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Sinus problems?


Ok so each morning I wake up sneezing. I go to bed fine but from anytime between 2am to 7am I will just wake up in fits of sneezing.

My room is clean. There are no trees that I am allergic to around the place. It's not a cold - I've had this since summer this year.

Just before I sneeze I wake up and feel a cold sensation up my nose. Other times I wake up and just sneeze without feeling it's coming.

It's just clear gunk that comes out quite freely - sometimes I don't even have time to grab a tissue.

Does anyone know what this is or anyways to reduce my chance of sneezing? My mother suggested putting olive oil under my nose before I go to bed but then I toss adn turn so it's just going to wipe off anyway.


8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Have you tried elevating your head some when you sleep? Perhaps a bit of propping up on pillows will stop the flow/pooling of mucus in the night.

    I would definately get checked out though and make sure you aren't suffering from a sleep disorder or foriegn blockage in the nose.

  • Angell
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    When we sleep we tend to breath in a lot of dust that is always in the air [ no matter how clean you keep the place ] . I sleep with a humidifier in my room at night. Now I don't wake with a stuffy and bloody nose. I sneeze a lot during the night.

    Not anymore.

    I also now take Singulair every night before going to bed.

    You could try using Flonase Nasal Spray [as directed].

    Otherwise the only other thing I can tell you is see a Dr. about the problem. Olive Oil will not help.

    Hope this helps you some.

  • 1 decade ago

    You definitely are allergic to something! Maybe it's your pillow. If it's old, get a new one. Also, you might be allergic to the detergent or softener you use. Do you have a pet that sleeps in your room? Allergens also build up in carpet, curtains, blankets, mattresses, etc.. If this is a chronic problem for you, I'd suggest being tested to isolate the irritant. Your body will continue to produce more and more histamines, fighting the intruders into your respiratory system, and you'll be more and more affected.

    Source(s): My allergies are much improved after being tested and treated.
  • Einaj
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like your sinus are draining while you sleep. I have that problem too, except I wake up coughing and choking. I found that if I take a decongestant before bed I don't get too bad. I also sleep with my head slightly elevated.

    Another thing, take your pillows and run them through the dryer for about 30 minutes to kill dust mites. Check the label on the pillow to make sure that won't mess them up first.

    Source(s): Personal experience
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  • 1 decade ago

    The problem may be your pillow and the things in it which may be causing for you to have allergy during the night. Try wrapping the pillow in a plastic bad and cover with a freshly washed cover or a towel and then see. If you don't have a problem, then it is the pillow, otherwise we may have to look for something else.

  • paobay
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Have something changed in your room around the time you get this problem? Such as window treatment, mattress, carpet, new pets? Time to check out with a Doc.

  • Dallas
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    change your pillow cases on your pillow often. i found out that my morning sneezing was because my cat was lying on my pillow and i kept getting her hair up my nose at night. Don't know if this will help ya or not, sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try taking benadryl before you go to bed at night. It works better than the more expensive stuff and knocks you out too!

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