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Can someone tell me what is wrong with these people?

In the last two weeks or so, I have seen two occasions in the news where parents have left their small chilren in their cars (no windows open, no a/c on) on 90+ degree days. I would like to know what in the hell they are thinking?! One baby almost died, and if officers hadn't gotten their in time and cooled him off with an ice pack from their own personal lunch pail, the infant would have died. I just don't understand these people. I have children, and would never DREAM of leaving them alone in a hot car, not even for 1 minute!! The parents excuses both times "I was only gone for a few minutes" Not an excuse. One car was 150 degrees inside. Am I wrong to feel SO strongly about this?


The car was 150, the police measured it. The two older children were able to survive for the 10 minute period becuase their bodies were able to regulate their tempatures for that amount of time. The baby nearly died because of the lack of that ability. The only reason the baby lived is because the officer happened to have that cool pack to put on him to get him cooled down fast enough. Heat exposure slowly causes brain/organ damage and the baby is still under observation at a hospital.

Update 2:

No I don't care what that mama was thinking that day, or what was going through her head. She has no excuse, and deserves no sympathy. End of story.

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My belief is that anyone who harms a child in any way abusively should be rendered infertile. I know that some people make mistakes and bruises and bumps even things a little more serious can happen sometimes, but when you are throwing your baby on the porch (happened in my area), letting your child who has spina bifida get their foot chewed off by a pitbull (also happened here) it happened @ night when they were sleeping, leaving your baby in a car while you go into Kohl's to go shopping (also here) although it wasn't a hot day, caging your kids and making one wear a shock collar (also here). It's just becoming a world of CRAZY people. These are the kind of people that need serious help.

    It's just not safe to leave kids alone period these days I don't care if it ISN'T hot out. To many kids are disappearing from cars being stolen. I just think, what is this world coming to. Like my bf said, with all the people that have just gone madly insane lately, the devil is having his fun.

  • .vato.
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There was a commercial on this. I think it should be on air again.

    It showed a woman come back in the car [camera view is of the infant's view] she starts apologizing for being gone longer then she though and looks back to smile at the baby. After a few minutes she realizes that the baby isn't reacting. She flips out and ultimately the baby is dead. The commercial cuts to some cheesy "Don't leave your baby unattended in a vehicle" line. Sure, it might be shock tactics but it made me cry.

    I don't know what's wrong with these people. There are so many resources to get information on leaving infants [or children] in cars yet they still manage to do it. I think it's pure ignorance and selfishness.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have left my son in the car to run to the bank or pay for petrol but I live in Scotland - he's most liklely to freeze!

    Seriousy though, a couple of minutes is ok, my son even slept in the car occasionally as a baby but it was never that hot and the windows would be open.

    Pity people didn't feel so strongly about leaving babies sleeping to go out for dinner.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're not wrong. It's a shame that these parents didn't have your morals.

    How can they do that? It's like sentencing your child to death. I mean, how do they know that they are only going to be gone a few minutes, all sorts of things can go wrong- get held up in a big queue, or caught up in a slow moving's just not right!!!!

    I wouldn't even consider leaving my daughter in the car alone on a cool's just not right- I mean, what if the car gets stolen while you're away from it!?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I feel the same way. I wouldn't dare leave my 6 year old or 8 year old in a hot car let alone an infant. You are not wrong to feel strongly about it. There is no excuse for leaving a child alone in a car.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am sure it happens often and not just not in cars but in the house as well. I wonder though, we place our baby away in a crib and sometimes that is another room. Sure a crib is secure and we even use the little speakers in the event the baby cries. Could it be that we're so busy that being a parent is not as important? Sure mothers like yourself are very attentive, caring and nuturing but not all mothers. Independence is so huge these days.

    Personally, I couldn't imagine not having my child near me at all times. What is that saying, 'nobody puts baby in the corner'.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Although in reality like you say, there is no excuse, there are other factors you should take into account in the circumstances. These parents are not as aware as the average person, and thats just of themselves, let alone a child. Some people simply do not make logical decisions which in turn, produce the worst possible outcomes.

    Source(s): Logic.
  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you completely and your not wrong. Imagine dying a death due to heat exposure. Probably as horrible as beatings or hunger. But they continue to let these fools keep their kids. There was a women in my area that let her 3 children get burnt so bad from the sun the children had to be life flighted to the nearest children's hospital. She should have been locked up for life, but the judge could only give her the maximum sentence which was very lenient. Then in time she got her kids back. Now one is dead and she went to prison for murder.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are not wrong. Personally I think the parents should be made to sit in the car for twice the amount that their child had. I think that would make them think twice. Babies bodies don't regulate cold and heat like we do. Shame on those parents. Also, have they considered that someone could actually take their child??????

  • 1 decade ago

    Isn't it amazing that we need extensive training and a license to drive a car, but anyone who has a baby can just take it home from the hospital after a few days and figure it out on their own?

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