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Surely not ?? Could this be true ?? The loving McCanns?

I read this on the Sky News website, purportedly from a resident of the Algarve....

Sorry about this, but it's time someone said something that the locals of Luz haven't said before for fear of upsetting their neighbours, the McCanns. I know FOR A FACT that the twins and Madeleine were being put to bed and BEING LEFT TO CRY night after night. Neighbours in the apartment block where they were staying heard the children crying "daddy, daddy" for several nights, after the parents went out to dinner at 7.30 and didn't get back home till 12.30 am. The staff in the restaurant will confirm the parents didn't leave the restaurant all night. They weren't checking on the children every half an hour... it's a lie. The local residents and holidaymakers in the apartments were aware that the children were left alone every evening, so it was an open invitation for someone with intent to do something to a child. The police should be looking for someone who either lives, works, or was on holiday, in the very near vicinity. Maybe that person had a hire car, took Maddie away in that, then dropped her out, returned the hire car and flew home the next day. I don't believe she has been sold. Nor do I believe the "paedophile ring" story. I believe she's still in the Algarve... probably not far from Luz. Most residents here think the same. This was a crime committed by someone nearby who heard her crying and took the opportunity. Did the police check the lixo bins, (those big green rubbish skips in every road) or the place where the rubbish goes when the bins are emptied? Sorry to say it, but people dump dogs, cats, chickens, even sheep in those. So why not a child?

My heart bleeds for the McCanns, but more so for little Maddy, who was failed by the people she loved. I hope and pray that she gets found.

Posted by: A local resident, Algarve 2 Jun 2007 22:54:58


Thing is ERIKA, that statement is not mine - I have merely copied and pasted it - apologies if it wasn't obvious to you, although it seems pretty obvious to me when I look at the post...

Update 2:

Okay, I see paintedtearz has made the same error and doubtless, when I read on, others will have to...SO, PLEASE READ MY OPENING STATEMENT WHICH I NOW REPEAT...

I read this on the Sky News website, purportedly from a resident of the Algarve....

Update 3:

Jobylee: Why don't you search on the SKY website then? I don't make things up, you know!! As for making assumptions, read your OWN answer - quite a few assumptions there - in short, I don't think I am 'out of order' at all. Nor do I fall for the rubbish spouted by some McCann 'supporters' - do you people not have brains of your own?....actually, please don't bother answering.

Update 4:

eirefairiemom - THANK YOU for putting the link up - I was out all day and didn't have time, although I should have thought about it for some of the other readers...

Update 5:

Lesroys: Good, articulate points - I concur entirely and thank you for your insight and measured always.

Update 6:

Thanks LEXY - a few things to ponder there and I'm sure we will! Just on the point about checking up every half hour, the waiters and staff at the 'restaurant' state that the McCanns never left their table to go checking once, although some of the other parents apparently did go out once or twice...for what it's worth, I don't think that the McCanns did check up but even if they did, it only takes a MINUTE for something to happen to a child (not necessarily abduction, the child could hurt himself/herself etc etc).

Update 7:

Hi Tink,

Good to hear from you!! Just a bit tired of how the McCanns have gone about this...I think there is a bandwagon as you state but I think that bandwagon is the vehicle that the McCanns are using, not a bandwagon that people have jumped on against them. The fact that there is well over half a million in the 'fund' of their LIMITED COMPANY shows the amount of support for their bandwagon...thing is, it's not about a commercial celebrity tour, it's about a little girl who is STILL MISSING. Perhaps somebody should remind Gerry and Kate of that fact...

Update 8:

wildamberhoney's kitten (phew, a bit of typing - Yes, good points and fair comments which I take on board.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, well , well..... await the venomous vitriol from the usual selective pack of rabid McCann supporters!

    I wish that a news station would have the guts to interview the residents of the apartment block in question, and that they would be prepared to state this fact quite categorically and on the record.......



    I can quite understand why this person might have been reluctant to come forward with this information, after all the Portugese police have been criticised throughout the disappearence of the child, and on the face of you could gain the impression that the public were wholeheartedly behind the McCanns [if you were to rely solely upon the newspapers].

  • 1 decade ago

    I kind of believe that this came from someone in the Algarve because of the knowledge about the lixo bins. But on the Sky News website a month after the little girl went missing?

    Maybe it is true, but unless some of the people who heard the children crying for hours on end come forward and agree to be named, the tidbit is not going to have legs. My first thought when I read it is it may have come from a supporter of Robert Murat, who has been treated atrociously by the British press and is trying to turn the tables.

