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Kristen H asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

Is there any remedies for a head congestion and sore throat?

Since Sunday night, I've had a stuffy head and a bad congestion with a sore throat. I've been drinking plenty of liquids including water, blowing my note a lot, taking decongestant medicine and cough drops, and used Vicks Vapor Rub. I've been to the doctor too and was glad it's not strep. Any tips?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    take some vicks vapor rub and put it on your forehead 1/2 an inch above your eyebrows.....away from your eyes, on your cheek bone....right under your nose...and on your chest....right before you go to bed.....that will help with the congestion....and the cough drops are good....try to drink helps build your ammune system back up......

    Source(s): my dad is a doctor.....
  • 4 years ago

    Sore Throat Head Congestion

  • 1 decade ago

    The sore throat is most likely a side effect of the congestion (mild drainage) A good home remedy for a sore throat that I've used it to get some organic Thyme, and brew like a tea with it. You let it cool, and strain then gargle..DONT swallow it. Just gargle it a couple times a day, should be gone within a couple days.

    Congestion... Hmmm. Definitely use Vicks, thats a great suggestion and try using a heating pad, or hot bath to help loosen the mucus.

    I hope your feeling better!

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Is there any remedies for a head congestion and sore throat?

    Since Sunday night, I've had a stuffy head and a bad congestion with a sore throat. I've been drinking plenty of liquids including water, blowing my note a lot, taking decongestant medicine and cough drops, and used Vicks Vapor Rub. I've been to the doctor too and was glad it's not...

    Source(s): remedies head congestion sore throat:
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  • 5 years ago

    Bengay is a great remedy for these symptoms, I have used it for many years, Not a Doctor. just rub some on your temples and across your forehead, under your eyes where your sinus are, yes it will make your eyes water, this is why you should do this before bed. It is fantastic for chest congestion, simply rub on your chest generously and feel the magic happen, also you can rub all over your neck and it will help relieve sore throat pain. WARNING with some people Bengay will heat up, may be uncomfortable for some, I recommend testing a small area first... It does work !

  • 1 decade ago

    You have already tried everything I was going to suggest.

    So, I guess it's time to bring out the big guns.

    Echinachea one tablet daily and vitamin C as much as you can


    If no positive response in 3 days switch to vitamin A.

    You have to be careful of the Echinachea (I hope I spelled

    that correctly, because the spell checker is no help), it can

    be dangerous.

    Hope you feel better.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just had that (your symtoms, not strep). Tylenol Cold and Mucinex DM (both over the counter) worked great.

    Hope you feel better

  • 1 decade ago

    marijuana for the head congestion, but it won't help the throat. it can't do everythinggggggggg

  • 1 decade ago

    boil some water in a big pot get put it your face over it and put a towl over your head and the pot

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