything fine and even better. Just keep on with exercises and healthy living. Wish you luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    There are a lot of factors to this. How much cardio are you doing? Your body will get used to things after a while, but keep it up and you will see results. Mix it up as well, do different high intensity cardio workouts, as well as weight training. Now, if you are already doing weight training, remember that increasing your muscle mass will also increase or stall your weight loss. Pilates is great for toning, you may want to try that, and don't forget your water.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is not about the numbers on the scale. You need to watch the inch loss, which sounds like you are doing well with. It is how your clothes fit, not the # on the scale. You are building muscle with your workouts and muscle weighs more than fat so that is why you haven't lost that much weight.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are working out and dieting that is the usual result. You are losing fat and building muscle which is more dense than fat. Give it some more time and you may start losing more weight.

  • d4d9er
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You have balanced out by gaining healthy muscle. Now you should seek advice on how to keep from adding more muscle so you can shape and MOD your self to the degree you want.

  • 1 decade ago


    it means you have lost fat and gained some muscle.

    it mostly happens in the beginning. keep on working out and eating healthy and you will lose even more fat.

    dotn look at scale, look at how your clothes fit - muscle weights more than fat.

  • **B**
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    that is the way of lossing fat. you will see the result on the scale very soon. first is losing inches and then start losing on the scale. good for you

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