    I have read the posting on the link and some of the responses. A couple of people say, "If she was crying all night, then her abduction would not have gone undetected". My response to that is, "rubbish". In fact, it makes it easier to abduct a child that age when they are distressed and crying for the parents. The abductor would say, "I will take you to them". Children that age are so trusting. I had such an encounter last Saturday, where a woman had left her child standing by the door of a DIY store. I asked her where her Mummy was, she said she didn't know, and when I took her by the hand (I obviously didn't abduct her, but it would have been so easy!) she was immediately pacified, and in fact became happy and playful. I find it entirely credible that Maddie was lured out of the apartment by an adult who promised to take her to her parents. A child that age does not know the difference between a kind-hearted stranger and a would-be abductor. They will sit quietly in the car for hours because they believe the promises of reunification.

    And before somebody accuses me of imparting advice to would-be abductors of children, I say "double rubbish". 1. Those who would do harm already know it, and 2. the intent is to warn parents not to leave their toddlers alone for extended periods, if at all. And 3. - it's a word of advice to those who are kind-hearted strangers to help little children actually find their parents instead of pretending the sight or sound of a distressed child is none of our business. Because the next person might be a pretender.

  • 1 decade ago

    People slating the McCanns (rightly so, I am starting to think) have pointed out for a long time that Sky News is frequently full of hot air and not a lot else. Who on earth is daft enough to rely on Sky news for accuracy or social commentary? This is the channel that interrupted their regular schedule with the "urgent breaking news" that the 35-years-alcoholic George Best had been sat in a pub for a few hours one afternoon. I kid you not. This was back in August 2003.

    As such, I wouldn't pay too much attention to their forum. That could have been written by anyone, it's merely speculation. I have seen a lot of people call anyone sympathetic to the McCanns 'tabloid reading sheep' who lack intelligence. Reliance on Sky News as an accurate source amounts to the same thing. (Not having a go at you personally - I'm just pointing out a fact here.)

    Just for the record - I'm shocked by Gerry McCann's comment today that they do not blame themselves at all.

    The Beauty Spot: "No other mother"? The father is just as responsible, they were both equally at fault!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    False. You can't make an exception to the rule with the 18 and 72 year old based on presumably society's view of what the age gap should be between two parties. I think people do fall in love out of choice. Then again I could be speaking out of inexperience because I haven't really been in love before, even if I thought I was.

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  • Tink
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hi hun,

    Being a parent It just makes me feel like crying!!!!

    We can all have our tuppence worth but at the end of the day a little girl is missing and all energies should be used to find her not cause more hurt and pain which is not helping, can you imagine if that is the case, what those parents will have to live with for the rest of their lives!

    No; lets just find Maddy safe and sound.

    People will always jump on the bandwagon, but how is that helping!

    Just my humble opinion

    Tink xxx

  • LEXY
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm not doubting your source Teach, but if this was true why on earth didn't someone report them at the time, i would have, if I had been there. Why has this resident just come forward. Surely with the amount of money these newspapers, (and I use the term lightly) will give for a story, why didn't someone in the restaurant sell their 'story' sooner. Also, if they were not going back every half hour then the police could charge this person for with holding information. The police were working on a timescale, that she was snatched between 10 and 10.30, (i think).

    I know you are an educated bunch, (well some) so just think this information through.

    I know i am thought of as an avid McCann supporter, in which I do support them in their quest to get their daughter back, whatever it takes. I'm just not into the witch hunt and hysteria this case has caused, regardless of what I think of their parenting skills.......

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just been to the link and read the article,This is a crime that should not go unpunished words almost fail me.

    The dinner group of 9 (4 couples and 1 single lady) all know what happened that evening and have conspired to tell a lie to the police and press to make the McCanns look ok in the public eye. A conspiracy to protect two liars over child neglect! well there`s another reason for the investigation to go public and haul; the 9 before an enquiry panel and get the truth.

    9 liars and 1 missing child.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If what you say is true,you should talk to the press.If the McCanns were treating their children like this,then it is about time they were exposed.I did not believe some of the stories circulating but as you are from that area,you seem to know exactly what was going on.I hope and pray that little Madeleine is found safe and well.

  • 1 decade ago

    I went hunting for the article and found it.

    hope the link works!

    Its in the comments after the article dated 2 june. Its the 21st comment down.

    The original poster did put the link, but for some reason when you copy and paste this link it changes to read "Posted by: A local resident...etc"

  • jay
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    the attention this case is getting on yahoo answers is phenominal, and you have to wonder why?

    most people on here are very sympathetic to these kind of cases, so why all this venom towards the ncanns?

    it is because, apart from leaving their kids alone, people feel that they are using the disappearance of maddy to their advantage. what other parents of missing children have had all this media attention, not to mention the money that has been donated////

    their "world tour" is a joke, they are becoming celebrities in their own right, shifting the limelight from the real issue-- Maddy////

    so , my point is, on yahoo anyway, there seems to be more people against the mcanns than for them--- that tells you something huh?

  • 1 decade ago

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. This couple were incapable of looking after their own kids as it is a menial task they have given to the Nanny's they employ and the nurseries they use all so they can go back to work and maintain the lifestyle to which they were accustomed to.

    They go on holiday for the first time as a family and without a nanny and look what happens?

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