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I'm feeling so sad...?

Did anyone else start feling really sad when they noticed their baby really wasn't a baby daughter just turned two, and she's potty trained, sleeps in a bed rather than a cot, eats all by herself, uses 'big girl' cups for her drinks, okay she spills sometimes, but she knows how to use them...

It just makes me see that she's growing up so fast, and I miss her being little! I was told so many times 'She won't be a baby for long'...but the truth of it never quite hit until now.

So my question is, did any of you feel sad when you noticed your children growing up so fast? How did you deal with it?

I know that she is turning into a marvellous little girl, but it's so depressing! Is there such a thing as the two year blues?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Honey....What you are experiencing is very normal and don't listen to these other people that try and put you down for it..I know exactly how you feel..I went through the same exact thing when my daughters were that age and a few other ages as well..I remember crying more on their first day of kindergaten they they did..LOL..It is normal to feel a little sad that our baby is growing up,but don't worry you will get through it you have many challanges ahead of you as she grows and matures into a beautiful young lady..Our children are precious to us and it is hard to watch them grow up so fast..

  • AV
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I know the feeling! Welcome to Motherhood. It's bittersweet to see our children go from little newborns to toddlers and then school-agers. When I was pregnant with my son, I was told that the time really flies after you have a child. I didn't believe it. Well... now I do. My son is now 8 and I'm wondering where that time went!

    I have a daughter who is turning 5 on 6/13. She's starting kindergarten in the fall and I'm so emotional about it. LOL.

    Yup... I feel sad about it... but also sort of excited about it, because my kids are growing and have so much to offer. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I am going through the same thing. My youngest child is growing up and their will not be anymore (without some kind of miracle!). I just try to enjoy every minute and I also enjoy the advantages of not having a baby anymore. For example no diapers equals about $30 per week if not more. They can tell you when something hurts. It is also a blast watching them explore things for the first time!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, It is kinda sad to see your little ones getting so big, but also exciting. They are so cute and full of wonder when they are little, but when they start getting bigger and getting there own personalities it makes me excited for them knowing they are learning and growning into little people. My oldest is 5 and I miss the little girl she was but I wouldn't go back , just because of all the new things she does and she is a big help with my other two. My 2 yr old he is just a nut!!!!! And my 5 month old is still the little sweet baby!!!! I'll definitely miss it. But I'll be glad when it's over and they are all somewhat independent.

    Source(s): Father of three 5yrs, 2yrs, 5 mos.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know what you mean... It is sad to see your babies become really independent especially at a young age.. all we can do is look at the good things we have taught them. I know i look at my son and I'm like. i remember feeding you, giving u the bottles when u were smaller and teaching them to walk. But I know one day they will be asking you for help and advice. think about it this way, no matter how fast our kiddos grow up they will always come to us when they need our help..We just have to be proud of how our children are turning out to be.. Just remember they will always need mommy sooner or later. Just think of all the wonderful moments we had before they started becoming little independents. lol. Just smile and say I taught u to do that my precious child.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, did you want to raise a successful person in this world, or did you want to have a playmate for the rest of your life? (rhetorical question) Not to be mean, but you should be happy that your child is growing healthy. Right now, you probably want to worry more about how to develop her into a characteristically strong woman, than feel down about her growing up. Feel fortunate that you can make the difference in somebody's life. Not everyone has your blessing to bring a possibly socially productive person into this world.


  • Marie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    My daughter is 7 now (going on 18 sometimes). last year when she started kindergarten it was hard, but it didnt prepare me for grade 1. I try not to feel sad that she is growing up, I try to be excited about the person she is going to be, and the experiences that she is going to have.

    I do my best everyday to prepare and teach her the things that she is going to need to know, and to help mold her to the person that she will become.

    Yes to answer your question it does make me sad sometimes and I miss her. But I also look forward to the things that we are going to be able to do together as she gets even older.....(providing of course that she doesnt go thru that I hate my mother stage....)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope, I have never been sad when my daughter reached certain milestones. I have been excited to watch her learn and grow and become the intelligent, respected, respectful young woman of 21 she now is. I look forward to seeing her further growth into womanhood

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