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Guys: If a girl was funny, honest, and fun, but was a bigger girl, would you take the chance, honestly?

I am a big girl. No shame in that. I have tried numerous times to find that special someone. Guys love my funny, energetic, outgoing personality, but can't seem to get past my image. I have lost a considerable amount of weight, and still, I get crap because of my weight. Guys seem to only want to be "just a friend". Is there any chance of me finding someone the way I am now, or do I have to wait until I drop all of my weight?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    the first thing u shld do is love yourself and believe in u, im big also and i never thought i could find someone who will love me for who i am but u shld love and believe in yourself first before somebody will notice u.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I live in a town full of attractive people, and it seems the skinny girls get used for sex, but the plump girls get the real relationships where the guy comes home to them every night. Despite the popular myth, it seems bigger girls have the upper hand.

  • №1
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I met a girl playing cards at Club Pogo dot com; she weighs 3 times what I do - REALLY. I was in Los Angeles & she was in a little town in KY.

    Long story, short: I moved to KY & we're both glad I did.


    Ya never know when/where/how you're going to meet someone you can really care about. Kinda gives new meaning to the old saying, "Size doesn't matter."

  • 1 decade ago

    honestly, no I wouldn't take the chance, sorry, but some amount of physical attraction is required to get a girl "in the door" then all the other good things you said about yourself is what would keep the girl "in"

    its rough but that's human nature, so don't blame me I didn't write human nature

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  • 1 decade ago

    You know I'm a big girl too, but what guys seem to like is that I am not ashamed of it that I don't try and pretend it doesn't exist, I think if it doesn't matter to you, it won't matter to them, don't make it a big issue but don't tried to hide it as well.

    Good Luck!

  • 5 years ago

    Here is a suggestion, grow up and stop playing games. Just be honest and say what you mean. If you like her than tell her. Girls like honesty and confidence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    guys r jerks to be honest and u kno alot of guys will like u but maybe its u who is also being judgemental how about the guys that r also bigger the ones everyone ignores and calls names....have u ever asked one of them out or is it usually the cute hot guy that u crush on that other girls tend to like as well....

    its always the nice sweet carin guys who end up getting looked passed b/c of the same very thing girls get looked pass b.c of

  • 1 decade ago

    Well if u really think that, diet and exercise. I promise u shall be invincible since u would not only have the personality, but the figure as well o yeah!

  • 1 decade ago

    I like em thick. And besides it looks like you care for yourself and your health since you are trying to lose the weight. Why wouldn't someone wanna get to know you? Keep yer head up. You'll be aight.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most guys are looking for Barbie. Many are not. Just keep on keepin on. Someone will eventually scoop you up :)

    Pssst..While most guys want Barbie....they will freely admit they are scared she will break in half during wild sex ;)

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